

创建于1906年的香港利丰有限公司是香港具有悠久历史的出口贸易商号,同时也是全世界规模最大的出口商之一,其业务分布世界很多国家和地区。 利丰于1906年创立,初时只从事瓷器及丝绸生意;一年之后,增添了其它的货品,包括竹器、藤器、玉石、象牙及其它手工艺品,包括烟花爆竹类别。
第二次世界大战期间,利丰暂停贸易业务。1943年,随着创办人冯柏燎先生去世后,业务移交给冯氏家族第二代。之后,向来不参与业务管理的合伙人李道明先生宣布退休,将所拥有的利丰股权全部卖给冯氏家族。目前由哈佛冯家两兄弟WilliamFung ,Victor Fung和CEOBruce Rockowitz管理。
截止到2012年,集团旗下有利亚﹝零售﹞有限公司 (股票代号:08052) 、利和集团(股票代号:02387)、利邦时装有限公司 (股票代号:00891)、利越时装有限公司、利丰贸易有限公司(股票代号:00494)。
利邦(上海)时装贸易有限公司为大中华区其中一家大型男士服装零售集团。现在在中国大陆、香港、台湾和澳门收购经营11个包括Cerruti 1881,Gieves & Hawkes,Kent & curwen和D’urban 等中档到高档的男士服装品牌,全国有超过350间门店设于各一线城市之高级商场及百货公司。
利越(上海)服装商贸有限公司隶属于Branded Lifestyle,负责中国大陆地区LEO里奥(意大利)、GIBO捷宝(意大利)、UFFIZI古杰师(意大利)、OVVIO奥维路(意大利)、Roots绿适(加拿大,全球服装排名第四)品牌销售业务
利丰(贸易)1995年收购了英之杰采购服务,1999年收购太古贸易有限公司(Swire & Maclain) 和金巴莉有限公司(Camberley),2000年和2002年分别收购香港采购出口集团Colby Group及Janco Oversea Limited,大大扩张了在美国及欧洲的顾客群,自2008年经济危机起一直到现在,收购多家欧、美、印、非等地区的时尚品牌,如英国品牌Visage,仅2011年上半年6个月就完成26个品牌的收购。
2004年利丰与Levi Strauss & Co签订特许经营协议
2005年利丰伙拍Daymon Worldwide为全球供应私有品牌和特许品牌
2006年收购Rossetti手袋业务及Oxford Womenswear Group 强化美国批发业务
2007年收购Tommy Hilfiher全球采购业务,收购CGroup、Peter Black International LTD、Regetta USA LLC和American Marketing Enterprice
2008年收购Kent&Curwen全球特许经营权,收购Van Zeeland,Inc和Miles Fashion Group
2009年收购加拿大休闲品牌Roots ,收购Wear Me Appearl,LLC。与Hudson's Bay、Wolverine Worldwide Inc、Talbots、Liz Claiborne达成了采购协议
2010年收购Oxford apparel Visage Group LTD
2011年一月收购土耳其Modium、美国女性时尚Beyond Productions,三月收购贸易公司Celissa 、玩具公司Techno Source USA, Inc、卡通品牌产品TVMania和法国著名时装一线品牌Cerruti 1881,五月收购Loyaltex Apparel Ltd、女装Hampshire Designers和英国彩妆Collection 2000,六月收购家私贸易Exim Designs Co, Ltd,七月收购家庭旅行产业Union Rich USA, LLC和设计公司Lloyd Textile Fashion Company Limited,八月收购童装Fishman & Tobin和Crimzon Rose,九月收购家私贸易True Innovations, LLC、日用品企业Midway Enterprises和Wonderful World。十二月与USPA – US Polo Association签署授权协议。 起源于广州的华资贸易 (1906 - 1949)
第二次世界大战期间,利丰暂停贸易业务。1943年,随着创办人冯柏燎先生去世后。业务移交给冯氏家族第二代。之后,向来不参与业务管理的合伙人李道明先生宣布退休,将所拥有的利丰股权全部卖给冯氏家族。 植根香港的出口贸易商 (1949 - 1979)
冯汉柱先生将利丰业务带领到一个新时代。1949 年以后,难民潮涌入香港,劳动人口突然增加,有助香港发展成为以制造生产主导的劳工密集市场经济,利丰最初的出口产品类别包括服装、玩具、电子及塑料花。塑料、烟花及纺织品这罕见的组合,让利丰成为香港以现金计算的最大出口商之一。
1973年,利丰在香港联交所上市,正式成为香港上市公司,招股时获超额认购113倍。这惊人记录一直保持了14年。 建立区域业务网络(1979 - 1995)
利丰﹝零售﹞ 有限公司成立于1985 年,为利丰﹝1973﹞有限公司之全资附属公司。零售连锁业务包括:OK便利店及玩具〝反〞斗城;范围包括香港、台湾、新加坡、马来西亚、至中国大陆及东南亚其它市场。
于1992年,利丰出口贸易业务以「利丰有限公司」名称在香港联交所上市。 变成为跨国集团 (自1995年起)
在1995年,利丰有限公司收购了当时在香港之最大竞争对手 ─ 英之杰采购服务﹝亦名「天祥」﹞。这项收购使利丰的规模扩大了一倍,而且得以进一步拓展在欧洲的客户群,与已具规模的美国业务相辅相成。
在1999年12月,利丰收购了太古集团旗下的太古贸易有限公司(Swire & Maclain) 和金巴莉有限公司(Camberley) ﹝利丰当时的两个最大竞争对手﹞大大扩张了在美国及欧洲的顾客群。之后在2000年和2002年分别收购香港采购出口集团Colby Group及Janco Oversea Limited,为集团引进更多人才及客路。
经过100年及三代管理层的刻意经营,利丰集团已经演变成为国际性大型跨国商贸集团;经营出口贸易、零售和经销批发三大核心业务。 利丰集团在中国从事出口贸易历史悠久,随着近年来中国在制造、分销和零售方面都采取对外开放政策,中国大陆经济增长强劲,消费力突飞猛进,放眼未来, 中国大陆对利丰来说不仅是采购中心,而且还是一个有待发展的庞大消费市场。

verilog和C的性质完全不一样啊,Verilog是描述电路结构语言,C 是控制处理器的指令
module mux2_top(rst,dina,dinb,con,dout);
input rst;
input dina,dinb; //两路串行数据输入
input con;//选通信号
output dout;//输出
wire dout_temp
assign dout_temp =(con)dina:dinb; //con高电平输出dina,否则输出dinb数据
assign dout = (rst)1'b1:dout_temp;//rst为高时选择器处于复位状态时钟为高电平
module mux2_top_testbench;
reg rst;
reg dina;
reg dinb;
reg con;
