html – 表列的对齐方式

html – 表列的对齐方式,第1张

概述我试图让表内的表意味着嵌套表.现在看起来像这个 screenshot.但我需要从左边开始对齐.因为我在每一行都使用相同的计数列. 你可以看到我试图得到这个输出. 提前致谢 .report-table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; font-family: Arial;}.report-table .col-name { wid 我试图让表内的表意味着嵌套表.现在看起来像这个 screenshot.但我需要从左边开始对齐.因为我在每一行都使用相同的计数列.


.report-table {  border-collapse: collapse;  wIDth: 100%;  Font-family: Arial;}.report-table .col-name {	wIDth: 150px;}.report-table .col-Title {	wIDth: 150px;}.report-table .col-carrIEd {	wIDth: 60px;}.report-table .col-earned {	wIDth: 60px;}.report-table .col-used {	wIDth: 60px;}.report-table .col-scheduled {	wIDth: 60px;}.report-table .col-balance {	wIDth: 60px;}.report-table .col-to-be {	wIDth: 60px;}.report-table .col-available {	wIDth: 60px;}.report-table .inner-table tr td{	border: 0;} .inner-table {	background: none;	border: 0;} .inner-table td {	vertical-align: top;} tr {  border-top: 1px solID #333;} td, th{  padding: 10px;  vertical-align: top;  text-align: left;} .inner-table td:first-child {	padding-left: 0;}
<table >  <thead>    <tr>      <th >name<span></span></th>      <th >Leave Title<span></span></th>      <th >CarrIEd Over<span></span></th>      <th >Earned<span></span></th>      <th >Used <span></span></th>      <th >Scheduled <span></span></th>      <th >Balance<span></span></th>      <th >To-be-earned<span></span></th>      <th >Avaliable<span></span></th>    </tr>  </thead>  <tbody>    <tr>      <td ><a href="#">Ethan Hunt</a></td>      <td colspan="8">        <table >          <tr>            <td >Vacation</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >5</td>            <td >0</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >5</td>          </tr>          <tr>            <td >Sickness</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >5</td>            <td >0</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >5</td>          </tr>          <tr>            <td >Training</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >5</td>            <td >0</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >5</td>          </tr>        </table>      </td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td ><a href="#">Lara Craft</a></td>      <td >Training</td>      <td >10</td>      <td >20</td>      <td >20</td>      <td >5</td>      <td >0</td>      <td >10</td>      <td >5</td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td ><a href="#">Ethan Hunt</a></td>      <td colspan="8">        <table >          <tr>            <td >Vacation</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >5</td>            <td >0</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >5</td>          </tr>          <tr>            <td >Sickness</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >5</td>            <td >0</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >5</td>          </tr>          <tr>            <td >Training</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >20</td>            <td >5</td>            <td >0</td>            <td >10</td>            <td >5</td>          </tr>        </table>      </td>    </tr>  </tbody></table>


解决方法 任何嵌套表都会使所涉及的所有表的整个布局和功能复杂化. < tbody>创建元素是为了允许我们将表格划分为共享相同精确列的部分.引入具有相同类型数据的另一个表并将其推入一列是没有意义的.将它包装在< table>中没有任何好处.然后将元素保存在另一个表的一列中,嵌套的< table>中的所有单元格仍然受内在< table>的风格和行为的影响.只有名称列的一列被拉伸,以便与外部< table>的列对齐.没有意义.




