clot与heather grey wall pop up是什么时候_地址在哪?

clot与heather grey wall pop up是什么时候_地址在哪?,第1张

Sonoclot 凝血血小板功能分析仪的原理及应用摘要Sonoclot 凝血及血小板功能分析仪是一种通过检测血凝块粘d性,来测定体外凝血及血小板功能的仪器。在心血管外科、肝移植手术和其它出血量大的手术中,以及儿科、重症监护及止血研究等领域中的应用越来越多,已逐渐成为一种重要、准确、快捷的临床止血和凝血功能的检验工具。本文对该仪器的原理及应用作一简介。ABSTRACT Sonoclot coagulation & platelet function analyzer can test the viscoelasticity of clot and reflect the functions of coagulation and platelet in vitro Currently, it has been used in cardiovascular surgery, liver transplantation and other surgeries with massive hemorrhage It can also be used in pediatric ward, intensive care unit and homeostasis research It has gradually become an important, accurate and convenient tool for clinical homeostasis examination This article introduces briefly the mechanism and applications of this instrument Sonoclot 凝血及血小板功能分析仪(Sonoclot coagulation & platelet function analyzer,SCA,SIENCO,Inc,USA)由Von Kaulla等人于1975年发明,主要用于对凝血和血小板功能进行体外检测。目前,该仪器在心血管外科、肝移植手术和其他出血量大的手术中,以及儿科、重症监护及止血研究等领域中的应用越来越多,已逐渐成为一种重要、准确、快捷的临床止血检验工具。本文对该仪器的原理及应用作一简介。一、正常止血过程血管受损后,组织因子进入血液、血液与血管内皮下胶原相接触可以分别启动外源性及内源性凝血系统,并通过共同途径最终生成凝血酶,在凝血酶的作用下纤维蛋白原变为纤维蛋白单体,纤维蛋白单体再聚合为纤维蛋白多聚体,最终使血液成为凝胶状。这也就是通常所说的凝血级联反应。在凝血过程中,血小板也发挥着非常重要的作用[1]。首先,血管壁破损后,血小板在VW因子的介导下,粘附于内皮下胶原,并被内皮下组织及局部形成的凝血酶激活,发生释放反应,释放ADP及TXA2, 从而进一步吸引血小板发生聚集。激活的血小板和纤维蛋白共同形成白色血栓。凝血块形成后,血小板的收缩蛋白通过纤维蛋白网络结构,使血凝块发生收缩(凝血收缩),这样可以大大加强血凝块的强度,最终起到止血的作用。这时血凝块也由凝胶态变为固态。另外,血小板对于凝血级联反应也有加速及催化的作用。可见,血小板对于正常的止血功能发挥着异常重要的作用。在凝血系统启动的同时,纤溶及抗凝系统也被激活,使止血及抗凝系统在新的平衡点上达成新的动态平衡。二、Sonoclot分析仪的原理及检测参数Sonoclot 凝血及血小板功能分析仪(图1)可以提供血液样本体外止血过程的全部资料,其检测参数可以反映凝血系统激活、纤维蛋白凝胶形成、凝血收缩及纤维蛋白溶解的相关信息。其工作原理为:与超声传感器相连的一次性塑料探针在新鲜未抗凝的血液标本(036ml)中以200Hz的频率上下震动,所遇到的阻力被记录下来,转化为模拟电信号,以凝血信号(clot signal)的方式由电脑或打印机显示出来。其实质上是对血液标本整个凝固过程中粘d性变化进行实时测算(图2、3)。其检测参数包括:ACT(SonAct,激活凝血时间)血液标本保持液态的时间,正常值为85-145s,主要反映内源性凝血系统的状况(图4)。