

概述【Alios-things笔记嵌入式Linux平台使能WIFI配网和本地通讯 概述

在Alios-things中虽然有linuxhost程序可以运行,但是这个编译出来的程序出来的应用程序只能运行在x86平台,如果想让嵌入式linux系统的设备接入阿里的物联网平台或者智能生活开放平台,只能使用阿里提供的iotx-sdk-c SDK。
Link Kit SDK用户手册






/** * @brIEf   在设备的持久化外部存储器比如Flash上, 从配置区域起始位置读取数据到指定的内存缓冲区中 * * @param   buffer : 存放读取配置信息的缓冲区起始地址 * @param   length : 将要读取的数据长度, 单位是字节(Byte) * @retval  -1 : 读取失败 * @retval  0 : 读取成功 */int HAL_Config_Read(_IN_ char *buffer, _IN_ int length);/** * @brIEf   在设备的持久化外部存储器比如Flash上, 把指定的内存缓冲区向配置区域起始位置写入 * * @param   buffer : 存放要写到外存的数据的缓冲区 * @param   length : 将要写入的数据长度, 单位是字节(Byte) * @retval  -1 : 写入失败 * @retval  0 : 写入成功 */int HAL_Config_Write(_IN_ const char *buffer, _IN_ int length);/** * @brIEf   获取Wi-Fi的接受信号强度(`RSSI`) * * @return  信号强度数值, 单位是dBm */int HAL_Wifi_Get_RSSi_Dbm(voID);/** * @brIEf   使WiFi模组进入省电模式, 并持续一段时间 * * @param   指定在多长时间内, WiFi模组都处于省电模式, 单位是毫秒 * @retval  0 : 设置成功 * @retval  -1 : 设置失败 * * @note sample code * int HAL_Wifi_Low_Power(int timeout_ms) * { *      wifi_enter_power_saving_mode(); *      msleep(timeout_ms); *      wifi_exit_power_saving_mode(); * *      return 0; * } */int HAL_Wifi_Low_Power(_IN_ int timeout_ms);/** * @brIEf   获取RF433的接收信号强度(`RSSI`) * * @return  信号强度数值, 单位是dBm */int HAL_RF433_Get_RSSi_Dbm(voID);/** * @brIEf   获取Wi-Fi网口的MAC地址, 格式应当是"XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" * * @param   mac_str : 用于存放MAC地址字符串的缓冲区数组 * @return  指向缓冲区数组起始位置的字符指针 */char *HAL_Wifi_Get_Mac(_OU_ char mac_str[HAL_MAC_LEN]);#define HAL_IP_LEN    (15 + 1)/** * @brIEf   获取Wi-Fi网口的IP地址, 点分十进制格式保存在字符串数组出参, 二进制格式则作为返回值, 并以网络字节序(大端)表达 * * @param   ifname : 指定Wi-Fi网络接口的名字 * @param   ip_str : 存放点分十进制格式的IP地址字符串的数组 * @return  二进制形式的IP地址, 以网络字节序(大端)组织 */uint32_t HAL_Wifi_Get_IP(_OU_ char ip_str[HAL_IP_LEN], _IN_ const char *ifname);/** * @brIEf   获取Wi-Fi模块上的 *** 作系统版本字符串 * * @param   version_str : 存放版本字符串的缓冲区数组 * @return  指向缓冲区数组的起始地址 */char *HAL_Wifi_Get_Os_Version(_OU_ char version_str[STR_SHORT_LEN]);/** * @brIEf   获取配网服务(`AWSS`)的超时时间长度, 单位是毫秒 * * @return  超时时长, 单位是毫秒 * @note    推荐时长是60,0000毫秒 */int HAL_Awss_Get_Timeout_Interval_Ms(voID);/** * @brIEf   获取配网服务(`AWSS`)超时时长到达之后, 去连接默认SSID时的超时时长, 单位是毫秒 * * @return  超时时长, 单位是毫秒 * @note    推荐时长是0毫秒, 含义是永远持续 */int HAL_Awss_Get_Connect_Default_SsID_Timeout_Interval_Ms(voID);/** * @brIEf   获取在每个信道(`channel`)上扫描的时间长度, 单位是毫秒 * * @return  时间长度, 单位是毫秒 * @note    推荐时长是200毫秒到400毫秒 */int HAL_Awss_Get_Channelscan_Interval_Ms(voID);/* link type */enum AWSS_link_TYPE {    /* rtos HAL choose this type */    AWSS_link_TYPE_NONE,    /* linux HAL may choose the following type */    AWSS_link_TYPE_PRISM,    AWSS_link_TYPE_80211_RAdio,    AWSS_link_TYPE_80211_RAdio_AVS,    AWSS_link_TYPE_HT40_CTRL /* for espressif HAL, see struct ht40_ctrl */};struct HAL_Ht40_Ctrl {    uint16_t    length;    uint8_t     filter;    signed char RSSi;};/** * @brIEf   802.11帧的处理函数, 可以将802.11 Frame传递给这个函数 * * @param[in] buf @n 80211 frame buffer, or pointer to struct ht40_ctrl * @param[in] length @n 80211 frame buffer length * @param[in] link_type @n AWSS_link_TYPE_NONE for most rtos HAL, *              and for linux HAL, do the following step to check *              which header type the driver supported.   @verbatim               a) iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor    #open monitor mode               b) iwconfig wlan0 channel 6    #switch channel 6               c) tcpdump -i wlan0 -s0 -w file.pacp    #capture 80211 frame & save               d) open file.pacp with wireshark or omnipeek                   check the link header type and fcs included or not   @endverbatim * @param[in] with_fcs @n 80211 frame buffer include fcs(4 byte) or not * @param[in] RSSi @n RSSi of packet, range of [-127, -1] */typedef int (*awss_recv_80211_frame_cb_t)(char *buf, int length,        enum AWSS_link_TYPE link_type, int with_fcs, signed char RSSi);/** * @brIEf   设置Wi-Fi网卡工作在监听(Monitor)模式, 并在收到802.11帧的时候调用被传入的回调函数 * * @param[in] cb @n A function pointer, called back when wifi receive a frame. */voID HAL_Awss_Open_Monitor(_IN_ awss_recv_80211_frame_cb_t cb);/** * @brIEf   设置Wi-Fi网卡离开监听(Monitor)模式, 并开始以站点(Station)模式工作 */voID HAL_Awss_Close_Monitor(voID);/** * @brIEf   设置Wi-Fi网卡切换到指定的信道(channel)上 * * @param[in] primary_channel @n Primary channel. * @param[in] secondary_channel @n Auxiliary channel if 40Mhz channel is supported, currently *              this param is always 0. * @param[in] bssID @n A pointer to wifi BSSID on which awss lock the channel, most HAL *              may ignore it. */voID HAL_Awss_Switch_Channel(            _IN_ char primary_channel,            _IN_OPT_ char secondary_channel,            _IN_OPT_ uint8_t bssID[ETH_ALEN]);/** * @brIEf   要求Wi-Fi网卡连接指定热点(Access Point)的函数 * * @param[in] connection_timeout_ms @n AP connection timeout in ms or HAL_WAIT_INFINITE * @param[in] ssID @n AP ssID * @param[in] passwd @n AP passwd * @param[in] auth @n optional(AWSS_AUTH_TYPE_INVALID), AP auth info * @param[in] encry @n optional(AWSS_ENC_TYPE_INVALID), AP encry info * @param[in] bssID @n optional(NulL or zero mac address), AP bssID info * @param[in] channel @n optional, AP channel info * @return   @verbatim     = 0: connect AP & DHCP success     = -1: connect AP or DHCP fail/timeout   @endverbatim * @see None. * @note *      If the STA connects the old AP, HAL should disconnect from the old AP firstly. *      If bssID specifIEs the dest AP, HAL should use bssID to connect dest AP. */int HAL_Awss_Connect_Ap(            _IN_ uint32_t connection_timeout_ms,            _IN_ char ssID[HAL_MAX_SSID_LEN],            _IN_ char passwd[HAL_MAX_PASSWD_LEN],            _IN_OPT_ enum AWSS_AUTH_TYPE auth,            _IN_OPT_ enum AWSS_ENC_TYPE encry,            _IN_OPT_ uint8_t bssID[ETH_ALEN],            _IN_OPT_ uint8_t channel);/** * @brIEf check system network is ready(get ip address) or not. * * @param None. * @return 0, net is not ready; 1, net is ready. * @see None. * @note None. */int HAL_Sys_Net_Is_Ready();/** * @brIEf   在当前信道(channel)上以基本数据速率(1Mbps)发送裸的802.11帧(raw 802.11 frame) * * @param[in] type @n see enum HAL_Awss_frame_type, currently only FRAME_BEACON *                      FRAME_PROBE_REQ is used * @param[in] buffer @n 80211 raw frame, include complete mac header & FCS fIEld * @param[in] len @n 80211 raw frame length * @return   @verbatim   =  0, send success.   = -1, send failure.   = -2, unsupported.   @endverbatim * @see None. * @note awss use this API send raw frame in wifi monitor mode & station mode */int HAL_Wifi_Send_80211_Raw_Frame(_IN_ enum HAL_Awss_Frame_Type type,                                  _IN_ uint8_t *buffer, _IN_ int len);/** * @brIEf   管理帧的处理回调函数 * * @param[in] buffer @n 80211 raw frame or IE(information element) buffer * @param[in] len @n buffer length * @param[in] RSSi_dbm @n RSSi in dbm, range of [-127, -1], set it to -1 if not supported * @param[in] buffer_type @n 0 when buffer is a 80211 frame, *                          1 when buffer only contain IE info * @return None. * @see None. * @note None. */typedef voID (*awss_wifi_mgmt_frame_cb_t)(_IN_ uint8_t *buffer, _IN_ int len,        _IN_ signed char RSSi_dbm, _IN_ int buffer_type);/** * @brIEf   在站点(Station)模式下使能或禁用对管理帧的过滤 * * @param[in] filter_mask @n see mask macro in enum HAL_Awss_frame_type, *                      currently only FRAME_PROBE_REQ_MASK & FRAME_BEACON_MASK is used * @param[in] vendor_oui @n oui can be used for precise frame match, optional * @param[in] callback @n see awss_wifi_mgmt_frame_cb_t, passing 80211 *                      frame or IE to callback. when callback is NulL *                      disable sniffer feature, otherwise enable it. * @return   @verbatim   =  0, success   = -1, fail   = -2, unsupported.   @endverbatim * @see None. * @note awss use this API to filter specific mgnt frame in wifi station mode */int HAL_Wifi_Enable_Mgmt_Frame_Filter(            _IN_ uint32_t filter_mask,            _IN_OPT_ uint8_t vendor_oui[3],            _IN_ awss_wifi_mgmt_frame_cb_t callback);typedef struct {    enum AWSS_AUTH_TYPE auth;    enum AWSS_ENC_TYPE encry;    uint8_t channel;    signed char RSSi_dbm;    char ssID[HAL_MAX_SSID_LEN];    uint8_t mac[ETH_ALEN];} awss_ap_info_t;/** * @brIEf handle one pIEce of AP information from wifi scan result * * @param[in] ssID @n name of AP * @param[in] bssID @n mac address of AP * @param[in] channel @n AP channel * @param[in] RSSi @n RSSi range[-127, -1]. *          the higher the RSSI number, the stronger the signal. * @param[in] is_last_ap @n this AP information is the last one if is_last_ap > 0. *          this AP information is not the last one if is_last_ap == 0. * @return 0 for wifi scan is done, otherwise return -1 * @see None. * @note None. */typedef int (*awss_wifi_scan_result_cb_t)(            const char ssID[HAL_MAX_SSID_LEN],            const uint8_t bssID[ETH_ALEN],            enum AWSS_AUTH_TYPE auth,            enum AWSS_ENC_TYPE encry,            uint8_t channel, signed char RSSi,            int is_last_ap);/** * @brIEf   启动一次Wi-Fi的空中扫描(Scan) * * @param[in] cb @n pass ssID info(scan result) to this callback one by one * @return 0 for wifi scan is done, otherwise return -1 * @see None. * @note *      This API should NOT exit before the invoking for cb is finished. *      This rule is something like the following : *      HAL_Wifi_Scan() is invoked... *      ... *      for (ap = first_ap; ap <= last_ap; ap = next_ap){ *        cb(ap) *      } *      ... *      