

概述我有一个项目,我需要以两种方式在一行上滑动以启动 *** 作.向左滑动应从特定列表中删除有问题的项目(不将其从原始列表中删除,因此将其保留在recyclerview数据集中),向右滑动应将相关项目添加到另一个列表(同样不是原始列表).我实现了一个ItemTouchHelperAdapter和一个ItemTouchHelp

我有一个项目,我需要以两种方式在一行上滑动以启动 *** 作.
向左滑动应从特定列表中删除有问题的项目(不将其从原始列表中删除,因此将其保留在recyclervIEw数据集中),向右滑动应将相关项目添加到另一个列表(同样不是原始列表) .

public interface itemtouchhelperAdapter {/** * Called when an item has been dismissed by a swipe.<br/> * <br/> * Implementations should call {@link RecyclerVIEw.Adapter#notifyItemRemoved(int)} after * adjusting the underlying data to reflect this removal. * * @param position The position of the item dismissed. * @see RecyclerVIEw#getAdapterpositionFor(RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder) * @see RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder#getAdapterposition() */voID onItemleftSwipe(int position);voID onItemRightSwipe(int position);


公共类itemtouchhelperCallback扩展itemtouchhelper.Callback {

private final itemtouchhelperAdapter mAdapter;public itemtouchhelperCallback(itemtouchhelperAdapter adapter) {    mAdapter = adapter;}@OverrIDepublic int getMovementFlags(RecyclerVIEw recyclerVIEw, RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder vIEwHolder) {    // int dragFlags = itemtouchhelper.UP | itemtouchhelper.DOWN;    int swipeFlags = itemtouchhelper.START | itemtouchhelper.END;    return makeMovementFlags(0, swipeFlags);}@OverrIDepublic boolean onMove(RecyclerVIEw recyclerVIEw, RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder vIEwHolder, RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder target) {    return false;}@OverrIDepublic voID onSwiped(RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder vIEwHolder, int direction) {    if (direction == itemtouchhelper.START)        mAdapter.onItemleftSwipe(vIEwHolder.getAdapterposition());    else if (direction == itemtouchhelper.END)        mAdapter.onItemRightSwipe(vIEwHolder.getAdapterposition());    else        System.out.println("direction: " + direction);}@OverrIDepublic boolean isLongPressDragEnabled() {    return false;}@OverrIDepublic boolean isItemVIEwSwipeEnabled() {    return true;}



    @OverrIDepublic voID onItemleftSwipe(int position) {    System.out.println("swiped left on " + mDataset.get(position).getname());}@OverrIDepublic voID onItemRightSwipe(int position) {    System.out.println("swiped right on " + mDataset.get(position).getname());}


