

unselfish 英美电影中有哪些令人难忘的深情告白?



Chandler:I thought that it mattered what I said or where I said it.我以为开口的时间和地点很重要Then I realized the only thing that matters is that you,然后我才发觉,唯一重要的是你you make me happier than I ever thought I could be.你让我得到超乎想象的幸福And if you'll let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way.所以如果你愿意,我愿意用下半生让你和我一样幸福Monica, will you marry me?Moncia, 你愿意嫁给我吗?剪刀手爱德华If I have no knife,I can't protect you.If I had a sword,I can't hold you. 如果我没有刀,我就不能保护你。


I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

这个杀手不太冷The deepest love I think, later than apart, I will live as you like. 我所认为最深沉的爱,莫过于分开以后,我将自己活成了你的样子。

I want love or death. 生无爱,吾宁死。

泰坦尼克号Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me… it brought me to you. 赢取这张船票,是我一生最美好的事情 ... 它让我遇见你 ... 指环王I would rather share on lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.我宁愿和你共度凡人短暂的一生也不愿一个人看尽这世界的沧海桑田。

Love means never having to say you're sorry. 爱情意味着你永远不需要说"对不起" 怦然心动Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中。


And I realized Garrett was right about one thing: I had flipped. Completely. 我意识到加利特一件事是说对了:我心动了。


断背山I wish I know how to quit you.我想知道该如何戒掉你Tell you what...The truth is...Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it 告诉你吧...事实上...有时候我好想你,想到无法承受美丽人生before i met you i never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason.没有遇到你之前,我从来没想到自己会这样,毫无缘由的对着一个人傻笑。

a successful relationship requires fall in love many times, always with the the same person.一段成功的恋情,就是一次次的堕入爱河,与同一个人。

爱在黎明破晓前I kind of see this all love as this, escape for two people who don't know how to be alone. People always talk about how love is this totally unselfish, giving thing, but if you think about it, there's nothing more selfish. 我理解的爱情就是:两个不知该如何独处的人在一起逃避。


真爱至上I just want you for my own. 我只要你属于我。


原文地址: https://www.outofmemory.cn/bake/4186010.html

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