body,HTML {  wIDth: 100%;  height: 100%;  Font: 400 100%/1.2 Arial}* {  margin: 0;  padding: 0;  border: 0}/* table-layout: fixed gives us more control over <td> || dimensions and <table> behavior*/.report-table {  table-layout: fixed;  border-collapse: collapse;  wIDth: 100%;  margin: 30px auto;  Font-size: 1em}thead tr {  border-bottom: 3px double #111}/* Each <th> in the <thead> has text that clips into an|| automatic ellipsis if and when <table> gets narrower*/thead th {  padding: 10px 5px 5px;  overflow-x: hIDden;  white-space: nowrap;  text-overflow: ellipsis}tbody tr {  border: 1px transparent}tbody tr:last-of-type {  border-bottom: 1px solID #111}tbody th,td {  vertical-align: top;  text-align: left;  padding: 10px}.full {  border-bottom: 1px solID #111}td {  text-align: center}col {  wIDth: 10%},col.type {  wIDth: 15%}/* CSS HIghlight Featue *//* All checkBoxes and radio buttons are|| display:none;*/.chx,.rad,.reset {  display: none}label {  Font: inherit;  cursor: pointer;  display: inline-block}/* These rulesets will highlight a column when|| a <label> is clicked which in turn checks the|| checkBox which in turn changes the background|| color of a column*/#chx1:checked~table,#chx2:checked~table col.type {  background: #ff0}#chx3:checked~table col.carrIEd,#chx4:checked~table col.earned {  background: #00ff80}#chx5:checked~table col.used {  background: #ff8080}#chx6:checked~table col.scheduled,#chx7:checked~table col.balance,#chx8:checked~table col.yet,#chx9:checked~table col.available {  background: #ff0}.on {  display: inline-block}/* These radio buttons operate in the same || manner as the checkBoxes with some exceptions:|| - There's 2 <label>s for each radio|| - The <label>s toggle a row highlighting|| - The <label>s alternate between display:||   none and inline-block.|| - Only one <tbody> at a time may be highlighted*/#rad1:checked~table tbody#e-hunt-40318,#rad2:checked~table tbody#l-craft-61232,#rad3:checked~table tbody#r-hertz-20663 {  background: rgba(0,255,.5)}#rad1:checked~table tbody#e-hunt-40318 .reset {  display: inline-block}#rad1:checked~table tbody#e-hunt-40318 .on {  display: none}#rad1:checked~table tbody#e-hunt-40318 tr,#rad3:checked~table tbody#r-hertz-20663 tr {  border-bottom: 1px dashed red}#rad2:checked~table tbody#l-craft-61232 .reset {  display: inline-block}#rad2:checked~table tbody#l-craft-61232 .on {  display: none}#rad3:checked~table tbody#r-hertz-20663 .reset {  display: inline-block}#rad3:checked~table tbody#r-hertz-20663 .on {  display: none}#reset:checked~table tbody {  background: initial}
<!DOCTYPE HTML><HTML><head>  <Meta charset="utf-8">  <link href='report.CSS' rel='stylesheet'>  <style>  </style></head><body>  <!--|[Highlighting (Optional)  These checkBoxes and radio buttons are optional.  They are part of an intricate highlighting feature   that Leverages:   - cascading   - sibling selectors: ~   - <label> and 'for' attribute   - checkBox and radio <input>    input.chx highlights columns-->  <input ID='chx1' class='chx' type='checkBox'>  <input ID='chx2' class='chx' type='checkBox'>  <input ID='chx3' class='chx' type='checkBox'>  <input ID='chx4' class='chx' type='checkBox'>  <input ID='chx5' class='chx' type='checkBox'>  <input ID='chx6' class='chx' type='checkBox'>  <input ID='chx7' class='chx' type='checkBox'>  <input ID='chx8' class='chx' type='checkBox'>  <input ID='chx9' class='chx' type='checkBox'>  <!--input.rad highlights a row-->  <input ID='rad1' class='rad' name='rad' type='radio'>  <input ID='rad2' class='rad' name='rad' type='radio'>  <input ID='rad3' class='rad' name='rad' type='radio'>  <input ID='reset' class='rad' name='rad' type='radio'>  <table >    <!--|[<colgroup>/<col> (Recommended)    <colgroup> and <col> are elements with a    special purpose of assigning a limited number of    style propertIEs to a column (vertical stack of    <td>). Using them will reduce amount of classes    assigned to indivIDual cells.-->    <colgroup>      <col class='name'>      <col class='type'>      <col class='carrIEd'>      <col class='earned'>      <col class='used'>      <col class='scheduled'>      <col class='balance'>      <col class='yet'>      <col class='available'>    </colgroup>    <thead>      <tr>        <th>name</th>        <th>Leave Type</th>        <th>CarrIEd Over</th>        <th>Earned</th>        <th>Used</th>        <th>Scheduled</th>        <th>Balance</th>        <th>Yet Earned</th>        <th>Avaliable</th>      </tr>    </thead>    <!