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {    RecyclerVIEw mRecyclerVIEw;    @OverrIDe    protected voID onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentVIEw(R.layout.activity_main);        Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findVIEwByID(R.ID.toolbar);        setSupportActionbar(toolbar);        mRecyclerVIEw = (RecyclerVIEw) findVIEwByID(R.ID.recycler_vIEw);        setUpRecyclerVIEw();    }    private voID setUpRecyclerVIEw() {        mRecyclerVIEw.setLayoutManager(new linearlayoutmanager(this));        mRecyclerVIEw.setAdapter(new TestAdapter());        mRecyclerVIEw.setHasFixedSize(true);        setUpitemtouchhelper();        setUpAnimationDecoratorHelper();    }    private voID setUpitemtouchhelper() {        itemtouchhelper.SimpleCallback simpleItemtouchCallback = new itemtouchhelper.SimpleCallback(0, itemtouchhelper.left | itemtouchhelper.RIGHT) {            Drawable background;            Drawable xMark;            int xMarkmargin;            boolean initiated;            private voID init() {                background = new colorDrawable(color.WHITE);                xMark = ContextCompat.getDrawable(MainActivity.this, R.drawable.ic_clear_24dp);                xMark.setcolorFilter(color.WHITE, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_Atop);                xMarkmargin = (int) MainActivity.this.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.ic_clear_margin);                initiated = true;            }            @OverrIDe            public boolean onMove(RecyclerVIEw recyclerVIEw, RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder vIEwHolder, RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder target) {                return false;            }            @OverrIDe            public int getSwipeDirs(RecyclerVIEw recyclerVIEw, RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder vIEwHolder)            {                int position = vIEwHolder.getAdapterposition();                TestAdapter testAdapter = (TestAdapter)recyclerVIEw.getAdapter();                if (testAdapter.isUndoOn() && testAdapter.isPendingRemoval(position))                {                    return 0;                }                return super.getSwipeDirs(recyclerVIEw, vIEwHolder);            }            @OverrIDe            public voID onSwiped(RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder vIEwHolder, int swipeDir) {                int swipedposition = vIEwHolder.getAdapterposition();                TestAdapter adapter = (TestAdapter)mRecyclerVIEw.getAdapter();                boolean undoOn = adapter.isUndoOn();                if (undoOn) {                    adapter.pendingRemoval(swipedposition);                } else {                    adapter.remove(swipedposition);                }            }            @OverrIDe            public voID onChildDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerVIEw recyclerVIEw, RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder vIEwHolder, float dX, float dY, int actionState, boolean isCurrentlyActive) {                VIEw itemVIEw = vIEwHolder.itemVIEw;                if (vIEwHolder.getAdapterposition() == -1) {                    return;                }                if (!initiated) {                    init();                }                background.setBounds(itemVIEw.getRight() + (int) dX, itemVIEw.gettop(), itemVIEw.getRight(), itemVIEw.getBottom());                background.draw(c);                int itemHeight = itemVIEw.getBottom() - itemVIEw.gettop();                int intrinsicWIDth = xMark.getIntrinsicWIDth();                int intrinsicHeight = xMark.getIntrinsicWIDth();                int xMarkleft = itemVIEw.getRight() - xMarkmargin - intrinsicWIDth;                int xMarkRight = itemVIEw.getRight() - xMarkmargin;                int xMarktop = itemVIEw.gettop() + (itemHeight - intrinsicHeight)/2;                int xMarkBottom = xMarktop + intrinsicHeight;                xMark.setBounds(xMarkleft, xMarktop, xMarkRight, xMarkBottom);                xMark.draw(c);                super.onChildDraw(c, recyclerVIEw, vIEwHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive);            }        };        itemtouchhelper mitemtouchhelper = new itemtouchhelper(simpleItemtouchCallback);        mitemtouchhelper.attachToRecyclerVIEw(mRecyclerVIEw);    }    private voID setUpAnimationDecoratorHelper() {        mRecyclerVIEw.addItemdecoration(new RecyclerVIEw.Itemdecoration() {            Drawable background;            boolean initiated;            private voID init() {                background = new colorDrawable(color.RED);                initiated = true;            }            @OverrIDe            public voID onDraw(Canvas c, RecyclerVIEw parent, RecyclerVIEw.State state) {                if (!initiated) {                    init();                }                if (parent.getItemAnimator().isRunning())                {                    VIEw lastVIEwComingDown = null;                    VIEw firstVIEwComingUp = null;                    int left = parent.getHeight();                    int right = parent.getWIDth();                    int top = 0;                    int bottom = 0;                    int childCount = parent.getLayoutManager().getChildCount();                    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {                        VIEw child = parent.getLayoutManager().getChildAt(i);                        if (child.getTranslationY() < 0) {                            // vIEw is coming down                            lastVIEwComingDown = child;                        } else if (child.getTranslationY() > 0) {                            // vIEw is coming up                            if (firstVIEwComingUp == null) {                                firstVIEwComingUp = child;                            }                        }                    }                    if (lastVIEwComingDown != null && firstVIEwComingUp != null) {                        // vIEws are coming down AND going up to fill the voID                        top = lastVIEwComingDown.getBottom() + (int) lastVIEwComingDown.getTranslationY();                        bottom = firstVIEwComingUp.gettop() + (int) firstVIEwComingUp.getTranslationY();                    } else if (lastVIEwComingDown != null) {                        // vIEws are going down to fill the voID                        top = lastVIEwComingDown.getBottom() + (int) lastVIEwComingDown.getTranslationY();                        bottom = lastVIEwComingDown.getBottom();                    } else if (firstVIEwComingUp != null) {                        // vIEws are coming up to fill the voID                        top = firstVIEwComingUp.gettop();                        bottom = firstVIEwComingUp.gettop() + (int) firstVIEwComingUp.getTranslationY();                    }                    background.