什么是NFS(Network File System)网络文件系统?

什么是NFS(Network File System)网络文件系统?,第1张

NFS(Network File System)即网络文件系统,是FreeBSD支持的文件系统中的一种,它允许网络中的计算机之间通过TCP/IP网络共享资源。在NFS的应用中,本地NFS的客户端应用可以透明地读写位于远端NFS服务器上的文件,就像访问本地文件一样。



1. 节省本地存储空间,将常用的数据存放在一台NFS服务器上且可以通过网络访问,那么本地终端将可以减少自身存储空间的使用。

2. 用户不需要在网络中的每个机器上都建有Home目录,Home目录可以放在NFS服务器上且可以在网络上被访问使用。

3. 一些存储设备如软驱、CDROM和Zip(一种高储存密度的磁盘驱动器与磁盘)等都可以在网络上被别的机器使用。这可以减少整个网络上可移动介质设备的数量。







NFS 有很多实际应用。下面是比较常见的一些:

1. 多个机器共享一台CDROM或者其他设备。这对于在多台机器中安装软件来说更加便宜跟方便。

2. 在大型网络中,配置一台中心 NFS 服务器用来放置所有用户的home目录可能会带来便利。这些目录能被输出到网络以便用户不管在哪台工作站上登录,总能得到相同的home目录。

3. 不同客户端可在NFS上观看影视文件,节省本地空间。

4. 在客户端完成的工作数据,可以备份保存到NFS服务器上用户自己的路径下。

NFS是运行在应用层的协议。随着NFS多年的发展和改进,NFS既可以用于局域网也可以用于广域网,且与 *** 作系统和硬件无关,可以在不同的计算机或系统上运行。

网络文件系统是应用层的一种应用服务,它主要应用于Linux 和Linux 系统、Linux 和Unix系统之间的文件或目录的共享。对于用户而言可以通过 NFS 方便的访问远地的文件系统,使之成为本地文件系统的一部分。采用NFS之后省去了登录的过程,方便了用户访问系统资源。


On the Internet, you can browse for free information, see free magazine, with free e-mail, free home ownership, but Perhaps you have not found, your hard disk using the increasingly inadequate. Along with the computer and network technology continues to develop, Application of modern communication tools of the popularity of computers in modern social life plays an important role. And they are accompanied by large numbers of documents is frequently used documents. Although the major computer hardware manufacturers are introducing new products to help people solve problems with the documents, But some storage facilities to carry it has its own shortcomings and unexpected trouble. To facilitate people's right to bring the document to speed up the modernization of office means, in accordance with the actual needs of the people, We have proposed a computer-based network of networks disk system design, according to the design part of the network disk's basic functions. As network technologies in the application of social, the region has established its own network, and begun to implement the network and the Internet. Network users hard disk is the document repository on the Internet, a user-friendly "carry" their documents, user-friendly with his family and friends to "share" their documents, users can perform the following : download, upload, copy, moving, delete files, and the new folderopen, freezing, deletion, modification, and so on the lower account. People can not subjected to time and space constraints, anytime, anywhere from their own hard disk, which she wanted. Comparing with Email and network hard disk upload documents to facilitate download fast, direct access to space, the interface is simple and clear.


原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/tougao/6052601.html

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