reg tb_clk;
reg [4:0]step;//用来在testbench中产生变化的数据dina,dinb和cont等激励信号的
wire dout;
initial begin
rst = 0
dina= 0;
dinb= 0;
con = 0;
tb_clk = 0
step = 0;
rst = 1;
rst = 0;
always #5 tb_clk= ~tb_clk;
always@(posedge tb_clk)begin
step <= step+1'b1;end
always@(posedge tb_clk or posedge rst)begin
dina<= 1'b0;dina<=1'b0;end
else if ((step[2]== 1'b1)&&(step[0]==1'b0))begin
dina<= ~dina;dinb<=dinb;end
else if ((step[3]== 1'b1)&&(step[1]==1'b0))begin
dina<= dina;dinb<= dinb;end
else begin
dina<= dina;dinb<=dinb;end
always@(posedge tb_clk or posedge rst )begin
con <= 1'b0;
else if(step[3])
con <= 1'b1;
con ,<=con
mux2_top DUT(
dout(dout) )

史前文明[Editor] prehistoric civilization
上海最早只有西部一带是陆地,但是这并不妨碍先民们的到来。Shanghai is the first to the western land area, but this will not hinder the arrival of the settlers 根据现有的考古成果,上海最早的文明是马家浜文化(距今6000年)。According to the existing archaeological achievements, won the race in Shanghai is the earliest civilized culture (since 6000) 接着是嵩泽文化(据今5500年),2004年春季的青浦嵩泽文化墓葬考古发掘中[1],发现了上海最早的人类遗骸。Followed Songze Culture (According to this 5500), Spring 2004 archaeological excavation of the tombs were Qingpu Songze Culture [1] The earliest human remains found in Shanghai 然后是良渚文化(距今4200年),它的晚期已经相当发达,以玉器最为著名。Then Liangzhu Culture (since 4200), which has a well-developed advanced to the most famous jade 马家浜-嵩泽-良诸文化,有着传承的关系。Ma won-song Ze-liang various cultures have inheritance relations 良诸文化已经到了原始社会的晚期。- All culture has advanced to a primitive society 良渚文化衰亡得很快,衰落原因假说目前主要有:一、洪水说;二、发展受阻或遭受入侵说。Liangzhu culture decline rapidly, the reasons for the decline of the main hypotheses : 1 Flood said Second, the delay or that the invasion
最后是马桥文化(距今3200年)。Finally, Ma culture (since 3200) 这种文化的出土文物较良诸文化相比,数量和质量都下降了,而且文化风格上更加受到闽江流域考古文化以和山东岳石文化(东夷)的影响。This culture of various cultural relics than good compared to a decline in both quantity and quality Minjiang River valley culture and style have become more archaeological cultures and Shandong Yueshi Culture (Dongyi) impact
值得注意的是,1999年,专家在松江的考古中发现了广富林文化,据近期研究[2]这是一个来自中原的人群,大约在距今4000年前到达了太湖流域,并在随后的几百年内渐渐融入当地而消失。It is worth noting that in 1999, the experts found in a wide Address Songjiang archaeological culture, according to a recent study [2] This is from China's population, since about 4000 before arriving in the Taihu Lake Basin, and local integration in the next several years and gradually disappear
相关年代参考:夏(距今约4100年-3700年);商:(距今约3700年-3150年);西周:(距今约3150年-2850年)Reference : age-related summer (or about 4100 -3700); Business : (or about 3700 -3150); : Western Zhou Dynasty (3150 -2850, or about)
[编辑]东周至唐[Editor broke his arrest]
上海春秋属吴,越灭吴,转属越。Shanghai Chunqiu is Miss Vietnam Miewu, transfer to Vietnam 战国,楚灭越,又入楚。Warring States, more about defense and into the clear 楚国时,上海在内的江南一带又成为了战国四公子之一的春申君黄歇的封地,据说上海的另称“申城”,就是源自春申君的“申”字。Chu, the Shanghai Jiangnan area has become one of the Warring States in the fourth son of the manor Chunshenjun Huang Michigan Another reportedly said Shanghai "Shanghai" is derived from Chunshenjun "bid"
秦在今天的上海西南地区置海盐县。Qin Haiyan home in the southwestern region of Shanghai
