

David Copperfield大卫•科波菲尔
"David Copperfield test" is a 19th century master of the British critical realism of a representative of Charles Dickens In this color has a strong autobiographical novels, Charles Dickens used "Little David's own history and experience", from many aspects of review and sum up its own road of life, reflecting his philosophy of life and moral ideals " David Copperfield," a book through the main character David Copperfield pain life, multi-level at the time revealed the true face of society, highlighted the performance of the money for marriage, family and social role of corrosion Novel in the formation of a series of tragedies are caused because of hate to leave money Mr Stone married Modena cheat coveted David's mother is her property; the elopement Emile Li is also the temptation of money can not afford; Weakfell a pain, despair Hamm, all adverse consequences of money Julia Heap and despicable villain is the next step in terms of money, the temptation to fall, and finally come to a disgraceful end to life imprisonment They exposed the evil of money, but also the kind of Dickens of corruption in society at that time of discontent and hate We are pleased to know of Mr Micawber for the money, so do not care attitude Although he was heavily in debt, but an optimistic attitude to the various hardships faced by the world This is the Dickens of longing for a better society
In shaping the character, no doubt David Copperfield into all the hard work of the author Regardless of age orphaned by his sufferings and martyrdom and bitterness, or his indomitable struggle for an adult, have shown a little in the capitalist society in the process of seeking a way out of suffering He first married Dora and Dora's death as a result of examination made Mr Bouvier Agenis is aware that his life partner Experienced a major disaster after the bitter taste of human well-being and warmth of David, by his sincere and straightforward character, positive spirit, as well as the purity of human hearts and friendliness Author Agenis focus is ideal for beautifying women She not only external beauty, and the virtues of the heart, not only by the tenacity to protect sheep bullying father, who also supports the David suffered setbacks She concluded with a combination of David, is "the same thought and purpose", the perfect marriage so that the end of the novel One filled with an atmosphere of happiness and hope They are humanitarian ideals of the bourgeois Charles in disguise The formation of the idea of personal experience with the Dickens and the likes and dislikes are inseparable He always believed that the oppressed status in the ordinary people, their moral character who is far better than the rulers, the oppressors It is precisely because of this conviction, the novel Pagertti many people as brothers and sisters, Hamm, despite the lack of means, such as washing, no education, they have an honest, good heart and with the rich and Stillforce their actions created a sharp contrast Finally Stillforce evil sheep and have been duly punished; and good people have found a welcome home Dickens on such moral values to the transformation of the society, the elimination of human evil, but in Dickens the social point of view of this "kind people have good results, evil" morality would be impossible to realize " David Copperfield r," the charm of the art does not lie in its twists and turns a vivid structure, or the ups and downs of the plot, but in reality it is a life style and lyrical narrative style This work is a fascinating flesh and blood characters that specific state vivid human world, as well as the different character personalities David aunt such as Miss Betsy, regardless of her speech and deportment, dress attire, customs preferences, and even a cast all a show of hands, although not without exaggeration, but they vividly depict a naturally eccentric, kind-hearted charity the image of woman There are descriptions of Mr Dick, and highlights the intelligence of Miss Betsy and Miss Betsy Bouvier's favor on the test As for the portrait of Pagertti maid, that it is a vividly Reading the David Copperfield ", I realize that " kind people have good results, evil" morality In the book, the character I most admire is the test, Mr Bouvier, difficult of his life: he lost his father on the birth, his mother married to Modena, Mr Stone, in his stepfather's home at all times to have been tortured since his stepfather, so he fled away from home aunt his home, where his life has been the most important education, makes him a lifetime His childhood friend Micawber and his wife own experience with his church's attitude towards money and the attitude towards life His kind-hearted and friendly, honest and generous, we should have moral character
Reading the whole book, I think I was most impressed with is the main character David Copperfield He is a people helping others, this person has encountered difficulties in life, but he not escape the face of difficulties, because he is deeply aware of escape can not solve any problems He encountered difficulties in their own time, are efforts to find a way to solve the problem In solving the process, he did not forget you are helping others part of the job He helps people solve their own problems aside Finally, he was a successful career and happy life
He's the kind of strong and courageous I am deeply touched, but also inspired its own I do not care whatever the difficulties, if not avoid, as long as the courage to face the strong, the idea of trying to solve in order to overcome himself, to succeed This is a test of our life Take the case of our primary and secondary school students, perhaps young life we do not need to stir up the burden, do not experience all kinds of suffering, but before us is to learn that David is not afraid of difficulties, the spirit of the difficulties faced are is what we need most to learn
Some students in the learning experience of living in a "stumbling block", they moan and groan at once, the first idea is to ask the teacher or students, also is to give up Never thought that, by their own hands to solve the problem, the way out to explore the problem, never as successful is the real talent, I am no exception Hope that this book inspired me, but also inspire readers, especially students like myself, let us learn from David to join The upsurge of the spirit Copperfield Come!









The earth my home, the environmental protection depends on everyone


We should set up a sense of water saving and oppose the waste of water


To protect the ecological environment and build a beautiful home


For the happiness of our children, please cherish the environment


Protect the water environment and save water resources


To protect the environment is to cherish life


Love green glory, destroy green disgrace


It is a glorious environment to protect the environment and to pollute the environment


Abide by laws and regulations to prevent environmental pollution


To protect the environment is to protect the productive forces


The trees have green, and the earth has a pulse


Create a green campus, start from you and me


Save the earth, start from the details of life


Let green see it, let green see it


Use your hand well, the garbage is nowhere


Protect the blue sky and the blue sky and build a green home


Everyone's proposal is innovative and the cost is reduced naturally


Returning farmland to forest and grass to protect the ecological environment


It is a pity to step down the green felt


Being a guardian of the environment, being a citizen of the times


We should carry out environmental education and guide the information of environmental protection


To protect the ecological environment and benefit the offspring of the children and grandchildren


All members are involved in improving and continuing the environmental community


Keep the beauty of the grass, and reflect your beauty


To protect the environment, the work is in the modern times


It is a shame to waste water, and to save water is glorious


One more green, more health


Produce green products and use green products


Let the water be clearer and make the home better


Protect the natural balance and save the green environment


Pick up a piece of paper to create a beautiful environment


Go to nature, know nature, and protect nature


The earth is my home, and everyone protects her


Greening and beautifying and purifying, rely on you to lean on him


世界地球日(The World Earth Day)即每年的4月22日,是一个专为世界环境保护而设立的节日,旨在提高民众对于现有环境问题的意识,并动员民众参与到环保运动中,通过绿色低碳生活,改善地球的整体环境。地球日由盖洛德·尼尔森和丹尼斯·海斯于1970年发起。现今,地球日的庆祝活动已发展至全球192个国家,每年有超过10亿人参与其中,使其成为世界上最大的民间环保节日。中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会副理事长兼秘书长周晋峰表示:“这次活动可以说是现代环保活动的开端,它推动了西方国家重视环境污染和破坏问题,具有里程碑式的意义。与此同时,该活动对1972年联合国第一次人类环境会议的召开也起到了积极推动作用,让人类充分认识到‘只有一个地球’的重要内涵。”






原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/yw/12843317.html

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