










使用礼貌的结束语并加上签名:用礼貌的结束语结束信件,例如“真诚地”("Sincerely")或“最好的祝愿”("Best regards"),然后加上你的签名。



Dear [Name],

I am writing to invite you to [event] on [date] at [time] at [location] This event is being hosted by [host] and will feature a presentation by [guest of honor]

We hope that you will be able to join us for this exciting event Please RSVP by [date] to [contact] to confirm your attendance The dress code for the event is [dress code]

We look forward to seeing you there


[Your Name]











1、Title: "A Book-Lending Invitation"(标题:邀请朋友去借书)

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this message finds you well I recently came across a book that I think you would really enjoy, and I was wondering if you would be interested in borrowing it from me It's called [Book Title], and it's about [Book's Subject]

I think it would be a great read for you, and I'm happy to lend it to you for as long as you need Let me know if you're interested, and we can make arrangements for you to pick it up

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[Your Name]







2、Title: "Borrowing a Book with a Friend"(标题:和朋友一起借书)

Hey [Friend's Name],

I'm so excited to share this book with you! It's called [Book Title], and it's about [Book's Subject] I just finished reading it and I couldn't put it down I have a feeling you'll love it just as much as I did

Would you like to borrow it from me and give it a read We could even make it a mini book club and discuss it afterwards Let me know what you think


[Your Name]







3、Title: "Book Exchange with a Friend"(标题:和朋友交换书籍)

Hi [Friend's Name],

I was thinking about the last time we had a good book chat, and it made me realize how much I enjoy discussing books with you That's why I wanted to reach out and see if you'd like to do a book exchange

I have a few books on my shelf that I think you might enjoy, and I'd love to borrow a book from you in return Do you have any recommendations for me

Let me know if this is something you'd be interested in, and we can start planning our exchange


[Your Name]








4、Title: "Sharing a Must-Read Book"(标题:分享一本必读的书)

Hello [Friend's Name],

I hope this message finds you well I just finished reading a book that I think is a must-read for any book lover It's called [Book Title], and it's about [Book's Subject]

I know you love reading as much as I do, so I wanted to offer you the opportunity to borrow it from me I think it would be a great addition to your bookshelf, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it just as much as I did

Let me know if you'd like to borrow it, and we can arrange a time for you to pick it up


[Your Name]








5、Title: "Invitation to Borrow a Book"(标题:邀请借书)

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this email finds you well I just finished reading a book that I think would be perfect for you, and I wanted to invite you to borrow it from me

The book is called [Book Title], and it's about [Book's Subject] I think you'll find it really interesting and thought-provoking

If you'd like to borrow it, just let me know and we can arrange a time for you to pick it up I'm happy to lend it to you for as long as you need

Looking forward to your reply,

[Your Name]








6、Title: "A Book Recommendation for a Friend"(标题:给朋友的一个书籍推荐)

Hi [Friend's Name],

I just wanted to reach out and recommend a book to you It's called [Book Title], and it's about [Book's Subject] I just finished reading it and I think it's one of the best books I've read in a long time

I think you would really enjoy it too, so I wanted to offer to lend it to you Let me know if you'd like to borrow it, and we can arrange a time for you to pick it up


[Your Name]








1、Title: "A Library Book-Borrowing Invitation"(标题:邀请朋友去图书馆借书)

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this message finds you well I was thinking about the last time we went to the library together, and it made me realize how much I enjoy browsing the shelves and discovering new books with you That's why I wanted to invite you to join me on another library trip

There are a few books that I've had my eye on, and I think you might be interested in them as well We could go to the library together, find the books, and borrow them for a few weeks What do you think

Let me know if you're free on [Day and Time], and we can plan our library outing


[Your Name]








2、Title: "Book-Borrowing Excursion at the Library"(标题:在图书馆借书之旅)

Hi [Friend's Name],

I hope you're doing well I was at the library yesterday and I saw a few books that I think you might enjoy They're all about [Book Subjects], and I think you'll find them really interesting

I was wondering if you'd like to join me on a book-borrowing excursion to the library We can find the books I mentioned and borrow them for a few weeks It'll be a great opportunity for us to catch up and talk about what we're reading

Let me know if you're free on [Day and Time], and we can plan our trip to the library


[Your Name]








