


% Adam Kukucka

% Zach Clay

% Marcelo Molina

% CSE 486 Project 3

function [ trackmov probmov centers ] = camshift

% ******************************************************************

% initialize vari ables

% ******************************************************************

rmin = 0%min row value for search window

rmax = 0%max row value for search window

cmin = 0%min col value for search window

cmax = 0%max col value for search window

numofframes = 0%number of frames in the avi

threshold = 1%threshold for convergence

centerold = [0 0]%for convergence... previous center of window

centernew = [0 0]%for convergence... new center of window

% ******************************************************************

% Pre code... load movie and select initial frame

% ******************************************************************

% prompt user for avi file name

%%%%%user_entry = input('Please enter an avi filename: ','s')

% load the avi file... handle is M

%%%%M = aviread(user_entry)


% get number of frames

[dontneed numberofframes] = size(M)

% initialize matrix to hold center coordinates

imagecenters = zeros(numberofframes, 2)

% extract the first frame from the avi

Frame1 = M(1,1)

Image1 = frame2im(Frame1)

%%% ********** images(:, :, numberofframes) = G(:,:)

% get search window for first frame

[ cmin, cmax, rmin, rmax ] = select( Image1 )

cmin = round(cmin)

cmax = round(cmax)

rmin = round(rmin)

rmax = round(rmax)

wsize(1) = abs(rmax - rmin)

wsize(2) = abs(cmax - cmin)

% create histogram

% translate to hsv

hsvimage = rgb2hsv(Image1)

% pull out the h

huenorm = hsvimage(:,:,1)

% scale to 0 to 255

hue = huenorm*255

% set unit type


% Getting Histogram of Image:

histogram = zeros(256)

for i=rmin:rmax

for j=cmin:cmax

index = uint8(hue(i,j)+1)

%count number of each pixel

histogram(index) = histogram(index) + 1



% ******************************************************************

% Algorithm from pdf

% ******************************************************************

aviobj1 = avifile('example3.avi')

aviobj2 = avifile('example4.avi')

% for each frame

for i = 1:200

disp('Processing frame')


Frame = M(1, i)

I = frame2im(Frame)

% translate to hsv

hsvimage = rgb2hsv(I)

% pull out the h

huenorm = hsvimage(:,:,1)

% scale to 0 to 255

hue = huenorm*255

% set unit type


[rows cols] = size(hue)

% choose initial search window

% the search window is (cmin, rmin) to (cmax, rmax)

% create a probability map

probmap = zeros(rows, cols)

for r=1:rows

for c=1:cols

if(hue(r,c) ~= 0)

probmap(r,c)= histogram(hue(r,c))




probmap = probmap/max(max(probmap))

probmap = probmap*255

count = 0

rowcenter = 0 % any number just so it runs through at least twice

colcenter = 0

rowcenterold = 30

colcenterold = 30

% Mean Shift for 15 iterations or until convergence(the center doesnt

% change)

while (((abs(rowcenter - rowcenterold) >2) &&(abs(colcenter - colcenterold) >2)) || (count <15) )

%for j = 1:5


% disp(j)

rmin = rmin - 7 %increase window size and check for center

rmax = rmax + 7

cmin = cmin - 7

cmax = cmax + 7

rowcenterold = rowcenter%save old center for convergence check

colcenterold = colcenter

[ rowcenter colcenter M00 ] = meanshift(I, rmin, rmax, cmin,...

cmax, probmap)

% given image (I), search window(rmin rmax cmin cmax)

% returns new center (colcenter, rowcenter) for window and

% zeroth moment (Moo)

% redetermine window around new center

rmin = round(rowcenter - wsize(1)/2)

rmax = round(rowcenter + wsize(1)/2)

cmin = round(colcenter - wsize(2)/2)

cmax = round(colcenter + wsize(2)/2)

wsize(1) = abs(rmax - rmin)

wsize(2) = abs(cmax - cmin)

count = count + 1


% mark center on image

%save image

G = .2989*I(:,:,1)...




%make box of current search window on saved image

for r= rmin:rmax

trackim(r, cmin) = 255

trackim(r, cmax) = 255


for c= cmin:cmax

trackim(rmin, c) = 255

trackim(rmax, c) = 255


aviobj1 = addframe(aviobj1,trackim)

aviobj2 = addframe(aviobj2,probmap)

%create image movie, and probability map movie

trackmov(:,:,i)= trackim(:,:)

probmov(:,:,i) = probmap(:,:)

% save center coordinates as an x, y by doing col, row

centers(i,:) = [colcenter rowcenter]

% Set window size = 2 * (Moo/256)^1/2

windowsize = 2 * (M00/256)^.5

% get side length ... window size is an area so sqrt(Area)=sidelength

sidelength = sqrt(windowsize)

% determine rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax

rmin = round(rowcenter-sidelength/2)

rmax = round(rowcenter+sidelength/2)

cmin = round(colcenter-sidelength/2)

cmax = round(colcenter+sidelength/2)

wsize(1) = abs(rmax - rmin)

wsize(2) = abs(cmax - cmin)


% end for loop

% Adam Kukucka

% Zach Clay

% Marcelo Molina

% CSE 486 Project 3

function [ rowcenter colcenter M00 ] = meanshift(I, rmin, rmax, cmin,...

cmax, probmap)


% rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax are the coordiantes of the window

% I is the image


% colcenter rowcenter are the new center coordinates

% Moo is the zeroth mean

% **********************************************************************

% initialize

% **********************************************************************

M00 = 0%zeroth mean

M10 = 0%first moment for x

M01 = 0%first moment for y

histdim = (0:1:255)% dimensions of histogram... 0 to 255, increment by 1

[rows cols] = size(I)

cols = cols/3% **********************8

% **********************************************************************

% Main code

% **********************************************************************

% determine zeroth moment

for c = cmin:cmax

for r = rmin:rmax

M00 = M00 + probmap(r, c)



% determine first moment for x(col) and y(row)

for c = cmin:cmax

for r = rmin:rmax

M10 = M10 + c*probmap(r,c)

M01 = M01 + r*probmap(r,c)



% determine new centroid

% x is cols

colcenter = M10/M00

% y is rows

rowcenter = M01/M00

% Adam Kukucka

% Zach Clay

% Marcelo Molina

% CSE 486 Project 3

function [ cmin, cmax, rmin, rmax ] = select( I )

%UNTITLED1 Summary of this function goes here

% Detailed explanation goes here

% for array... x is cols, y is rows


k = waitforbuttonpress

point1 = get(gca,'CurrentPoint') %mouse pressed

rectregion = rbbox

point2 = get(gca,'CurrentPoint')

point1 = point1(1,1:2) % extract col/row min and maxs

point2 = point2(1,1:2)

lowerleft = min(point1, point2)

upperright = max(point1, point2)

cmin = round(lowerleft(1))

cmax = round(upperright(1))

rmin = round(lowerleft(2))

rmax = round(upperright(2))




原文地址: http://www.outofmemory.cn/yw/8281198.html

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