CR(clot rate, 凝血速率),曲线上升的第一个斜率,反映纤维蛋白形成的速率,间接反映纤维蛋白原的水平(图5),正常值为15-45 clot signal /min。凝血块形成后,在血小板及纤维蛋白的共同作用下发生收缩,随着血凝块强度变大,sonoclot标记曲线上升,并逐渐达到顶峰,随着凝血收缩的进行,血凝块会从探针的表面拉开,使sonoclot标记曲线下降(图6)。 TP(time to peak,达到高峰时间),凝血信号曲线达到高峰的时间,该高峰由纤维蛋白与血小板相互作用而成,可反映纤维蛋白原水平及血小板的量及功能,正常值〈30 min;MCS(maximal clot signal,最大凝血标记值)代表探针遇到的最大阻力值,其高度反映凝血收缩的强度,正常值70-90 clot signal(图7)。PF(platelet function, 血小板功能) ,反映血小板功能,由与分析仪相连的Signature viewer电脑软件依据血液标本结束液态阶段(纤维蛋白多聚体形成)后凝血收缩的强度及速度(凝血收缩过程中sonoclot曲线各点的微积分值)计算出的相对值。血小板的功能除了PF外,还可由TP、MCS反映。正常Sonoclot曲线通常可见两个明显的高峰,第一个高峰反映了纤维蛋白原转变成纤维蛋白,其上升支越陡(CR值大),说明纤维蛋白原的浓度越高,其转变成纤维蛋白的速度越快;第一个高峰之后的曲线下降至第二个高峰形成及其后的下降支是纤维蛋白与血小板产生相互作用,血凝块发生收缩的结果;第二个高峰越高、越陡,说明凝血收缩越强烈,纤维蛋白原的浓度越大,血小板参与凝血的综合体现(反映血小板的量、功能及其与纤维蛋白相互作用的情况)越好。可见,Sonoclot分析仪不但可反映凝血因子的状况,而且也可反映血小板的数量及功能。三、Sonoclot检验与常规凝血检验常规凝血功能检验包括:凝血相(APTT、PT、CT、TT、FIB)及血小板计数(PLT)。其中凝血相只能反映凝血因子的状况,并不能反映整个凝血过程的全貌;血小板计数只是对血小板的定量检验,并不能反映血小板的功能。而Sonoclot分析仪所反映的是凝血级联及凝血系统全过程中的综合情况,即凝血因子及血小板的相互作用,这是常规凝血功能检查所无法作到的。更重要的是,到目前为止尚缺乏一种适用于临床的检测血小板功能的方法[2]。目前检测血小板功能的经典方法是在添加不同诱导物质的条件下,进行的血小板功能检验,但这种方法,复杂、费时,只适于在实验室中进行。而Sonoclot分析仪的参数与血小板的功能具有很好的相关性,有报道认为Sonoclot分析仪测定的Tp与胶原诱导的血小板凝集性、血小板计数和纤维蛋白原水平呈多元线性相关(r = 0742)[2]。从而为床旁对凝血及血小板功能进行快捷、准确的检验提供了一种可行的方法。而且,Sonoclot检验用于预测术后凝血功能障碍的敏感性和准确性均优于常规凝血功能检验[3,4]。四、Sonoclot分析仪的临床应用1.抗凝管理:心血管手术及抗凝治疗过程中,Sonoclot分析仪可以准确反映抗凝的效果,从而为抗凝剂的使用提供客观依据(图8)。2.围术期凝血功能检测:在肝移植(图9)[5]、心血管手术后止血功能异常的预测[4]和其他出血量较大的手术中,以及鉴别术后出血原因时(图10)[6], Sonoclot分析仪可以及时提供凝血及血小板功能的相关信息,为临床医师的处理提供可靠依据,指导血液制品的使用,有针对性的对凝血功能的异常表现进行干预,减少血液制品的浪费。3.DIC的辅助诊断:DIC是重症监护以及紧急抢救过程中的常见病症,其诊断目前主要依靠临床医师对患者的临床表现以及一些实验室指标的综合判断。Sonoclot分析仪可以在短时间内(20-30分钟)提供直观的DIC的相关信息,帮助医师快速准确的做出判断(图11)。 4 高凝状态的识别:Peck 等人[7]发现将Sonoclot检验与凝血酶生成试验(TGT)结合应用可以使高凝状态的识别率达到79-100%。从而为高凝状态的识别及监测提供一种快速、简便的方法。另外,由于Sonoclot分析仪检验所需血量较少(036ml),很适合于新生儿及小婴儿的凝血功能的检验。Sonoclot分析仪为我们提供了一种全新的,可以快捷、准确反映凝血系统综合状况的检验方法,是我们可以只用较少的血量而获得较多的信息。但Sonoclot检验并不是唯一的、最终的诊断依据,临床医师仍应结合病人情况及其他检验指标进行综合判断。


