日撸java 三百行 (day 17 )哈夫曼编码 (01定义+文件预处理)

日撸java 三百行 (day 17 )哈夫曼编码 (01定义+文件预处理),第1张





  • 哈夫曼编码是一种可以被唯一解读的二进制编码
  • 频率低的采用短编码,频率高的采用长编码


package com.day17;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

 * Huffman tree, encoding, and decoding. For simplicity, only ASCII characters
 * are supported.
public class MyHuffman {

     * An inner class for Huffman nodes.
    class HuffmanNode {
         * The char. Only valid for leaf nodes.
        char character;

         * Weight. It can also be double.
        int weight;

         * The left child.
        HuffmanNode leftChild;

         * The right child.
        HuffmanNode rightChild;

         * The parent. It helps constructing the Huffman code of each character.
        HuffmanNode parent;

         * The first constructor
        public HuffmanNode(char paraCharacter, int paraWeight, HuffmanNode paraLeftChild,
                           HuffmanNode paraRightChild, HuffmanNode paraParent) {
            character = paraCharacter;
            weight = paraWeight;
            leftChild = paraLeftChild;
            rightChild = paraRightChild;
            parent = paraParent;
        }// Of HuffmanNode

         * To string.
        public String toString() {
            String resultString = "(" + character + ", " + weight + ")";

            return resultString;
        }// Of toString

    }// Of class HuffmanNode

     * The number of characters. 256 for ASCII.
    public static final int NUM_CHARS = 256;

     * The input text. It is stored in a string for simplicity.
    String inputText;

     * The length of the alphabet, also the number of leaves.
    int alphabetLength;

     * The alphabet.
    char[] alphabet;

     * The count of chars. The length is 2 * alphabetLength - 1 to include
     * non-leaf nodes.
    int[] charCounts;

     * The mapping of chars to the indices in the alphabet.
    int[] charMapping;

     * Codes for each char in the alphabet. It should have the same length as
     * alphabet.
    String[] huffmanCodes;

     * All nodes. The last node is the root.
    HuffmanNode[] nodes;

     * The first constructor.
     * @param paraFilename
     *            The text filename.
    public MyHuffman(String paraFilename) {
        charMapping = new int[NUM_CHARS];

    }// Of the first constructor

     * Read text.
     * @param paraFilename
     *            The text filename.
    public void readText(String paraFilename) {
        try {
            inputText = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(paraFilename), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
        } catch (Exception ee) {
        } // Of try

        System.out.println("The text is:\r\n" + inputText);
    }// Of readText

     * Construct the alphabet. The results are stored in the member variables
     * charMapping and alphabet.
    public void constructAlphabet() {
        // Initialize.
        Arrays.fill(charMapping, -1);

        // The count for each char. At most NUM_CHARS chars.
        int[] tempCharCounts = new int[NUM_CHARS];

        // The index of the char in the ASCII charset.
        int tempCharIndex;

        // Step 1. Scan the string to obtain the counts.
        char tempChar;
        for (int i = 0; i < inputText.length(); i++) {
            tempChar = inputText.charAt(i);
            tempCharIndex = (int) tempChar;

            System.out.print("" + tempCharIndex + " ");

        } // Of for i

        // Step 2. Scan to determine the size of the alphabet.
        alphabetLength = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
            if (tempCharCounts[i] > 0) {
            } // Of if
        } // Of for i

        // Step 3. Compress to the alphabet
        alphabet = new char[alphabetLength];
        charCounts = new int[2 * alphabetLength - 1];

        int tempCounter = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHARS; i++) {
            if (tempCharCounts[i] > 0) {
                alphabet[tempCounter] = (char) i;
                charCounts[tempCounter] = tempCharCounts[i];
                charMapping[i] = tempCounter;
            } // Of if
        } // Of for i

        System.out.println("The alphabet is: " + Arrays.toString(alphabet));
        System.out.println("Their counts are: " + Arrays.toString(charCounts));
        System.out.println("The char mappings are: " + Arrays.toString(charMapping));
    }// Of constructAlphabet

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyHuffman tempHuffman = new MyHuffman("C:/Users/胡来的魔术师/Desktop/test.txt");




  • 首先是内部类代表节点,节点有5个属性分别是:节点值、对应权重(该节点值出现的频率)、左右孩子指针、父指针(构建哈夫曼树用)
  • 需要读取本地的文本,将每个字符的ASCLL码做哈希映射,这样相同的字符就会被映射到同一个位置,对该位置进行计数即可获取每个字符出现的频率,同时也能得到节点数组的长度(不重复的字符的个数)

哈夫曼编码这个地方以前一直停留在手算阶段,今天也是第一次上代码,说实话不是想象中那么简单,今天主要是处理读取的文本,中间转换过度的数组比较多,   也是费了一定时间才能理清每个数组是干嘛的以及为什么需要这个数组,这就导致我默写的时候总是漏东西,属性、参数过多也是一种折磨,这就必须花时间理解之后才能写出来。不过今天把这些折磨人的准备工作干了,明天就可以直接上算法。









原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/langs/719718.html

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