[编辑]宋元[Editor] Song and Yuan Dynasties
[编辑]明[Editor] tomorrow
主条目:上海历史 (明朝)Main entries : Shanghai history (Ming)
[编辑]清朝初期[Editor] early Qing Dynasty
主条目:上海历史 (清朝初期)Main entries : Shanghai history (the early Qing Dynasty)
[编辑]晚清时期Late Qing [editor]
[编辑]鸦片战争[Editor] Opium War
1842年8月29日,中英《南京条约》在南京签订,规定除原有的广州口岸外,新开辟上海、宁波、福州、厦门四处为对外通商口岸(简称“五口通商”),供英国侨民前去居住、经商。August 29, 1842, the Sino-British "Nanjing Treaty," signed in Nanjing, Guangzhou, in addition to the original port, the newly opened Shanghai, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen everywhere external port ( "Five 1842-1858") paying for British nationals living and doing business
[编辑]开埠初期(1853年以前)[Editor] early days (before 1853)
主条目:上海历史 (晚清时期)Main entries : Shanghai history (the late Qing Dynasty)
上海开埠:1843年11月17日,首任英国驻沪领事巴富尔抵达上海到任,标志上海正式开埠。Shanghai city : November 17, 1843, the first British consul in Shanghai, arrived in Shanghai Baffour arrival Shanghai city official signs 当年从广东来了最早的一批英国洋行:怡和洋行、宝顺洋行、和记洋行等,他们发现上海是五口中最靠近丝绸和茶叶产地的一个港口,看好它的发展前景。Guangdong to their first year of British firms : Jardine Matheson group of close-knit family firms, and firms in mind They discovered that Shanghai is five silk and tea closest to the mouth of the port of origin, it is optimistic about the development prospects 划给他们经商居住的地段是县城以北黄浦江西岸,从洋泾浜(延安东路)向北到李家庄(北京东路)的一片荒滩——外滩,不久,沿着江边供纤夫拉纤的泥泞的道路旁,建成了最初的一批洋行建筑,一般为2层外廊式建筑。The lots, zoned for their business or residence Huangpu River north of the West Bank town From Pidgin (Huangpu) north of Lijiazhuang (Beijing East Road), a piece of wasteland -- the Bund and soon MFA MFA Gohitafla the mud along the riverbanks for the road, and built the first batch of construction firms, the general architecture for the two floors Gallery 李家庄以北到苏州河的地块上则建起了英国领事馆。Lijiazhuang north of the Suzhou Creek were built on land at the British Consulate 1843年,也有伦敦会的英国传教士进入上海。1843, London's British missionaries in Shanghai
租界:中国方面希望根据以往的惯例,实行华洋隔离居住的政策,于是在1845年11月29日,由上海道台和英国驻沪领事共同商定了第一次土地章程(也称“地皮章程”)。Britain : China hopes that the concession in accordance with previous practice, implementing the policy expatriates living in isolation, so in 1845 November 29, Road from Shanghai to Taiwan and the United Kingdom agreed in Shanghai consular the first charter land (also known as "land charter") 这份土地章程被视为上海租界存在和运作的依据法理。This land Constitution as a legal basis for the existence and functioning of the Shanghai concession 次年,在上海的英国侨民成立了自治机构——道路码头委员会,并修筑界路(河南中路)以明确租界的西部界限。The following year, the British expatriates in Shanghai set up a self-governing institutions -- Pier Road, Road and the construction sector (Henan midway), a clear concession to the western limit 上海开埠初期,英租界内严格实行华洋分居,界内只有少数世居此地的中国农民,英美等外国侨民约300人。Shanghai early days, the British concession strictly along with her profession whose family has lived here only a few Chinese farmers About 300 British and other foreign nationals 界内修筑成方格形的道路网。The construction sector into a box-shaped road network