HAL_Wifi_Scan() exit... */int HAL_Wifi_Scan(awss_wifi_scan_result_cb_t cb);/** * @brIEf   获取所连接的热点(Access Point)的信息 * * @param[out] ssID: array to store ap ssID. It will be null if ssID is not required. * @param[out] passwd: array to store ap password. It will be null if ap password is not required. * @param[out] bssID: array to store ap bssID. It will be null if bssID is not required. * @return   @verbatim     = 0: succeeded     = -1: Failed   @endverbatim * @see None. * @note *     If the STA dosen't connect AP successfully, HAL should return -1 and not touch the ssID/passwd/bssID buffer. */int HAL_Wifi_Get_Ap_Info(            _OU_ char ssID[HAL_MAX_SSID_LEN],            _OU_ char passwd[HAL_MAX_PASSWD_LEN],            _OU_ uint8_t bssID[ETH_ALEN]);/** * @brIEf   获取`smartconfig`服务的安全等级 * * @param None. * @return The security level:   @verbatim    0: open (no encrypt)    1: aes256cfb with default aes-key and aes-iv    2: aes128cfb with default aes-key and aes-iv    3: aes128cfb with aes-key per product and aes-iv = 0    4: aes128cfb with aes-key per device and aes-iv = 0    5: aes128cfb with aes-key per manufacture and aes-iv = 0    others: invalID   @endverbatim * @see None. */int HAL_Awss_Get_Encrypt_Type();/** * @brIEf    Get Security level for wifi configuration with connection. *           Used for AP solution of router and App. * * @param None. * @return The security level:   @verbatim    3: aes128cfb with aes-key per product and aes-iv = random    4: aes128cfb with aes-key per device and aes-iv = random    5: aes128cfb with aes-key per manufacture and aes-iv = random    others: invalID   @endverbatim * @see None. */int HAL_Awss_Get_Conn_Encrypt_Type();

或者参考Alios-things 中rhino的实现

/** * @brIEf   获取Wi-Fi的接受信号强度(`RSSI`) * * @return  信号强度数值, 单位是dBm */int HAL_Wifi_Get_RSSi_Dbm(voID){    return 0;}/** * @brIEf   使WiFi模组进入省电模式, 并持续一段时间 * * @param   指定在多长时间内, WiFi模组都处于省电模式, 单位是毫秒 * @retval  0 : 设置成功 * @retval  -1 : 设置失败 * * @note sample code * int HAL_Wifi_Low_Power(int timeout_ms) * { *      wifi_enter_power_saving_mode(); *      msleep(timeout_ms); *      wifi_exit_power_saving_mode(); * *      return 0; * } */int HAL_Wifi_Low_Power(_IN_ int timeout_ms){    return 0;}/** * @brIEf   获取Wi-Fi网口的MAC地址, 格式应当是"XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" * * @param   mac_str : 用于存放MAC地址字符串的缓冲区数组 * @return  指向缓冲区数组起始位置的字符指针 */char *HAL_Wifi_Get_Mac(_OU_ char mac_str[HAL_MAC_LEN]){    memcpy(mac_str,"12:34:56:78:90:1A",HAL_MAC_LEN);    return mac_str;}/** * @brIEf   获取Wi-Fi模块上的 *** 作系统版本字符串 * * @param   version_str : 存放版本字符串的缓冲区数组 * @return  指向缓冲区数组的起始地址 */#define AOS_VERSION_STR "aos1.2.0"char *HAL_Wifi_Get_Os_Version(_OU_ char version_str[STR_SHORT_LEN]){    return strncpy(version_str, AOS_VERSION_STR, sizeof(AOS_VERSION_STR));}/** * @brIEf   获取配网服务(`AWSS`)的超时时间长度, 单位是毫秒 * * @return  超时时长, 单位是毫秒 * @note    推荐时长是60,0000毫秒 */int HAL_Awss_Get_Timeout_Interval_Ms(voID){    return 3 * 60 * 1000;}/** * @brIEf   获取配网服务(`AWSS`)超时时长到达之后, 去连接默认SSID时的超时时长, 单位是毫秒 * * @return  超时时长, 单位是毫秒 * @note    推荐时长是0毫秒, 含义是永远持续 */int HAL_Awss_Get_Connect_Default_SsID_Timeout_Interval_Ms(voID){    return 0;}/** * @brIEf   