




n 游戏;比赛;猎物,野味

adj 勇敢的

vi 赌博


game theory 博弈论,对策论

ball game 局面


He said he's game for a similar challenge next year






问题一:游戏用英语怎么说 名词 游戏 是 game
动词 游戏 游玩 是play

问题二:做游戏用英语怎么说 play games 望采纳

问题三:游戏关卡 英语怎么说 round
round 1
round 2
there are 26 rounds in all in the new game, with big bosses

问题四:游戏现在开始用英文怎么说 5分 Game is beginning now!

问题五:游戏机用英语怎么说? 游戏机:game machine
电子游戏机: electronic game
A hand held controller used with microputers and video games to control the movement of the cursor or graphic display, on the screen
1 video game
2 TV game
A mercial establishment featuring rows of coin-operated games
The children are addicted to puter games

问题六:打游戏的英文是什么? play games

问题七:游戏的英文单词是什么 游戏英文:game
电脑游戏:PC game
电视游戏:TV game

问题八:让我们做游戏吧用英语怎么说 给你最专业的答复!
首先声明一下:鉴于现在这个分类下有很多刷分刷票的人存在,如果我回答过的问题不是提问者自己采纳最佳答案而是采用投票方式选最佳答案的话,我将从此拒绝回答该提问者的所有提问!你不选我为最佳答案可以!但是提问者也要有责任感!不然对我们这些认真回答问题的人来说是种侮辱!回答很烂却靠刷票被选为最佳~~~~~~太荒唐了!就这样!鉴于现在这个分类里被几个人搞得很乱,请提问者要更有主见些!凭自己的意志选出最佳答案也算对我们这些回答者的辛苦的回报吧!现在进入正题~~~~~~~ 其实很简单
Let's play a game!

问题九:你想玩游戏吗?英语怎么说? 你想玩游戏吗?
Wanna play some games
Do you love to play some games
Do you want to play some games
Would you like to play some games
Do you mind playing some games
How about playing some games
Why not play some games
What do you think of playing some games
You wanna play some games
You want to play some games
You would like to play some games
You like to play some games
You don't mind playing some games

问题十:有关英语的游戏 have a summer holiday放暑假(holiday也可用vacation替换,只美式英语与英式英语的习惯用法不同)stay at home 呆在家too much free time 太闲了want to find a game for learning study 想找一款能帮助学英语的游戏except Wulong college(除乌龙学院)for free it's ok(或just for free)不要钱的就行

recreational machines
Games; PlayStation; Game Console; XBox
1 This Christmas sees the launch of a new games console 这个圣诞节会有一款新型游戏机上市。
2 My new video game player came with three game cartridges included 我的新电子游戏机附有三盘游戏带。 》
3 The problem with video game is that they're addictive 电子游戏机的问题在于它们会使人上瘾。
4 This video game machine has broken down 这台游戏机坏了。
5 Maybe I could give thanks by taking my Playstation over to my new apartment 也许我该把游戏机搬到我的新公寓去以示感谢。
6 You stayed home and played Ms Pac-Man while l went to work like a chump 等等,你这一整天在家玩游戏机而我像笨蛋一样去上班?
7 All the boys are greatly interested in games players 男孩子们都对游戏机很感兴趣。
8 The Nintendo 64 shatters the convention of two-dimensional horizontal scrolling video games “任天堂64”打破了传统的电视游戏机和二维空间的水平卷动模式。
9 Will there be a console version of StarCraft II 星际争霸2是否会推出家用游戏机版?
10 And thirdly, computer games help develop children's interest in computers 在这,电子游戏机有助于培养儿童对电脑的兴趣。
11 This game Robot 21 will help activate your brain 这种机器人21号游戏机对提高脑力很有帮助。
12 They have latest machines and lots of new games 该处(游戏厅)有最新的游戏机和许多新游戏。
13 Planesport of Suo Ni PS3 used this kind of processor 索尼PS3游戏机就采用了这种措置器。
14 It's not a toy, Miss It's a computer game 这不是玩具,。是电子游戏机。
15 On game days we get to play (DS) all day 在游戏机日,我们可以一整天都玩游戏机。
16 Next are to a warning about fake computer games councilsconsoles 下面是关于假冒电脑游戏机的警告。
17 Bring a video game Play with the volume at max level 带上一个游戏机。玩的时候注意把音量开到最大。
18 They have the latest machines and lots of new games 该处有最新的游戏机和许多新游戏。
19 We even had one guy who was buried with his Game Boy 我们接手过一个小伙,随葬品是他的掌上游戏机。
20 The handle of the recreational machine is designed ergonomically 游戏机的摇柄设计很人性化。
1 Games
2 PlayStation
3 Game Console
鼠标键盘说明书 Mouse/Keyboard Manuals游戏机 Game Console游戏机固件 Game Console Firmwares
4 XBox
深静脉血栓通常生成于人体下肢,一旦开始游戏,会随着血流移动,胸腔内有奇怪的感觉,Xbox(游戏机)就是克里斯的生活,现年20岁,玩电脑游戏时间过长很可能是引发深静脉血栓的原因, 克里斯参加一次面试时告诉朋友, 与朋友说话时
1 consoles
but the desire to play games is not the reason why the United States Air Force recently a procurement request for 2,200 Sony PlayStation 3 ( PS3 ) video-game consoles 不过,最近美国空军提出有关2200台索尼PlayStation3(PS3)视频游戏机的采购要求,可不是因为想玩游戏。
2 the Game Boy 's
its black-and-white camera offered a live view on the Game Boy's screen 它的黑色和白色相机提供了对游戏机的屏幕现场查看。

You should not bring your video games to school
按你原句翻译是:Please do not bring your video games to school
因为我理解的这个是一个警告,所以用了should ,而没有用祈使句。



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