Kites have been around for thousands of years and they are a part of many different cultures around the world

In China,there's a long history to fly a kite in the Spring while usually the weather and wind are so suitable for this leisure and with the development of society, flying kite bee to be a world wide sport

The most famous kite flying city in China is Weifang cit y in Shandong provience, every year there are numerous kite lovers go there to fly their own kites


Donna Karan

Donna Karan is the fashion designer and the creator of the DKNY (Donna Karan New York) clothing label

The first DKNY flagship store opened in 1999 at Madison Avenue and 60th in New York Aording to the pany’s web site there are Donna Karan stores in New York, Manhasset, Boston, Costa Mesa, London, Singapore, Tokyo, Fukuoka, Las Vegas and Dubai The Donna Karan store in Berlin was closed in December 2001 The DKNY label has its own stores, located predominantly in retail shopping malls Apart from DKNY stores in New York, Costa Mesa, Short Hills, Boston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, there are international outlets in London, Anerp, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Dubai, Tel Aviv and Montreal, as well as Cancún, Barcelona, Ankara, Manchester, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Beirut, and Athens among others In addition, there are so-called Donna Karan Company stores, predominantly located within outlet malls, which sell the merchandise at reduced prices

Since 2005, Donna Karan has offered online shopping of its DKNY and associated lines at the label's web site Products range from DKNY and DKNY Jeans womenswear, aessories, underwear, shoes, baby clothing, the PURE collection to DKNY menswear The latter was available up until the spring 2007 season Since then only the DKNY Jeans label, underwear, eyewear and watches have been offered online for men

The pany maintains design studios, showrooms and offices at 550 Seventh Avenue (Manhattan) (headquarters) and 240 W 40th St in New York City


Chivas Regal is a premium Scotch whisky produced by Chivas Brothers in Aberdeen, Scotland, founded in 1801 The Chivas brand's home is Strathisla Distillery at Keith, Moray in Speyside, Scotland

Chivas Regal is one of the best selling premium whiskies in the world, available in over 200 countries It is the best selling premium Scotch whisky in Europe and Asia Pacific and is rated one of the world's most powerful spirits brands Chivas Regal is one of the best performing spirits brands globally, with sales having grown by 40% over the last four years


Introduced in 1987, Bijan by Bijan perfume for women is a refined, oriental, woody fragrance This feminine scent possesses a blend of sandalwood, oakmoss and orange flower Bijan for Women perfume contains 173 precious ingredients, while the eau de parfum contains 157 The ingeniously designed circular glass flacon bottle with an open center and a dividing web visually defies gravity when half full, the fragrance fills o separate chambers

Estée Lauder

In 1946, Mrs Estée Lauder began with one face crème, and the desire to bring out the beauty in every woman By the time the revolutionary fragrance Youth-Dew was introduced in 1953, the Estée Lauder brand had already won a reputation for innovation, research and quality

Today, Estée Lauder's skincare, makeup and fragrance collections exemplify the best that technology, science and art can achieve The Estée Lauder name on a product is recognised in over 100 countries for quality maintained and promises kept

Christian Dior

Headquartered in Paris, Christian Dior SA (more monly known as Dior) is a French high-fashion clothing retailer owned by the major luxury pany, Mot Hennessy Louis Vuitton Alone, Christian Dior SA itself controls 42% of LVMH assets The Dior label is the namesake of designer Christian Dior who launched the haute couture empire in 1946 Christian Dior Couture, a division of the whole House of Dior, designs and produces some of the world's most coveted haute couture, as well as luxury ready-to-wear fashion, menswear and aessories Today, Dior operates about 160 boutiques worldwide with plans to open more in the ing years

Chanel No 5

Chanel No 5 was the first fragrance from Parisian couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, and has been on sale continually since its introduction in 1921 It has been described as "the world's most legendary fragrance", and remains the pany's most famous perfume The pany estimates that a bottle is sold worldwide every 55 seconds

valentino garavani

Valentino is a master of elegance and opulence In business since 1960, the Italian designer made his mark early on creating luxurious gowns with intricate detailing and tastefully body-conscious silhouettes The fabrics tend to be both delicate and rich—laces, chiffons, and silk crepe, along with wool, leather, and suede Valentino has long been popular among European royalty, American socialites, and celebrities While his new creations get a great deal of attention—and requests, especially around red-carpet time—many also collect his vintage dresses, like the black gown with white piping Julia Roberts wore to aept her Oscar in 2001 The menswear collection is known for sharp, classic tailoring


