

Unit 13
一. 词组:
1 give some advice on 2 all the time
3 take this medicine three times a day 4 advise sb (not) to do sth
5 keep up with the high pace of modern life 6 make the right choices
7 be good /bad for 8develop healthy eating habits
9build our body 10 help keep our body functioning well
11 help our body fight disease 12 be based on
13 choose from 14 keep a balanced diet
15 in the right amounts 16 lose weight/ put on (gain) weight
17 keep fit/healthy/sound 18 keep fit/healthy/sound
19 now and then/from time to time 20 taste great and keep us going
21 be short of/run out of 22 in the right order
23 belong to 24 avoid eating vegetables
25 hand in 26 lead/live a…life 27 depend on
二. 句型:
1It really hurts 2I’ve got a pain here
3I didn’t feel very well 4It was a bit green
5It’s nothing serious
6 Choosing what to eat is no long as easy as it once was
7 If we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat
8But the choices we make are not just about nutrition
9 Many people today make choices about their eating habits based on what they believe
10 Eating habits become part of who we are
11 The same goes for “crash diets” that some companies say will make us lose weight fast
12 The best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits
13 Only in this way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life
14May I take your order
15 It is better to eat a potato than to be one
Unit 14
1dress up /be dressed in/ well-dressed person
2in one’s opinion 3 make a decision
4 a seven-day festival 5 give thanks for doing sth
6 build unity of family 7 honour our ancestor
8 have faith in/ believe in 9 give away
10 play a trick on sb 11 treat sb to sth
12 take in
1 Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans
2 We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful
3 Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discussing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa
4 Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive
5 It is a reminder that we need to care about the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature
Unit 15
一. 词组
1 ten years of hard work 2a moment’s rest
3after all 4call on sb
5work day and night 6at the most
7pay back the money 8invite sb to an evening party
9try on 10without luck
11have a good time 12be worth five hundred
13ask for permission 14on the way
15pay off debts 16come up with a very good story
17have a hard time 18on the other side of town
19build up one’s self-confidence 20dream of doing
1 Where have you been all these years
2 I know I look older than my age
3 That’s because of hard work—ten years of hard work
4 She married a man with a lot of money
5 You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you
6 I did have a very good time at the ball
7 Writing a short play is not that difficult and besides we have to start somewhere if we want to learn how to write plays
8 What the world will look like a thousand years from now
9 I would rather not tell you
10 It was worth five hundred francs at most
Unit 16
1in one’s opinion 2make use of
3a kite made of silk 4add…to
5tie/fasten…to 6stop the kite from flying away
7be in tears 8end in a tie
9go against your view 10in your own words
11a waste of money 12be bad for
13make much noise 14make many important discoveries
15do/conduct/make/carry out 16 an experiment 16 protect…from
17conduct electricity 18pick out the correct answers
19have something in mind 20keep the law
21have a right to do something 22fight for/against
23a great deal of 24allow sb to do sth
25teston 26a large amount of money
1 Having realized that I could use a kite to attract lighting, I decided to do an experiment
2 Fly the kite when a thunderstorm appears to be coming on
3 How much do you charge for repairing my CD player
4 It usually takes one hour to get my cellphone fully charged
5 Don’t pull the cloth so hard It tears easily
6 There’s no doubt that 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiment are very well taken care of
7 What should you do with animal testing in the future
8 Scientist say that if a medicine works with animals; there is very high chance that it also works with people
9 Animals have the same rights as human beings
10 Science is of great help help in developing the economy
11 Franklin’s kite experiment showed that lightening and electricity are the same
Unit 17
二. 词组
1be known for 2become of
3make impression on sb 4be about to do
5just around the corner 6put up (tent)
7blow away 8die down
9at the top of one’s voice 10be thankful for
11in good health 12struggle to one’s knees
13on hands and knees 14drag into
15make a decision 16give up
17meet the challenges of 18a sleeping bag
19fall down 20fight for
21come to terms with 22an inspiring story
23hold no promise 24lead to
25after graduation 26make one’s dreams come true
27without regret 28encourage sb to do sth
29all sorts of 30think of… as
三. 重点句
1It has often been said that life is difficult as it is For women it sometimes
seems twice as difficult
2Another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin
3I found myself spending a whole day in my tent
4I had traveled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had to put up my tent before the winds became too strong
5I thawed a frozen cake over my fire, placed a candle on the top, lit it and sang“happy birthday to me”at the top of my voice
6 It’s an experience I shall never forget and shall value for the rest of my life