3、Title: "Book Recommendations from the Library"(标题:图书馆的书籍推荐)

Hello [Friend's Name],

I hope this email finds you well I was at the library earlier today and I came across a few books that I think you might be interested in They're all about [Book Subjects], and I think they're really worth checking out

I was wondering if you'd like to join me on a trip to the library to borrow these books We can each borrow a few and spend some time discussing them over the next few weeks It'll be a great way to spend some time together and have some good book chats

Let me know if you're free on [Day and Time], and we can plan our library outing


[Your Name]















a little bit 一点儿;少许
accessory n 配件;饰品
across prep 横过;在对面
across from 在……对面
activity n 活动
Africa 非洲
agree v 同意;赞成
agree with 赞同;持相同意见
airport n 私人飞机;小型民用机场
always adv 总是;始终
animal n 动物
anything pron 任何事;无论何事
apartment n 公寓;住宅
arrive v 到达;抵达
article n 文章
as prep 作为
assistant n 助手;助理
at prep 按照;根据
at home 在家
at night 在晚上;在夜里
Australia 澳洲;澳大利亚
ave abbr (=avenue)大街;林荫道
avenue n 大街;林荫道
awful adj 极坏的;极讨厌的
back adv 回原处;往回去
bad adj 坏的;劣质的
bank n 银行
bank clerk 银行职员
beach n 海滩
beard n 胡须
beautiful adj 美丽的;美好的
beef n 牛肉
beginning n 开始
behind prep 在……之后
belt n 皮带
between prep 介于(两者或多者)之间
bingo n 宾戈(一种游戏)
bird n 鸟
bit n 一点儿;少许
blonde adj 金**的
Boston 波士顿(美国马萨诸塞州首府)
bowl n 碗;一碗的容量
box n 方格;方框
bridge n 桥
brown adj 棕色的;褐色的
build n 体格;体形
by prep 由;被
by prep 到(某时)之前;不迟于
cabbage n 洋白菜;卷心菜
camera n 照相机
camp n 野营;营地
Canada 加拿大
captain n 队长;首领
cat n 猫
center n 中央;中心
central adj 中心的;位于中心的
cheap adj 廉价的;便宜的
children n 孩子(child的复数)
classmate n 同班同学
classroom n 教室
clean adj 清洁的;干净的
clean v 打扫;清除
clever adj 聪明的;机灵的
cloudy adj 多云的; 阴天的
cold adj 寒冷的
colorful adj 色彩鲜艳的
cook v 烹调;煮
cool adj 凉爽的
cool adj (口)令人满意的;绝妙的
corner n 角落;街角;墙角
country n 国家
crowded adj 拥挤的
cry v 流泪;哭泣
culture n 文化
curly adj 卷曲的;卷毛的
cute adj 可爱的;聪明的
dangerous adj 危险的
decide v 决定;下决心
delicious adj 美味的
describe v 描述;形容
did v do的过去式
didn't (=did not)
dining n 进餐;吃饭
direction n 方向
dirty adj 肮脏的
discuss v 讨论;议论
dislike v 讨厌;不喜欢
dislike n 不喜欢;厌恶(的对象)
district n 区域;地方
do some reading 读;阅读
doctor n 医生
dolphin n 海豚
down adv&prep 向下;下去;沿着
down adv 向下;在下面;下去;降下
Dr abbr (=doctor)医生
drink n 饮料
dumpling n 饺子
during prep 在……期间
elephant n 大象
else adj&adv 其他的;别的;另外的
enjoy v 享受……的乐趣;欣赏
everyone pron 每个人
exam n 考试;检查
expensive adj 昂贵的;价高的
fact n 事实;真实事情
fatastic adj 极好的
fashion n 时尚;潮流
feel v 感觉; 觉得
fight v 打架;争吵
fish n 鱼;鱼肉
following adj 下列的; 下述的
form n 表格
France 法国
French n 法国人;法语