In 1893, at the age of just enty-one, a young gentleman inventor, Alfred Dunhill, inherited his father's saddlery business on London's Euston Road The entrepreneurial Alfred quickly responded to the growing passion for automobiles and developed a luxurious line of aessories - Dunhill's Motorities This first collection included car horns and lamps, leather overcoats, goggles, piic sets and timepieces Alfred's claim was to provide "Everything but the Motor" to his discerning clientele

Over one hundred years later, Alfred Dunhill has bee the leading maker and purveyor of English luxury goods for men Alfred Dunhill has always been mitted to innovation in design and function, realised in the finest materials by highly skilled craft en Choose from a superior selection of exceptional Leathergoods, Timepieces, Writing Instruments, Ready to Wear and Jewellery

True to our heritage, the art of finely crafted leathergoods remains at the heart of the pany Using only the very highest quality of raw materials, carefully selected from the world's leading tanneries, Alfred Dunhill offers an unparalleled collection of leathergoods; from capacious hand made touring luggage, elegant attaché and document cases, through





Baseball is a sport played beeen o teams usually of nine players each It is a bat-and-ball game in which a pitcher throws (pitches) a hard, fist-sized, leather-covered ball toward a batter on the opposing team The batter attempts to hit the baseball with a tapered cylindrical bat, made of wood (as required in professional baseball) or a variety of other materials (as allowed in many nonprofessional games) A team scores runs only when batting, by advancing its players—primarily via hits—counterclockwise past a series of four markers called bases arranged at the corners of a niy-foot square, or "diamond" The game, played without time restriction, is structured around nine segments called innings In each inning, both teams are given the opportunity to bat and score runs; a team's half-inning ends when three outs are recorded against that team











The libra is appears night of in the summer in the Milky Way west constellation, mark of the constellation is symbolizing the balance o trays, the libra protection star is Venus, its patron god is west the just goddess Si Duo the Li Asia and love goddess Venus regarding the good and evil o extreme ideas, is maintaining the very balanced condition, this is the libra individualityGenerally speaking, the libra person's life is ordinary and joyfulThe libra person can forever maintain is not injured can get along in all social situations, the ooth manner, therefore, does not like displaying the innermost feelings the truth



Rapping hip hop music can be traced back in many ways to its African roots Centuries before the United States existed, the griots of West Africa were delivering stories rhythmically, over drums and sparse instrumentation Because of the time that has passed since the griots of old, the connections beeen rap and the African griots are widely established, but not clear-cut However, such connections have been acknowledged by rappers, modern day "griots", spoken word artists, mainstream news sources, and academics

Blues music, rooted in the work songs and spirituals of slavery and influenced greatly by West African musical traditions, was first played by blacks (and some whites) in the Mississippi Delta region of the United States around the time of the Emancipation Proclamation Grammy-winning blues musician/historian Elijah Wald and others have argued that the blues were being rapped as early as the 1920s Wald went so far as to call hip hop "the living blues"

The Memphis Jug Band, an early blues group, whose lyrical content and rhythmic singing predated rapping

The Memphis Jug Band, an early blues group, whose lyrical content and rhythmic singing predated rapping

Jazz, developed from the blues and other African-American musical traditions, originated around the beginning of the 20th century Aording to John Sobol, the jazz musician and poet who wrote Digiia Blues, rap "bears a striking resemblance to the evolution of jazz both stylistically and formally"

During the mid-20th century, the musical culture of the Caribbean was constantly influenced by the concurrent changes in American music From the 1950s through the 1970s, the descendants of Caribbean slaves in Jamaica were mixing their traditional folk music styles of mento music with the jazz, soul, rock and blues of America In Jamaica, this influenced the creation of reggae music (and later dancehall) As early as 1956, deejays were toasting (an African tradition of "rapped out" tales of heroi ) over dubbed Jamaican beats It was called "rap", expanding the word's earlier meaning in the African-American munity—"to discuss or debate informally"

Etymology [Rap这个词本身的来历]:

The use of the word to describe quick speech or repartee long predates the musical form,meaning originally "to hit" The word had been used in British English since the 16th century, and specifically meaning "to say" since the 18th It was part of the African American dialect of English in the 1960s meaning "to converse", and very soon after that in its present usage as a term denoting the musical style

