

Origin of the Spring Festival(春节的来历):

1、The Spring Festival is the first year of the lunar calendar. Another name of the Spring Festival is the Spring Festival. It is the biggest, busiest and most important ancient traditional festival in China. It is also a unique festival for Chinese people.


2、It is the most concentrated expression of Chinese civilization. Since the Western Han Dynasty, the custom of Spring Festival has continued to this day. Spring Festival generally refers to New Year's Eve and the first day of the first lunar month.


3、But in the folk sense, the traditional Spring Festival refers to the sacrificial sacrifice on the eighth day of the eighth month or the sacrificial stove on the twenty-third or twenty-fourth day of the twentieth month until the fifteenth day of the first month, with the New Year's Eve and the first day of the first month as the climax.


4、How to celebrate this festival has formed some relatively fixed customs and habits in the historical development of thousands of years, many of which are still handed down today. During the traditional festival of Spring Festival, the Han and most minority nationalities in China have to hold various celebrations.


5、Most of these activities mainly focus on sacrificing gods and Buddhas, sacrificing ancestors, removing old cloth and new cloth, celebrating the New Year, and praying for a good year.



There's an old called "years" the monster, head length Angle, fierce anomaly, life in the sea. On New Year's eve will climbed out, the spitting food livestock harm thy soul. So a to New Year's eve, everyone fled to the mountains, to avoid the damage. This year, from the village to a silver whiskers elegant, eye if lang star old yourself. Midnight "years" burst into the village, is preparing to bluster, all of a sudden there was "cracking" Fried noise, the old has put on red appear in front of the "year", "year" shuddered, to flee to the sea, and the night can't into the village. This is to celebrates New Year's eve legends and the origin of firecrackers, and then after thousands of years of development, the Chinese New Year customs to accept the more abundant the.








原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/zaji/5827001.html

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