Fri abbr (=Friday)星期五
friendly adj 友好的
front n 前面;前边
fun n 愉快;开心
garden n 菜园;花园
geography n 地理学
get v 获得;得到;购买;拿来
giraffe n 长颈鹿
give v 给;授予
glasses n(pl) 眼镜
go for a walk 去散步
go shopping 购物
good-looking adj 漂亮的
grass n 草
green tea 绿茶
group n 团体;组
guide n 向导
gym n (=gymnasium)体育馆
ha int (表示惊讶、欢乐、胜利、愠怒等)哈
had v have的过去式
hair n 头发;毛发
hall n 大厅;礼堂
hallway n 走廊;过道
hard adv 辛苦地;努力地
have v 做;进行;从事
have a good time 玩得高兴;过得快乐
have fun 玩得开心
have to 不得不;必须
heat n 热;热度
heavy adj 重的
he'd (=he would)
height n 高度
hope v 希望;盼望;期待
hospital n 医院
host n 主持人
hot adj 热的
house n 房子;住宅
how about … ……怎么样?
how's (=how is)
humid adj 潮湿的;湿润的
hungry adj 饥饿的
Hutung n (汉)胡同
I'd (=I would)
idea n 主意;想法
if conj (表示条件)如果
improve v 改进;改善
in prep (表示时间)在……期间;在(一段时间)之内
in fact 实际上;其实;确切地说
in front of 在……前面
in order to 为了
international adj 国际的
irregular adj 不规则的;无规律的
It's time to … 该是……的时候了。
Japan 日本
Japanese n 日语;日本人
joke n 笑话;玩笑
juice n 果汁;果汁饮料
just adv 直接地;就;只;仅仅
key ring 钥匙链
kind of 有几分
king n 君主;国王
koala n (澳洲)树袋熊
language n 语言
large adj 大的;宽广的
late adv 晚;晚于通常时间
later adv 后来;以后
lazy adj 懒惰的;懒散的
leaf n 叶;树叶
left adv&n 向左;左边
library n 图书馆
lie v (现在分词lying)平卧;躺
like n(pl) 爱好
like prep 像;如同
lion n 狮子
live v 居住
look n 外表;外貌
look at 看;朝……看
look for 寻找;寻求
loudly adv 大声地
madam n 女士;夫人
made v make的过去式
magazine n 杂志;期刊
mail n 邮件;邮政
make v 使;促使;迫使
make v 做;制作
mall n 购物商场;商业街
man n 男人;人;人类
map n 地图;图
market n 市场;市集
meat n (食用)肉;肉类
medium adj 中等的
menu n 菜单
middle adj 中等的
middle school 中学
mind v 介意
Mon abbr (=Monday)星期一
money n 钱;金钱;货币
Moscow 莫斯科
most adv (many和much的最高级)最
most adj 大多数的;几乎全部的
mountain n 山;山脉
Ms n 女士
museum n 博物馆
mutton n 羊肉
near prep 在……近旁
neighbourhood n 附近;邻近
never adv 决不;从不
New York 纽约
New York City 纽约市
news n 新闻;消息
newspaper n 报纸
next prep 紧靠……的旁边;贴近
next to 紧靠……的旁边;贴近;最接近
no adj 没有的;极少的
no talking 不许讲话
No abbr (=number)编号;号
nobody pron 没有人;没人
noodle n 面条(常用复数)
nothing pron 没什么; 一个都没有
now adv 现在;此时
nurse n 护士
office n 办公室;事务所
on prep 通过;以……的方式
on the right 在右边
on vocation 在度假中
onion n 洋葱
open adj 开着的;营业中的
opinion n 意见;看法
order v 预订;点(菜)
order n 订单;订货
other adj 其他的;另外的
out adv 在外;向外
outside adv 外面的; 在外部的
pal n (口)好朋友;伙伴;同志
palace n 宫殿
panda n 熊猫
Paris 巴黎(法国首都)
park n 公园
pass v 通过
past adj 过去时态的;以前的;过去的
pay v 付钱;支付
pay phone n 投币式公用电话
pen pal 笔友
penguin n 企鹅
person n 人;人物
place n 地方;地点
play n 戏剧;剧本
police n 警方;警察
police station 警察局
policeman n 男警察
policewoman n 女警官;女警察
pool n 水池;水塘
pop n 流行音乐(或歌曲)
popular adj 受欢迎的;通俗的;流行的
porridge n 粥;糊
post n 邮件;邮递
post office 邮局
potato n 土豆;马铃薯
practice v 练习;实践