Rapping can be delivered over a beat or without acpaniment Stylistically, rap oupies a gray area among speech, prose, poetry, and song Rap is derived from the griots (folk poets) of West Africa, and Jamaican-style toasting It also has precedents in traditional Celtic music Modern rap battles, for instance, bear a striking resemblance to the Limerick Game, a traditional Gaelic drinking game in which people pete for notoriety by making up insulting limericks about each other, the loser having to buy the next round of drinks Likewise, puirt a beul, a form of Scottish mouth music was incorporated into Appalachian music and is an early ancestor of modern mouth percussion, or beatboxing The influence of Scottish and Irish music on hip hop is not direct, since virtually all of the originators of hip hop culture were African American, but were transferred indirectly by way of American roots music[citation needed] Roots music was created out of the fusion of African and Celtic music in the American South and is typified by the bination of African rhythms, Gaelic melodies, and (oasionally) vocal improvisation It forms the basis of virtually all American musical styles from bluegrass to the blues, jazz, rock, funk, and country Hip hop grew out of this same tradition; stripping down the melody, emphasizing the rhythm, and incorporating mouth music, battling, and vocal improvisation

Rapping developed both inside and outside of hip hop culture, and began with the street parties thrown in the Bronx neighborhood of New York in the 70s by Jamaican expatriate Kool Herc and others The parties introduced dancehall and the practice of having a "Master of Ceremonies," or MC, get up on stage with the DJ and shout encouragements to the crowd in a practice known as 'toasting' Over time, those shouts of encouragement became longer and more plex and cross-pollinated with the spoken-word poetry scene to evolve into rap It's believed that the first rapper to actually call himself an MC was Melle Mel from Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five He is also credited as being the first Hip Hop MC to rap in a traditional verse/chorus format From the beginning hip hop culture has been syncretic, incorporating sounds and elements from radically divergent sources While Funk breaks formed the backbone of early hip hop, Kraferk and other early techno artists were widely sampled as well







Parkour (sometimes abbreviated to PK) is an activity with the aim of moving from one point to another as efficiently and quickly as possible, using principally the abilities of the human body It is meant to help one overe obstacles, which can be anything in the surrounding environment — from branches and rocks to rails and concrete walls — and can be practiced in both rural and urban areas Male parkour practitioners are recognized as traceurs and female as traceuses Founded by David Belle in France, parkour focuses on practicing efficient movements to develop your body and mind to be able to overe obstacles in an emergency Also may be a form of entertainment or as a pastime Parkour is a physical activity which is difficult to categorize It is not an extreme sport, but an art or discipline that resembles self-defense in the martial arts Aording to David Belle, the physical aspect of parkour is getting over all the obstacles in your path as you would in an emergency You want to move in such a way, with any movement, that will help you gain the most ground on someone/something as if escaping from it, or chasing toward it Thus, when faced with a hostile confrontation with a person, one will be able to speak, fight, or flee As martial arts are a form of training for the fight, parkour is a form of training for the flight Because of its difficulty to categorize, it is often said that parkour is in its own category: "parkour is parkour" An important characteristic of parkour is efficiency A practitioner moves not merely as fast as he can, but also in the least energy-consuming and most direct way possible Efficiency also involves avoiding injuries, short and long-term, part of why parkour's unofficial motto is être et durer (to be and to last) Parkour is also known to have an influence on practitioner's thought process Traceurs and traceuses experience a change in their critical thinking skills to help them overe physical and mental obstacles in everyday life

CLOT x Heather Grey Wall POP-UP本周就要在日本开店了,这次陈冠希也将会亲自到场,这次POP-UP日本站非常值得一去,有在当地的就别错过了。下面我给大家讲讲clot与heather grey wall pop up是什么时候?clot日本POP-UP店铺地址在哪?


clot潮牌一直设计的非常好看,但是由于店铺开的比较少,所以不是很好买到,这次在日本的朋友有福了,CLOT x Heather Grey Wall POP-UP的时间是8月18日下午两点到五点。

不知各位是否也在期待即将于上海举办的 2017 INNERSECT 全球潮流文化体验展,身为创意总监的陈冠希最近潮流动态颇多。刚结束了 VLONE 北京 POP-UP 活动的他,不久前又在个人 Instagram 上公布了最新行程——CLOT 即将于日本 Heather Grey Wall 举办快闪活动。陈冠希也会亲自到场。届时正巧在日本的朋友,有兴趣的话不妨密切留意。


