iphone – 在Objective-C中将小数转换为分数?

iphone – 在Objective-C中将小数转换为分数?,第1张

概述我试图取小数点后的所有内容并将其显示为分数.找不到有关如何实现这一点的 Objective-c.我使用double来格式化变量,不确定这是否重要.这就是我格式化我的答案的输出:[theTextField setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@“%f””,(myVariable)]];这显示为十进制,但它真的很喜欢它作为一个整数和分数(即.)7 1/2而不是7.50 我试图取小数点后的所有内容并将其显示为分数.找不到有关如何实现这一点的 Objective-c.我使用double来格式化变量,不确定这是否重要.这就是我格式化我的答案的输出:[theTextFIEld setText:[Nsstring stringWithFormat:@“%f””,(myVariable)]];这显示为十进制,但它真的很喜欢它作为一个整数和分数(即.)7 1/2而不是7.5000.先谢谢你!


好吧,我得到它显示7 1/16,但数学的东西是关闭的.因为即使通过改变分割的值,它也不会从1/16变化.我在哪里错了?如果有人能够真正使这个工作正常,请完整地发布它是如何完成的.这应该是简单的,但不是太耗时.请完整地发布它是如何完成的.谢谢.

如果这个答案不起作用,请查看我的其他帖子,这有效! Convert decimals to fractions

解决方法 Objective-C使用纯C基本上用于所有原始数学运算.


How to convert floats to human-readable fractions?

(特别是this answer以实际C代码为特色.)


typedef struct {    long nominator;    long denominator;    double error;} Fraction;/* * Find rational approximation to given real number * DavID Eppstein / UC Irvine / 8 Aug 1993 * * With corrections from Arno Formella,May 2008 * Function wrapper by RegexIDent,April 2011 * * usage: fractionFromreal(double realNumber,long maxDenominator) *   realNumber: is real number to approx *   maxDenominator: is the maximum denominator allowed * * based on the theory of continued fractions * if x = a1 + 1/(a2 + 1/(a3 + 1/(a4 + ...))) * then best approximation is found by truncating this serIEs * (with some adjustments in the last term). * * Note the fraction can be recovered as the first column of the matrix *  ( a1 1 ) ( a2 1 ) ( a3 1 ) ... *  ( 1  0 ) ( 1  0 ) ( 1  0 ) * Instead of keePing the sequence of continued fraction terms,* we just keep the last partial product of these matrices. */Fraction fractionFromreal(double realNumber,long maxDenominator) {   double atof();   int atoi();   voID exit();   long m[2][2];   double startx;   long ai;   startx = realNumber;   // initialize matrix:   m[0][0] = m[1][1] = 1;   m[0][1] = m[1][0] = 0;   // loop finding terms until denom gets too big:   while (m[1][0] *  (ai = (long)realNumber) + m[1][1] <= maxDenominator) {       long t;       t = m[0][0] * ai + m[0][1];       m[0][1] = m[0][0];       m[0][0] = t;       t = m[1][0] * ai + m[1][1];       m[1][1] = m[1][0];       m[1][0] = t;       if (realNumber == (double)ai) {           // AF: division by zero           break;       }       realNumber = 1 / (realNumber - (double)ai);       if (realNumber > (double)0x7FFFFFFF) {           // AF: representation failure           break;       }   }   ai = (maxDenominator - m[1][1]) / m[1][0];   m[0][0] = m[0][0] * ai + m[0][1];   m[1][0] = m[1][0] * ai + m[1][1];   return (Fraction) { .nominator = m[0][0],.denominator = m[1][0],.error = startx - ((double)m[0][0] / (double)m[1][0]) };}


double aReal = 123.45;long maxDenominator = 42;Fraction aFraction = fractionFromreal(aReal,maxDenominator);printf("Real %.3f -> fraction => %ld/%ld,error: %.3f\n",aReal,aFraction.nominator,aFraction.denominator,aFraction.error);


Real 123.450 -> fraction => 3827/31,error: -0.002


double myVariable = 7.5;long maxDenominator = 1000; //sample valueFraction myFraction = fractionFromreal(abs(myVariable - (NSInteger)myVariable),maxDenominator);[theTextFIEld setText:[Nsstring stringWithFormat:@"%d %d/%d",(NSInteger)myVariable,myFraction.nominator,myFraction.denominator]];

预期输出:“7 1/2”,实际输出:“7 499/999”
有关为什么会发生这种情况的一些信息,请参阅相关问题的答案:How to convert floats to human-readable fractions?


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原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/web/998968.html

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