青浦教案与英租界的第一次扩展:1848年,伦敦会的英国传教士前往青浦县传教,引起纠纷。Qingpu templates with the first expansion of the British concession in 1848 : London, the British missionaries to preach in Qingpu County, disputes 作为补偿,11月27日,英租界第一次扩充,西界从界路(河南中路)扩充至周泾浜(今西藏路),面积也相应扩展到2800多亩。As compensation, November 27, the first British concession expansion industry sector from the West Road (Henan midway) expansion heaven Analyzing Pidgin (the Tibet road), there has been a corresponding expansion of the area of 2,800 mu
美国人进入上海:1844年,中美《望厦条约》签订,内容参照了中英《南京条约》。Americans in Shanghai : 1844, the United States signed the "Wangxia Treaty", a reference to the contents of the Sino-British "Nanjing Treaty" 此后,美国的传教士和商人也开始前来上海。Subsequently, the United States began the missionaries and businessmen have come to Shanghai 19世纪美国在上海最著名的商业机构是旗昌洋行。19th century American flag in Shanghai is the most famous commercial Edward Keller 由于传教士的目的是向中国居民传教,所以他们并不聚居在租界,而是分散居住在县城的各个角落。Since the purpose of missionaries to preach to the Chinese people, they do not live in the concession Instead, scattered in every corner of town 1848年,上海地方官府同意美国圣公会主教文惠廉的请求,允许美国侨民在虹口开辟租界,但并未正式划定界限。1848, a local government, the United States agreed to the request of the Anglican Bishop William, Hongkou nationals in the United States be allowed to open up concessions, but not formally demarcated 上海开埠初期,虹口美国租界由于有苏州河的阻隔,甚为荒凉,只在江边建成少数的船坞、码头,和为水手们服务的娱乐场所。Shanghai early days, Hongkou concession because the United States cut off the Suzhou River, very bleak, only a handful of shipyards built in the riverside Terminal services and entertainment for our sailors
开辟法租界:1844年10月,中法《黄埔条约》签订。: French concession opened in October 1844, France signed the "Treaty of Whampoa" 1848年,法国领事开始驻扎上海。1848, the French Consulate General in Shanghai began stationed 1849年4月6日,上海道台宣布将紧邻县城北门外,北到洋泾浜的986亩土地辟为法租界。April 6, 1849, Shanghai, Taiwan announced that it will close County Road North outside, Pidgin north to the 986 acres of land into the French concession 不过,法国来华经商的商人始终寥寥可数。However, the French businessmen doing business in China has very few 因此,开埠初期的法租界虽然拥有良好的区位条件,却几乎没有什么开发。Therefore, although the French concession of the early days to have a good geographic conditions, but almost no development 只在江边有一两个法国的洋行,法国领事馆寄居在天主教会的一处中国式平房内(四川南路),县城北门外的小街上(河南南路)有两排中国人的房屋。In France, the bank has only 12 firms French Consulate housed in a Chinese-style cottage in the Catholic Church (Sichuan South) North streets outside the small town (Henan South) two rows of Chinese housing 其他地方则仍然保持着乡村本色。Elsewhere, still maintains a rural character
开辟徐家汇教会区:与之相比,来自法国的天主教传教机构则显得相当庞大。Open Xujiahui Church : compared with the French Catholic missionary organization is substantial 耶稣会早在上海开埠之前的1842年,就已经秘密潜入上海附近的乡村。Before long history of the Jesuits in 1842 in Shanghai, Shanghai had secretly infiltrated into the nearby villages 1847年,他们选中上海郊外的村庄徐家汇建立江南传教区的总部,此后在附近地段陆续建成包括大、小男修道院,2所女修道院(拯亡会和圣衣会),藏书楼,气象台,土山湾印书馆,男子中学,女子中学,育婴堂等数十个教会机构,形成一大片教会区。In 1847, they selected villages in the suburbs of Shanghai Jiangnan establishment of the Missionaries of Xujiahui District Headquarters After coming on in the vicinity, including large lots, small abbot, 2 Convent (Democratic People's death and Sheng Yi) Library, weather, soil Gulf Yinshuguan men School, School, who bestowed dozens of churches and other institutions the formation of a large metropolitan area 以此为基地,将教务开展到江苏、安徽2省。