3-28-5 Jingumae,Shibuya-ku, Tokyo


CLOT是香港著名艺人陈冠希创办的凝结集团(CLOT FAMILY)的简称及该公司旗下潮流服装品牌名称。凝结集团是一个LIFESTYLE的公司,由香港著名艺人陈冠希创办于2003年6月。主要以创作服装(包括CLOT品牌服装以及在香港的JUICE店铺)、策划PARTY、帮助服装公司做Consultant等。CLOT品牌服装是中国第一潮牌,在全球潮流品牌中占有一席之地。Edison陈冠希2003年创办了自己的服装品牌CLOT,并自己参与服装的设计、用料等各个方面,成为中国第一潮牌,并在世界上都有一定的影响力。

可以说CLOT曾经是国内最优秀的服装品牌,没有之一,陈冠希的CLOT是在正确是时间里做了正确的事。他在香港开办的JUICE、在上海开的ACU正在成为国内潮人的圣地,不仅是NIKE、Levi's还有PEPSI、BANDAI、LACOSTE等都有合作的规划了,也许CLOT这个小巨人可以成就一个时尚界的新名词。CLOT与CONVERSE于2012年11月1日晚在香港铜锣湾JUICE店举行特别联名系列发布会及派对。CONVERSE与香港潮流文化代表的CLOT连手发布限量Pro Leather系列终于曝光,两股街头文化势力的大碰撞,真正体现出历史经典、独特的香港街头文化和原创潮流的融合再生。美国大热品牌SSUR 因为其恶搞CHANEL而引起全球的抢购热潮。陈冠希也凭着跟SSUR 主理人RUSS好关系,顺势将其引入香港。



快夏天了就给大家放个很普通穿搭简单又时尚,卫衣是Clot,陈冠希的牌子就不用多介绍了,一个简单的logo非常好搭配,裤子是izzue it大牌子而且是和army联名,非常暖就是适合在春天秋天穿有点类似tb的感觉,鞋子是阿迪nmd现在这双给炒到4000+上脚舒服毕竟boost底而且容易搭配好看。

最日常的打扮,之前最爱的T恤丢了以后找到这件代替品Clot x Clsc。Evisu蓝色卫裤,微吊裆。配色概算鲜亮,随意看看吧。













Act Like You Know

作词:陈冠希/陈奂仁@The Invisible Men

作曲:Just Blaze/陈奂仁@The Invisible Men

编曲:陈奂仁@The Invisible Men

男声:Just Blaze

最近大家不清醒 好像中了感冒

我当你阿斯匹灵 帮你退烧 我说过乖乖吃药 你的病会好


你不信我 你以为自己真的那么屌

我是你老板 我控制你时间表

现在是战争 但q火没用得用脑

我刀q不入 还不快跑 老实说 我小时候跟你很

相似 爱慕虚荣 思想浅薄超白痴

我以前开法拉利 现在开宾士 因为我不需要面子 我需要银子

曾经每晚到Club去玩个够 现在我去自己的Club看球 不喝酒

我经理说过我不会有成就 现在替我找工作不怕愁


You'd better act like you know

冠希 and Just blaze

You'd Better Act like you know

双手举起 let it know let it know

不需要再说 cause you'd already know


You'd better act like you know

冠希 and Just blaze

You'd Better Act like you know

双手举起 let it know let it know

不需要再说 cause you'd already know

三年前 不断找人来合作

来巩固我的名声 现在只要我的名字 报纸一定会登

我承认我曾经买杂志来参考 跟着潮流跑 为了要需要 能威风


卖给你 学威风 有人说我曾经是 Nike狂

过夜排队入门 为了买一双 今天我的电话响了十次


妥协计划 为了进中国 跟我们合写

我以为钻石能让我风光 却发现内在的自傲 才是真的光芒

CLOT and Just Blaze and we've been pimpin all along

你不要再打给我 因为我在忙


You'd better act like you know

冠希 and Just blaze

You'd Better Act like you know

双手举起 let it know let it know

不需要再说 cause you'd already know


You'd better act like you know

冠希 and Just blaze

You'd Better Act like you know

双手举起 let it know let it know

不需要再说 cause you'd already know


You'd better act like you know

冠希 and Just blaze

You'd Better Act like you know

双手举起 let it know let it know

不需要再说 cause you'd already know


You'd better act like you know

冠希 and Just blaze

You'd Better Act like you know

双手举起 let it know let it know

不需要再说 cause you'd already know

以上就是关于激活凝血时间的原理全部的内容,包括:激活凝血时间的原理、关于"风筝"的英文的介绍、clot与heather grey wall pop up是什么时候_地址在哪等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!



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