

  电子发烧友网讯英蓓特科技将参加全球最大的DIY盛宴Maker Faire, 活动时间为4月6日、7日两天。 Maker Faire由美国MAKE杂志社举办,旨在展示创意、创新与创造,宣扬创客(Maker)文化。参观者可以与家人一起享受艺术、手工、科学、工程、音乐等领域中各种精彩的DIY作品。

  此次活动英蓓特将展出COOCOX产品系列,Raspsberry PI配件系列,中国版BB Black, Amtel SAMAD3-Xplained A5评估板,和飞思卡尔i.MX6 Solo RiOTboard. 英蓓特展位位于A区的17号展位。

全球DIY盛宴前瞻:英蓓特将参加深圳制汇节!,英蓓特将展出COOCOX产品系列,Raspsberry PI配件系列,第2张

  英蓓特的总经理AusTIn Su谈到:英蓓特一直致力于提供创新性的产品和解决方案,为我们的客户创造价值。


  Embest Technology to showcase the latest products on Maker Faire 2014 in Shenzhen

  Shenzhen, China, 6th-7th April 2014- Embest Technology will attend “Maker Faire 2014” - the biggest DIY fest in the world. Maker Faire was established by MAKE Magazine in US aiming to showcase invenTIon, creaTIvity and resourcefulness which Maker culture focuses on. Visitors, together with their families, may enjoy a wide range of outstanding DIY works from many areas art, handcraft, science, engineer and music at the Maker Faire.

  Embest will demo Coocox products, Raspsberry PI acssories, BB Black, Amtel SAMAD3-Xplained A5 evaluaTIon board, and Freescale i.MX6 Solo RiOTboard. Embest booth is located in Section A, No A17.

  Austin Su, General manager of Embest Technology said: Embest’s aims is to provide innovative products and solution strategies in order to create value for our customers.

  Look forward to seeing you on Maker Faire!



原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/dianzi/2715409.html

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