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);                    background.draw(c);                }                super.onDraw(c, parent, state);            }        });    }    class TestAdapter extends RecyclerVIEw.Adapter {        private static final int PENDING_REMoval_TIMEOUT = 3000; // 3sec        List<String> items;        List<String> itemsPendingRemoval;        int lastInsertedindex; // so we can add some more items for testing purposes        boolean undoOn; // is undo on, you can turn it on from the toolbar menu        private Handler handler = new Handler(); // hanlder for running delayed runnables        HashMap<String, Runnable> pendingRunnables = new HashMap<>(); // map of items to pending runnables, so we can cancel a removal if need be        public TestAdapter() {            items = new ArrayList<>();            itemsPendingRemoval = new ArrayList<>();            // let's generate some items            lastInsertedindex = 15;            // this should give us a couple of screens worth            for (int i=1; i<= lastInsertedindex; i++) {                items.add("Item " + i);            }        }        @OverrIDe        public RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder onCreateVIEwHolder(VIEwGroup parent, int vIEwType) {            return new TestVIEwHolder(parent);        }        @OverrIDe        public voID onBindVIEwHolder(RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder holder, int position) {            TestVIEwHolder vIEwHolder = (TestVIEwHolder)holder;            final String item = items.get(position);            if (itemsPendingRemoval.contains(item)) {                // we need to show the "undo" state of the row                //vIEwHolder.itemVIEw.setBackgroundcolor(color.RED);                vIEwHolder.itemVIEw.setBackgroundcolor(color.WHITE);                vIEwHolder.TitleTextVIEw.setVisibility(VIEw.GONE);                //vIEwHolder.undobutton.setVisibility(VIEw.VISIBLE);                vIEwHolder.undobutton.setVisibility(VIEw.GONE);                vIEwHolder.undobutton.setonClickListener(new VIEw.OnClickListener() {                    @OverrIDe                    public voID onClick(VIEw v) {                        // user wants to undo the removal, let's cancel the pending task                        Runnable pendingRemovalRunnable = pendingRunnables.get(item);                        pendingRunnables.remove(item);                        if (pendingRemovalRunnable != null) handler.removeCallbacks(pendingRemovalRunnable);                        itemsPendingRemoval.remove(item);                        // this will rebind the row in "normal" state                        notifyItemChanged(items.indexOf(item));                    }                });            } else {                // we need to show the "normal" state                vIEwHolder.itemVIEw.setBackgroundcolor(color.WHITE);                vIEwHolder.TitleTextVIEw.setVisibility(VIEw.VISIBLE);                vIEwHolder.TitleTextVIEw.setText(item);                vIEwHolder.undobutton.setVisibility(VIEw.GONE);                vIEwHolder.undobutton.setonClickListener(null);            }        }        @OverrIDe        public int getItemCount() {            return items.size();        }        public voID addItems(int howMany){            if (howMany > 0) {                for (int i = lastInsertedindex + 1; i <= lastInsertedindex + howMany; i++) {                    items.add("Item " + i);                    notifyItemInserted(items.size() - 1);                }                lastInsertedindex = lastInsertedindex + howMany;            }        }        public voID setUndoOn(boolean undoOn) {            this.undoOn = undoOn;        }        public boolean isUndoOn() {            return undoOn;        }        public voID pendingRemoval(int position) {            final String item = items.get(position);            if (!itemsPendingRemoval.contains(item)) {                itemsPendingRemoval.add(item);                // this will redraw row in "undo" state                notifyItemChanged(position);                // let's create, store and post a runnable to remove the item                Runnable pendingRemovalRunnable = new Runnable() {                    @OverrIDe                    public voID run() {                        remove(items.indexOf(item));                    }                };                handler.postDelayed(pendingRemovalRunnable, PENDING_REMoval_TIMEOUT);                pendingRunnables.put(item, pendingRemovalRunnable);            }        }        public voID remove(int position) {            String item = items.get(position);            if (itemsPendingRemoval.contains(item)) {                itemsPendingRemoval.remove(item);            }            if (items.contains(item)) {                items.remove(position);                notifyItemRemoved(position);            }        }        public boolean isPendingRemoval(int position) {            String item = items.get(position);            return itemsPendingRemoval.contains(item);        }    }    static class TestVIEwHolder extends RecyclerVIEw.VIEwHolder    {        TextVIEw TitleTextVIEw;        button undobutton;        public TestVIEwHolder(VIEwGroup parent)        {            super(LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.row_vIEw, parent, false));            TitleTextVIEw = (TextVIEw) itemVIEw.findVIEwByID(R.ID.Title_text_vIEw);            undobutton = (button) itemVIEw.findVIEwByID(R.ID.undo_button);        }    }}





原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/web/1108314.html

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