项目收尾 - IP (智力成果)

项目收尾 - IP (智力成果),第1张

概述项目管理收尾阶段有一个步骤是收集经验教训、智力成果。前几天在对一个Silverlight项目做Review时,我提到使用了MVVM和Prism,老板马上问这些是否总结成了Rules to better Silverlight?后来又强调IP(Intellectual Property) 的重要性。正如他说的,下一个Silverlight如果让别人来做,那么这些IP就会对他或她有一些帮助,尤其是避免

项目管理收尾阶段有一个步骤是收集经验教训、智力成果。前几天在对一个Silverlight项目做RevIEw时,我提到使用了MVVM和Prism,老板马上问这些是否总结成了Rules to better Silverlight?后来又强调IP(Intellectual Property) 的重要性。正如他说的,下一个Silverlight如果让别人来做,那么这些IP就会对他或她有一些帮助,尤其是避免再犯同样的错误。


Project Close-out is important because project documents are gathered and archived to ensure the intellectual property of projects are available to other Project Managers and senior management. Without closing a project properly,team members risk making the same mistakes over and over again,and organizations fail to learn from their mistakes and inefficIEncIEs. Closing-out a project properly and implementing "lessons learned" is a more cost-effective way of doing business than repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results.




to establish an organized approach to closing-out your projects,stick with your process,evaluate it periodically,and remember the following words of wisdom.

Project Management Aphorisms

information is the primary source of nourishment; it is vital to survival. When information is not available,people make it up. Be impeccable with your word. Ask for what you need,when you need it,and how and when you want people to respond. Trust that circulating information is more productive than protecting it. Never let things that matter most be sacrificed by the things which matter least .



以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的项目收尾 - IP (智力成果)全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决项目收尾 - IP (智力成果)所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://www.outofmemory.cn/web/1049135.html

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