1 lie to\in\on\off 2 be made up of
3 be famous for\as 4 settle in\on\down
5 take possession of 6 sign an agreement with
7 combine… into 8 stand for
9 make up 10 the majority of
11 take place\in\out\on\off\up 12 at an early age
13 turn to 14 plenty of
15 all kinds\sorts of 16 outdoor activities
17 go sailing\camping\swimming… 18 honour sb for sth
1 It is made up of two large islands: North Island and South Island
2 It is about the same size as Japan
3 The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs, some of which throw hot water high into the air
4 New Zealand is an important agriculture country, with cattle farming on the North Island, while the hilly South Island has more sheep farms
5 The deer are farmed for their meat and fur, which are then shipped to many other countries
6 New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world
7 It is interesting to visit New Zealand
8 New Zealand has a population of about 38 million people, of which about fourteen percent are Maori
9 The majority of people speak English
10 Some farmers have turned to keeping deer, and there are shipped to many other countries
Unit 19
1 depend on/upon 2 carry out
3 protect…from/against 4 bring in
5 go against 6 not … but…
6 have an effect on … 8 in the 1980’s
9 as far as 10 make a choice
11 be friendly/kind/polite/rude to sb 12 do harm/good to
13 be known as/for 14 stand for
15 in other words 16 a variety of
17 have a long history of 18 do research into …
19 give advice on… 20 pass… on
21 from generation to generation 22 over time
23 be short of 24 be different from
25 keep up with
26 to one’s joy/delight/surprise/disappointment/sadness
1 In the past there were no trees left in or around the village
2 To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible
3 It was from the early 1990’s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment
4 Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment
5 The temperature is controlled with computers, no matter how the weather is outside
Unit 20
1act a role of 2make fun of
3tell jokes 4act out small sketches
5date back to 6roar with laughter
7look on …as 8in the direction of
9be angry with sb 10intend to do sth
11suffer from 12be on good terms with sb
13drive off 14get confused
15have sth in mind 16an amusing story
17enrich one’s life 18with the intention of
19in total silence 20the rising sun
1 The actors make us laugh by making fun of somebody’s way of dressing or telling an amusing stiry
2 It is their clothes, make-up and the way they walk that makes people laugh
3 What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words
4 Typical for China is the crosstalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play
5 Dating back to the Qin Dynasty, the traditional crosstalk shows,or xiangshengshows,have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries
6 To appreciate the jokes of crosstalk artists,listeners have to know very well what the comedians are talking about
7 A crosstalk show has two speakers making many jokes and funny conversation
8 Learning to speak a foreigh language enriches one’s life
9 I cycled in front of him, got off my bicycle and laid it down in the road in front of his car so that he couldn’t drive off
10 Two days later I received a letter offing me the job
1 match…with 2 by the way
3 I can manage it myself 4 practise doing
5 lean forward 6 disagree with
7 ask for / offer help 8 I’d like/love/prefer sb to do sth
9 express our thoughts and opinion 10 look into one’s eyes
11 the opposite meaning 12 get though
13a world of strangers 14tear down
15 come up with 16 look inviting
17 be popular with/in 18 make up a funny story
19 put sth in order 20 focus one’s eyes/attention on
21 take turns to doing sth 22 in detail
23 ahead of time 24 a quick look at
25 stare at 26 a variety of
二 句型
1. Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture
2. There are differences as to how often we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to
3. While there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal
4. Perhaps the best example of universally understood body language is the smile
5. If we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend
Unit 22
一. 词组
1.go straight down the road 2be based on
3an amusement parks 4make great achievements
5fly a helicopter 6a conservation center
7be divided into 8be like stepping into the world of
9go on exciting rides 10in danger
11It seems that 12feel like doing
13in outer space 14scream one’s way
15a limit to sth 16send up
17for the first time 18make up
19focus on 20thrills and entertainment
二. 句型
1 What they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something
2 Unlike traditional amusement parks, theme parks often want to teach vistors something
3 The park is divided into two sections
4 Entering one of the attractions at Universal Studios is like stepping into the world of your favourite movies
5 It seems that people just cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures
6 The parks are becoming more and more advanced and new technology allow us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury
7 The only limit to the fun is the imagination of the designers of the thrill rides---and it seems to be endless!
8 Another attraction found in many theme parks is the thrill ride



獒警官去鸭嘴瘦瘦减肥中心的目的是什么( C )


原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/yw/12809500.html

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