获取在每个信道(`channel`)上扫描的时间长度, 单位是毫秒 * * @return  时间长度, 单位是毫秒 * @note    推荐时长是200毫秒到400毫秒 */int HAL_Awss_Get_Channelscan_Interval_Ms(voID){    return 200;}/** * @brIEf   设置Wi-Fi网卡工作在监听(Monitor)模式, 并在收到802.11帧的时候调用被传入的回调函数 * * @param[in] cb @n A function pointer, called back when wifi receive a frame. */voID HAL_Awss_Open_Monitor(_IN_ awss_recv_80211_frame_cb_t cb){}/** * @brIEf   设置Wi-Fi网卡离开监听(Monitor)模式, 并开始以站点(Station)模式工作 */voID HAL_Awss_Close_Monitor(voID){}/** * @brIEf   设置Wi-Fi网卡切换到指定的信道(channel)上 * * @param[in] primary_channel @n Primary channel. * @param[in] secondary_channel @n Auxiliary channel if 40Mhz channel is supported, currently *              this param is always 0. * @param[in] bssID @n A pointer to wifi BSSID on which awss lock the channel, most HAL *              may ignore it. */voID HAL_Awss_Switch_Channel(            _IN_ char primary_channel,            _IN_OPT_ char secondary_channel,            _IN_OPT_ uint8_t bssID[ETH_ALEN])            {            }/** * @brIEf   要求Wi-Fi网卡连接指定热点(Access Point)的函数 * * @param[in] connection_timeout_ms @n AP connection timeout in ms or HAL_WAIT_INFINITE * @param[in] ssID @n AP ssID * @param[in] passwd @n AP passwd * @param[in] auth @n optional(AWSS_AUTH_TYPE_INVALID), AP auth info * @param[in] encry @n optional(AWSS_ENC_TYPE_INVALID), AP encry info * @param[in] bssID @n optional(NulL or zero mac address), AP bssID info * @param[in] channel @n optional, AP channel info * @return   @verbatim     = 0: connect AP & DHCP success     = -1: connect AP or DHCP fail/timeout   @endverbatim * @see None. * @note *      If the STA connects the old AP, HAL should disconnect from the old AP firstly. *      If bssID specifIEs the dest AP, HAL should use bssID to connect dest AP. */int HAL_Awss_Connect_Ap(            _IN_ uint32_t connection_timeout_ms,            _IN_ char ssID[HAL_MAX_SSID_LEN],            _IN_ char passwd[HAL_MAX_PASSWD_LEN],            _IN_OPT_ enum AWSS_AUTH_TYPE auth,            _IN_OPT_ enum AWSS_ENC_TYPE encry,            _IN_OPT_ uint8_t bssID[ETH_ALEN],            _IN_OPT_ uint8_t channel)            {                return -1;            }/** * @brIEf check system network is ready(get ip address) or not. * * @param None. * @return 0, net is not ready; 1, net is ready. * @see None. * @note None. */int HAL_Sys_Net_Is_Ready(){    return 1;}/** * @brIEf   在当前信道(channel)上以基本数据速率(1Mbps)发送裸的802.11帧(raw 802.11 frame) * * @param[in] type @n see enum HAL_Awss_frame_type, currently only FRAME_BEACON *                      FRAME_PROBE_REQ is used * @param[in] buffer @n 80211 raw frame, include complete mac header & FCS fIEld * @param[in] len @n 80211 raw frame length * @return   @verbatim   =  0, send success.   = -1, send failure.   = -2, unsupported.   @endverbatim * @see None. * @note awss use this API send raw frame in wifi monitor mode & station mode */int HAL_Wifi_Send_80211_Raw_Frame(_IN_ enum HAL_Awss_Frame_Type type,                                  _IN_ uint8_t *buffer, _IN_ int len){    return 0;}/** * @brIEf   在站点(Station)模式下使能或禁用对管理帧的过滤 * * @param[in] filter_mask @n see mask macro in enum HAL_Awss_frame_type, *                      currently only FRAME_PROBE_REQ_MASK & FRAME_BEACON_MASK is used * @param[in] vendor_oui @n oui can be used for precise frame match, optional * @param[in] callback @n see awss_wifi_mgmt_frame_cb_t, passing 80211 *                      frame or IE to callback. when callback is NulL *                      disable sniffer feature, otherwise enable it. * @return   @verbatim   =  0, success   = -1, fail   = -2, unsupported.   @endverbatim * @see None. * @note awss use this API to filter specific mgnt frame in wifi station mode */int HAL_Wifi_Enable_Mgmt_Frame_Filter(            _IN_ uint32_t filter_mask,            _IN_OPT_ uint8_t vendor_oui[3],            _IN_ awss_wifi_mgmt_frame_cb_t callback)            {                return 0;            }/** * @brIEf   启动一次Wi-Fi的空中扫描(Scan) * * @param[in] cb @n pass ssID info(scan result) to this callback one by one * @return 0 for wifi scan is done, otherwise return -1 * @see None. * @note *      This API should NOT exit before the invoking for cb is finished. *      This rule is something like the following : *      HAL_Wifi_Scan() is invoked... *      ... *      for (ap = first_ap; ap <= last_ap; ap = next_ap){ *        cb(ap) *      } *      ... *      HAL_Wifi_Scan() exit... */int HAL_Wifi_Scan(awss_wifi_scan_result_cb_t cb){    return 0;}/** * @brIEf   获取所连接的热点(Access Point)的信息 * * @param[out] ssID: array to store ap ssID. It will be null if ssID is not required. * @param[out] passwd: array to store ap password. It will be null if ap password is not required. * @param[out] bssID: array to store ap bssID. It will be null if bssID is not required. * @return   @verbatim     = 0: succeeded     = -1: Failed   @endverbatim * @see None. * @note *     If the STA dosen't connect AP successfully, HAL should return -1 and not touch the ssID/passwd/bssID buffer. */int HAL_Wifi_Get_Ap_Info(            _OU_ char ssID[HAL_MAX_SSID_LEN],            _OU_ char passwd[HAL_MAX_PASSWD_LEN],            _OU_ uint8_t bssID[ETH_ALEN])            {                return 0;            }/** * @brIEf   获取`smartconfig`服务的安全等级 * * @param None. * @return The security level:   @verbatim    0: open (no encrypt)    1: aes256cfb with default aes-key and aes-iv    2: aes128cfb with default aes-key and aes-iv    3: aes128cfb with aes-key per product and aes-iv = 0    4: aes128cfb with aes-key per device and aes-iv = 0    5: aes128cfb with aes-key per manufacture and aes-iv = 0    others: invalID   @endverbatim * @see None. */int HAL_Awss_Get_Encrypt_Type(){    return 3;}/** * @brIEf    Get Security level for wifi configuration with connection. *           Used for AP solution of router and App. * * @param None. * @return The security level:   @verbatim    3: aes128cfb with aes-key per product and aes-iv = random    4: aes128cfb with aes-key per device and aes-iv = random    5: aes128cfb with aes-key per manufacture and aes-iv = random    others: invalID   @endverbatim * @see None. */int HAL_Awss_Get_Conn_Encrypt_Type(){    return 4;}




原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/yw/1013122.html

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