跨平台 – CCScrollView for cocos2d-x有效吗?

跨平台 – CCScrollView for cocos2d-x有效吗?,第1张

概述编辑:有足够的重写和评论,我已经运行,将在下面发布最终其他人. 编辑2:我一直在更新我自己的版本,而且我已经了解到原来的编码器对C不是很好,你可能想在使用它之前查看其中的所有内容,请查看下面的评论 目前可用的CCScrollView for cocos2d-x存在一个主要缺陷:它搞砸了. 具体来说,cpp函数头与.h文件不匹配. cpp文件引用UIEvent和NSMutableArray,而不是X 编辑:有足够的重写和评论,我已经运行,将在下面发布最终其他人.


目前可用的CCScrollVIEw for cocos2d-x存在一个主要缺陷:它搞砸了.


滚动视图本身必须添加一个数组,这限制了您使用for循环创建菜单项(如果创建菜单项)的能力,因为您不能使用可变的,并且它们不会像iOS所以你不能只使用一个mutable然后说CCArray * array = mutable-> getMutableArray()或类似的.








#ifndef __CCSCRolLLAYER__#define __CCSCRolLLAYER__//  CCScrollLayer.h////  copyright 2010 DK101//  http://dk101.net/2010/11/30/implementing-page-scrolling-in-cocos2d/////  copyright 2010 Giv Parvaneh.//  http://www.givp.org/blog/2010/12/30/scrolling-menus-in-cocos2d/////  copyright 2011 Stepan Generalov////  copyright 2011 Eli Yukelzon////  Permission is hereby granted,free of charge,to any person obtaining a copy//  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),to deal//  in the Software without restriction,including without limitation the rights//  to use,copy,modify,merge,publish,distribute,sublicense,and/or sell//  copIEs of the Software,and to permit persons to whom the Software is//  furnished to do so,subject to the following conditions:////  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in//  all copIEs or substantial portions of the Software.////  THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS",WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,EXPRESS OR//  IMPLIED,INCLUDING BUT NOT liMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIliTY,//  fitness FOR A PARTIculaR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE//  AUTHORS OR copYRIGHT HolDERS BE liABLE FOR ANY CLaim,damAGES OR OTHER//  liABIliTY,WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,TORT OR OTHERWISE,ARISING FROM,//  OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEAliNGS IN//  THE SOFTWARE.// Original source: https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-iphone-extensions/tree/master/Extensions/CCScrollLayer // Last updated: October 1,2011 #include "cocos2d.h"namespace cocos2d {    class CCScrollLayer;    class CCScrollLayerDelegate    {    public:        /** Called when scroll layer begins scrolling.         * Usefull to cancel CCtouchdispatcher standardDelegates.         */        virtual voID scrollLayerScrollingStarted(CCScrollLayer* sender) {}        /** Called at the end of movetoPage:         * Doesn't get called in selectPage:         */        virtual voID scrollLayerScrolledtopageNumber(CCScrollLayer* sender,unsigned int page) {}    };    /*      It is a very clean and elegant subclass of cclayer that lets you pass-in an array      of layers and it will then create a smooth scroller.      Complete with the "snapPing" effect. You can create screens with anything that can be added to a cclayer.     */     class CCScrollLayer :   public cclayer    {        int currentScreen; //added        int totalScreens;        float scrollWIDth;        float scrollHeight;        float startWIDth;        float startHeight;        int startSwipe;    public:        //CCScrollLayer();        ~CCScrollLayer();        static CCScrollLayer* nodeWithLayers(CCArray* layers,int wIDthOffset);         bool initWithLayers(CCArray* layers,int wIDthOffset);         /** Updates all pages positions & adds them as children if needed.         * Can be used to update position of pages after screen reshape,or          * for update after dynamic page add/remove.          */        voID updatePages();        /** Adds new page and reorders pages trying to set given number for newly added page.         * If number > pages count - adds new page to the right end of the scroll layer.         * If number <= 0 - adds new page to the left end of the scroll layer.          * @attention Designated addPage method.          */        voID addPage(cclayer* aPage,unsigned int pageNumber);        /** Adds new page to the right end of the scroll layer. */        voID addPage(cclayer* aPage);        /** Removes page if it's one of scroll layers pages (not children)         * Does nothing if page not found.         */        voID removePage(cclayer* aPage);        /** Removes page with given number. Doesn nothing if there's no page for such number. */        voID removePageWithNumber(unsigned int pageNumber);        /* Moves scrollLayer to page with given number & invokes delegate         * method scrollLayer:scrolledtopageNumber: at the end of CCMoveto action.          * Does nothing if number >= totalScreens or < 0.         */        voID movetoPage(unsigned int pageNumber);        /* Immedeatly moves scrollLayer to page with given number without running CCMoveto.          * Does nothing if number >= totalScreens or < 0.         */        voID selectPage(unsigned int pageNumber);        CC_SYNTHESIZE(CCScrollLayerDelegate*,m_pDelegate,Delegate);        /** Calibration property. Minimum moving touch length that is enough         * to cancel menu items and start scrolling a layer.          */        CC_SYNTHESIZE(CGfloat,m_fMinimumtouchLengthToSlIDe,MinimumtouchLengthToSlIDe);        /** Calibration property. Minimum moving touch length that is enough to change         * the page,without snapPing back to the prevIoUs selected page.         */        CC_SYNTHESIZE(CGfloat,m_fMinimumtouchLengthtochangePage,MinimumtouchLengthtochangePage);        /** If YES - when starting scrolling CCScrollLayer will claim touches,that are          * already claimed by others targetedtouchDelegates by calling CCtouchdispatcher#touchesCancelled         * Usefull to have ability to scroll with touch above menus in pages.         * If NO - scrolling will start,but no touches will be cancelled.         * Default is YES.         */        CC_SYNTHESIZE(bool,m_bStealtouches,Stealtouches);        /** Whenever show or not white/grey dots under the scroll layer.         * If yes - dots will be rendered in parents transform (rendered after scroller visit).         */        CC_SYNTHESIZE(bool,m_bShowPagesIndicator,ShowPagesIndicator);        /** position of dots center in parent coordinates.          * (Default value is screenWIDth/2,screenHeight/4)         */        CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCPoint,m_tPagesIndicatorposition,PagesIndicatorposition);        /** Total pages available in scrollLayer. */        unsigned int getTotalScreens() const;        /** Current page number,that is shown. Belongs to the [0,totalScreen] interval. */        CC_SYNTHESIZE_Readonly(unsigned int,m_uCurrentScreen,CurrentScreen);        /** Offset,that can be used to let user see next/prevIoUs page. */        CC_SYNTHESIZE(CGfloat,m_fPagesWIDthOffset,PagesWIDthOffset);        /** Offset that can be used to let user see empty space over first or last page. */        CC_SYNTHESIZE(CGfloat,m_fmarginOffset,marginOffset);        /** Array of pages cclayer's  */        CC_SYNTHESIZE_Readonly(CCArray*,m_pLayers,Pages);    protected:        // The x coord of initial point the user starts their swipe.        CGfloat m_fStartSwipe;        // Internal state of scrollLayer (scrolling or IDle).        int m_iState;        bool m_bStealingtouchInProgress;        // Holds the touch that started the scroll        CCtouch* m_pScrolltouch;        //voID visit();        //voID movetoPageEnded();        unsigned int pageNumberForposition(const CCPoint& position);        CCPoint positionForPageWithNumber(unsigned int pageNumber);        voID claimtouch(CCtouch* ptouch);        voID cancelAndStoletouch(CCtouch* ptouch,CCEvent* pEvent);        //voID registerWithtouchdispatcher();        bool cctouchBegan(CCtouch* ptouch,CCEvent* pEvent);        voID cctouchmoved(CCtouch* ptouch,CCEvent* pEvent);        voID cctouchended(CCtouch* ptouch,CCEvent* pEvent);        //voID cctouchCancelled(CCtouch* ptouch,CCEvent* pEvent);        };} //end namespace#endif


