c – 工会会员活跃的原因是什么?

c – 工会会员活跃的原因是什么?,第1张

概述什么使工会会员活跃? 我已经阅读了C 14标准的第9.5章(关于工会的第9.5章),但我还没有找到一个明确的答案,说明工会成员的活动是什么. 有一个说明: In general, one must use explicit destructor calls and placement new operators to change the active member of a union. 例如, 什么使工会会员活跃?

我已经阅读了C 14标准的第9.5章(关于工会的第9.5章),但我还没有找到一个明确的答案,说明工会成员的活动是什么.


In general,one must use explicit destructor calls and placement new
operators to change the active member of a union.


union U {  int i;  short s;} u;new(&u.i) int(42);

好的,放置新的更改活动成员,很明显.但是在使用具有普通构造函数的类型时,我们通常不使用placement new.

operator =是否在没有UB的情况下更改活动成员?

u.i = 42;

这里,operator =调用未构造的对象.它定义明确吗?


struct A {  int i0;  int i1;};union U {  A a;  short s;} u;


u.a.i0 = 42;u.a.i1 = 99;


u.a.i0 = 42;     // supposedly this doesn't change the active member to a,as i1 isn't setint x = u.a.i0;  // is it fine to read from a.i0? a is not an active member supposedly

在u.a.i0 = 42;之后,活动成员不会改为a(我认为),所以UB要做int x = u.a.i0 ;?

C 17是否改进了活跃成员的描述?

解决方法 在C 17中,添加了一个段落,明确讨论了像u.i = 42这样的案例:

[class.union]/5 When the left operand of an assignment operator involves a member access Expression (8.2.5) that nominates a union member,it may begin the lifetime of that union member,as described below. For an Expression E,
define the set S(E) of subExpressions of E as follows:

(5.1) — If E is of the form A.B,S(E) contains the elements of S(A),and also contains A.B if B names a union member of a non-class,non-array type,or of a class type with a trivial default constructor that is not deleted,or an array of such types.

(5.2) — If E is of the form A[B] and is interpreted as a built-in array subscripting operator,S(E) is S(A) if A is of array type,S(B) if B is of array type,and empty otherwise.

(5.3) — Otherwise,S(E) is empty.

In an assignment Expression of the form E1 = E2 that uses either the built-in assignment operator (8.18) or a trivial assignment operator (15.8),for each element X of S(E1),if modification of X would have undefined behavior under 6.8,an object of the type of X is implicitly created in the nominated storage; no initialization is performed and the beginning of its lifetime is sequenced after the value computation of the left and right operands and before the assignment. [ Note: This ends the lifetime of the prevIoUsly-active member of the union,if any (6.8). —end note ]



以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c – 工会会员活跃的原因是什么?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c – 工会会员活跃的原因是什么?所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/langs/1240917.html

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