--|[<tbody> (required)    Instead of using a whole new <table> and shoving it    insIDe of a <td>,use a <tbody>. <tbody> is semantically,logically,and aesthetically a superior choice     compared to a nested <table>.        <tbody> is one of the 3 major sections of a <table>    and it's the only one of those 3 (the other 2 are     <thead> and <tfoot>) that are actually required when    building a <table>. Although one can build a <table>    and neglect adding the <tbody>,all modern browsers    will add it in automatically. Another unique character    istic of <tbody> that the other 2 lacks is that we     can have multiple <tbody> in a <table>.-->    <!--| Each <tbody> represents an employee's leave data      The class is .full (fulltime employee) or .part      (parttime employee). The ID is the employee's       first initial,last name,and ID number.-->    <tbody class='full' ID='e-hunt-40318'>      <tr>        <!--| The first column comprises of <th>:      - Data: Employee's Full name      - Class: .part or .full      - Style: From      - Markup: <th> one row if th.part; 3 rows if th.full        by using the rowspan attribute.-->        <th rowspan='3'>          <!--| <label>s toggle the radio buttons and the radio      buttons toggle row highlighting.-->          <label for='rad1' class='on'>Ethan Hunt</label>          <label for='reset' class='reset'>Ethan Hunt</label>        </th>        <td>Vacation</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>5</td>        <td>0</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>5</td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>Illness</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>5</td>        <td>0</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>5</td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>Training</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>5</td>        <td>0</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>5</td>      </tr>    </tbody>    <tbody class='part' ID='l-craft-61232'>      <tr>        <th>          <label for='rad2' class='on'>Lara Craft</label>          <label for='reset' class='reset'>Lara Craft</label>        </th>        <td>Training</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>5</td>        <td>0</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>5</td>      </tr>    </tbody>    <tbody class='full' ID='r-hertz-20663'>      <tr>        <th rowspan='3'>          <label for='rad3' class='on'>Richard Hertz</label>          <label for='reset' class='reset'>Richard Hertz</label>        </th>        <td>Vacation</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>5</td>        <td>0</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>5</td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>Illness</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>5</td>        <td>0</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>5</td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>Training</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>20</td>        <td>5</td>        <td>0</td>        <td>10</td>        <td>5</td>      </tr>    </tbody>    <!--<label for='ID'> (Optional)  |[<label for='ID'></label> <input ID='ID' type='radio'>    <tfoot> contains the <label>s that toggle the    columns' highlighting. Note that each <label>    has a for attribute which value is the ID of    the checkBox that the <label> is associated with.    This association allows the hIDden <input>s    to react from any click on it's associated     <label>-->    <tfoot>      <tr>        <td>          <label for='chx1'>Col1</label>        </td>        <td>          <label for='chx2'>Col2</label>        </td>        <td>          <label for='chx3'>Col3</label>        </td>        <td>          <label for='chx4'>Col4</label>        </td>        <td>          <label for='chx5'>Col5</label>        </td>        <td>          <label for='chx6'>Col6</label>        </td>        <td>          <label for='chx7'>Col7</label>        </td>        <td>          <label for='chx8'>Col8</label>        </td>        <td>          <label for='chx9'>Col9</label>        </td>      </tr>    </tfoot>  </table></body></HTML>

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的html – 表列的对齐方式全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决html – 表列的对齐方式所遇到的程序开发问题。




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