//  CCScrollLayer.cpp//  Museum////  Created by GParvaneh on 29/12/2010.//  copyright 2010. All rights reserved.//  Ported to C++ by lior Tamam on 03/04/2011#include "CCScrollLayer.h"using namespace cocos2d;CCScrollLayer* CCScrollLayer::nodeWithLayers(CCArray*  layers,int wIDthOffset){       CCScrollLayer *pRet = new CCScrollLayer();    if (pRet && pRet->initWithLayers(layers,wIDthOffset))    {        pRet->autorelease();        return pRet;    }    CCX_SAFE_DELETE(pRet);    return NulL;}bool CCScrollLayer::initWithLayers(CCArray* layers,int wIDthOffset){       if (cclayer::init())    {               // Make sure the layer accepts touches        CCtouchdispatcher::shareddispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate(this,true);        // Set up the starting variables        //if(!wIDthOffset)        {        //  wIDthOffset = 0;        }           currentScreen = 1;        // offset added to show prevIEw of next/prevIoUs screens        scrollWIDth  = (int)CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().wIDth - wIDthOffset;        scrollHeight = (int)CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().height;        startWIDth = scrollWIDth;        startHeight = scrollHeight;        // Loop through the array and add the screens        unsigned int i;        for (i=0; i<layers->count(); i++)        {            cclayer* l = (cclayer*)layers->objectAtIndex(i);            //l->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0));            //l->setposition(ccp((i*scrollWIDth),0));            addChild(l);                    }        // Setup a count of the available screens        totalScreens = layers->count();        return true;        }    else    {        return false;    }   }voID CCScrollLayer::setMaximumScrollHeight(float maxHeight){    //Make the offset match expected pixels (include the current screen if at ccp(0,0)    maxHeight -= CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize().height;    maximumScrollHeight = maxHeight;} CCScrollLayer::~CCScrollLayer(){    CCtouchdispatcher::shareddispatcher()->removeDelegate(this);    cclayer::onExit();}bool CCScrollLayer::cctouchBegan(CCtouch *touch,CCEvent *withEvent){//  //  CCPoint touchPoint = touch->locationInVIEw();//  touchPoint = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touchPoint);//  //  startSwipe = (int)touchPoint.y;    return true;}voID CCScrollLayer::cctouchmoved(CCtouch *touch,CCEvent *withEvent){       CCPoint touchPoint = touch->locationInVIEw();    CCPoint prevPoint = touch->prevIoUsLocationInVIEw();    touchPoint = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touchPoint);    prevPoint = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(prevPoint);    CCPoint difference = ccp( touchPoint.x - prevPoint.x,touchPoint.y - prevPoint.y);    CCPoint currentPos = this->getposition();    currentPos = ccp( currentPos.x,currentPos.y+difference.y);    if (currentPos.y > maximumScrollHeight)     {        currentPos.y = maximumScrollHeight;        //this->setpositionY(maximumScrollHeight);    }    else if (currentPos.y < 0)    {        currentPos.y = 0;       // this->setpositionY(0);    }    this->setposition(currentPos);}/*voID CCScrollLayer::cctouchended(CCtouch *touch,CCEvent *withEvent){    //CCPoint touchPoint = touch->locationInVIEw();    //touchPoint = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(touchPoint);    int newX = (int)touchPoint.x;    if ( (newX - startSwipe) < -scrollWIDth / 3 && (currentScreen+1) <= totalScreens )    {    //  this->movetoNextPage();    }    else if ( (newX - startSwipe) > scrollWIDth / 3 && (currentScreen-1) > 0 )    {    //  this->movetoPrevIoUsPage();    }    else    {    //  this->movetoPage(currentScreen);            }   }*/
对于通过搜索引擎找到此内容的任何人来说,恢复旧线程以添加新信息: CCScrollView现在是GUI扩展的一部分,并且似乎运行得相当好.不再需要上面提到的实现. 总结

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的跨平台 – CCScrollView for cocos2d-x有效吗?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决跨平台 – CCScrollView for cocos2d-x有效吗?所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/web/1000099.html

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