As a base to carry out academic Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces 1851年建立了一座公用的中型教堂圣依纳爵座堂,外形属于希腊风格,可能是中国第一所西式教堂。1851 establishing a common medium according to the church of St Ignatius Cathedral, shape belonging to the Greek style, China may be the first Western churches 教堂以耶稣会的创始人依纳爵命名。Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ according to Ignatius named [1][1]
[编辑]上海租界形成国中之国[Editor] Shanghai Concessions formed a country within a country
小刀会起义:1853年9月7日,活跃于广东和福建籍水手中间的秘密会社小刀会发动起义,占领上海县城,烧毁了上海县衙和海关等处,杀了上海知县,囚禁了上海道台。Dagger Society Uprising : September 7, 1853, which is active in Guangdong and Fujian sailors will be among the secret clubs knife staged an uprising Shanghai occupied town, and discusses the burning of the Shanghai Customs and other places, killing a county magistrate in Shanghai, the Shanghai Road imprisoned Taiwan 1855年2月17日,小刀会退出上海县城。February 17, 1855, will withdraw from the Shanghai Dagger county
泥城之战:1853年3月,太平天国占领南京。Nicheng war : in March 1853, Taiping occupation of Nanjing 4月12日,上海租界内的外国人迅速做出反应。April 12, the Shanghai Concessions and the foreigners to make a quick response 在英、法、美三国领事的倡导下,召开上海租地西人大会,通过由侨民组织义勇队(上海商团)的决议,实行武装中立,以维护租界的安全。In Britain, France and the United States Consul's proposal, the General Assembly held in Shanghai rent to the West Australia, through the Righteous Force (Shanghai commercial) resolutions, armed neutrality, in order to protect the safety of concessions 1854年4月4日,清军企图通过租界进攻占领县城的小刀会起义军,义勇队在英、美海军的协助下以武力强行阻止清军过界,史称泥城之战。April 4, 1854, the Qing militaries through concession will rebel army knife attack in the occupied town, Militia in England, with the assistance of the United States Navy to forcibly prevent cross-boundary enormous arms, which have been called Nicheng war
工部局成立:1854年7月11日,上海外国租地人举行大会,通过第二次土地章程,成立独立的市政机构——工部局,建立警察武装。Industry Bureau : July 11, 1854, the Shanghai Foreign rent to the General Assembly held by the second land charter -- Industry Services Bureau to set up an independent body to establish armed police
太平天国东进对上海的影响:1860年8月17日,太平天国军队首次攻打上海。Taiping eastern Shanghai : August 17, 1860, the first attack on the Taiping army in Shanghai 1862年1月11日,太平天国军队第二次攻打上海。January 11, 1862, the second attack on the Taiping army in Shanghai 1862年8月 太平天国起义军第三次攻打上海。August 1862 attack on the Third Army Taiping Rebellion Shanghai
法租界自设公董局:1862年5月1日 上海法租界公董局成立 为了保全上海法租界的独立性,法国驻沪领事爱棠宣布法租界退出工部局,代之以上海法租界公董局。Since the French concession corporation board : May 1, 1862 km board the French concession of Shanghai, the French concession of Shanghai, established to preserve the independence, France announced in the French concession of Shanghai consular love-from the Industry Council and replace it with the French concession of Shanghai, the public board