present adj 现在时态的;现在的目前的
pretty adv 相当;很;颇
put v 放;摆;装
quiet adj 宁静的
rain v 下雨
rainy adj 下雨的;多雨的
read v 读;阅读
really adv (表示疑问、惊讶、恼怒等)真的;是吗;真是的
reason n 原因;理由
regular adj 正常的;规则的;有规律的
relax v 放松;休息
relaxed adj 放松的;得到休息的
remember v 牢记;记住
report n 报告;汇报
restaurant n 餐馆;饭店
rice n 米;稻;米饭
right adv&n 向右;右边
RMB abbr 人民币
rule n 规则
said v say的过去式
sat v sit的过去式
saw v see的过去式
say v 说;讲
scarf n (plscarfs或scarves)围巾
sex n 性别
shop n 商店;店铺
shop v 买东西;购物
shop assistant 店员
shy adj 害羞的;怕羞的
Singapore 新加坡
singer n 歌唱家;歌手
sir n 先生;阁下
sitcom n (=situation comedy)情景喜剧
situation n 情景;形势
size n 大小;尺寸
skill n 技能;技巧
sleep v 睡;睡觉
smart adj 聪明的;漂亮的
snow n 雪
snow v 下雪
soap n 肥皂
soap opera 肥皂剧
sometimes adv 不时;有时
song n 歌;歌曲
soup n 汤;羹
south n 南;南方
south adj 在南方的;南部的;向南的;自南方的
special n 特色菜
spend v 度过;过
sports shoes 运动鞋
square n 广场
st abbr (=street)街;街道
stand v 忍受
star v 担任主角;主演
station n 车站;政府机关的署;局
stay v 停留;留下
stop v 停止;终止
story n 故事;事迹;小说
straight adv 一直;直接
straight adj 直接的;笔直的
street n 街;街道
study v 学习
suggestion n 建议;意见
summer n 夏季;夏天
summer camp 夏令营
sunglasses n (pl)太阳镜
sunny adj 阳光充足的
supermarket n 超级市场
sure adv 当然;的确
surprised adj 感到惊讶的
Sydney 悉尼
take v 乘;坐;搭(车、船)
take a photo 拍照
take a walk 散步
talk v 谈话;谈论
talk n (广播电台的)访谈节目;谈话;交谈;演讲
talk about 谈论;讨论;议论
talk show (主美)(电视、无线电广播的)访谈节目
tall adj 高的
taxi n 出租车;的士;计程车
tea n 茶;茶叶
teach v 教;讲授
team n 队;组
Tel abbr (=telephone)电话
terrible adj 很糟的;极坏的;可怕的
test n 考试;测验
the children's palace 少年宫
the Great Wall 万里长城
the Palace Museum 故宫
the United Kingdom 英国
the United States 美国
there adv 在那里
thief n 小偷;贼
thin adj 瘦的
think of 思考;考虑;对……有特定的想法
through prep 穿过;通过
Thurs abbr (=Thursday)星期四
Tian'an Men Square 天安门广场
tiger n 老虎;虎
Tokyo 东京(日本首都)
Toronto 多伦多(加拿大城市)
tour n 旅行;游历
toy n 玩具
Tues abbr (=Tuesday)星期二
turn v 转弯;转变方向
TV show 电视节目
TV station 电视台
ugly adj 丑陋的;难看的
unfriendly adj 不友善的;不友好的
uniform n 制服
unit n 单元
vacation n 假期;休假
verb n 动词
visit v 参观;游览
visit v 拜访;访问
wait v 等待;等候
wait for 等候;等待
waiter n 侍者;服务员
walk n 散步; 步行
walk v 走;步行;散步
wall n 墙壁;围墙;城墙
wallet n 钱包
warm adj 温暖的;暖和的
was v is的过去式
wash v 洗;洗涤
wasn't (=was not)
water n 水
way n 路;路线;路途
wear v 穿;戴
weather n 天气;气候
Wed abbr (=Wednesday)星期三
week n 星期;周
welcome int 欢迎
went v go的过去式
were v are的过去式
west n 西;西方
west adj 西方的;在西方的;向西方的
What about … ……怎么样?
windy adj 有风的;多风的
winter n 冬季
world n 世界
would v&aux will的过去式
wrote v write的过去式
young adj 年轻的;年纪小的
yours pron 用在信末署名前,做客套语
zoo n 动物园


原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/yw/13133597.html

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