英美租界合并:1862年11月,在沪外国商人提出将上海开辟为自由市的计划,不受制于任何国家。Concession merger in November 1862 : Britain and the United States, foreign businessmen in Shanghai will be opened for free city of Shanghai, not subject to any other country 此项计划由各国领事报呈各国驻中国的公使,最后被各国公使以不得干涉中国内政为由驳回。This was reported by the consulates of the countries in the Chinese saying goes, the last countries not to interfere in China's internal affairs minister rejected on the grounds 1863年9月21日,美租界与英租界正式宣布合并。September 21, 1863, the United States formally announced a joint concession with the British Concession
1864年5月1日 《上海会审公廨》成立。May 1, 1864 "Shanghai official site examination" set up 1869年,洋泾浜设官会审章程公布。1869, Pidgin official examination set by statute
[编辑]租界的初步繁荣[Editor] concession of prosperity
从1860年以后,上海开始进入初步繁荣的时期。From 1860, Shanghai has begun to enter the initial period of prosperity 随着长江和北方沿海口岸向外商的开放,上海地处长江口、居中国南北海岸线中点的区位优势日益明显,更多的外商——以英国商人为主,其次是美国商人,后来又加上欧洲大陆普鲁士、丹麦、荷兰、瑞典、比利时等国的商人,以及1871年以后的日本商人,都纷纷选择上海作为他们在中国的贸易基地,并设立了领事馆。With the Yangtze River and the northern coast ports open to foreign companies, Shanghai is located in Jiangkou Habitat midpoint of the coastline north and south China's increasingly obvious geographical advantages, and more foreign businessmen -- Britain, Second, American businessman, then add the European continent Prussia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium and other countries, businessmen, Japanese businessman in 1871 and beyond, they have chosen Shanghai as the base for trade with China and the establishment of a consulate 在这一时期来沪最著名的外商机构,如英资太古洋行。In this period, Shanghai's most famous foreign bodies, such as the British-owned Swire
[编辑]19世纪末20世纪初的重要转折[Editor] an important turning point in the late 19th century and early 20th century
甲午战争:1894年,中日甲午战争爆发,上海形势也趋于紧张,碍于各国在上海的势力,日本暂对外宣布上海为中立区域,并许诺不将战火蔓延到上海。Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 : in 1894, the Sino-Japanese War broke out, the situation has become more tense in Shanghai, due to the forces of countries in Shanghai Japan announced temporary Shanghai as a neutral region, and promised not to spread the flames of war to Shanghai 根据战后的马关条约,外国人可以在中国开办工厂。According to the 1995 war, foreigners setting up factories in China 此后,上海迅速发展成中国最大的工业中心。Since then, rapid growth as Shanghai, China's largest industrial center
1899年公共租界大扩展:1893年 上海美租界正式划定1899 : the rapid expansion of the concession area in Shanghai in 1893 designated the US Concessions
1900年法租界扩展:1900 : French concession extension
义和团运动期间:1900年8月17日 上海进入警备 年初爆发了义和团运动,影响不断扩大,在上海的外国势力开始组织自己的防御力量。During the Boxer Rebellion : August 17, 1900 the Boxer Rebellion broke out early into the Guard, continuously expanded, In Shanghai's foreign forces to organize their own defense force
[编辑]中外冲突事件[Editor foreign conflicts]
四明公所事件:十九世纪七十年代后,上海法租界的发展日趋加快,对土地的需求剧增,四明公所位于法租界的边缘地段,是旅沪宁波人的同乡会兼公坟。Four events : the 19th century Ming Hall 1970s, accelerated development in the French concession of Shanghai, the surge in demand for land four lots that hall at the edge of the French concession, the club is in Shanghai and Ningbo Public Cemetery 1874年 ,法租界认为有碍卫生,计划将其迁出租界,原址开辟道路,于是强行收缴四明公所的地产,发生暴动,死伤数人,此后筑路一事逐搁置。In 1874, that the French concession of health hazards plans to vacate Learning to open the road



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