在swift中具有多个闭包 API请求的函数中的异步完成处理

在swift中具有多个闭包 API请求的函数中的异步完成处理,第1张

概述我刚刚开始使用 Swift进行开发,所以我对闭包很新.我也是新手如何处理异步API请求. 我已经阅读了很多类似的问题,例如How to get data to return from NSURLSessionDataTask in Swift和How to use completionHandler Closure with return in Swift?.这些对我有帮助,但我的问题有点不同. 我刚刚开始使用 Swift进行开发,所以我对闭包很新.我也是新手如何处理异步API请求.

我已经阅读了很多类似的问题,例如How to get data to return from NSURLSessionDataTask in Swift和How to use completionHandler Closure with return in Swift?.这些对我有帮助,但我的问题有点不同.


问题是,对于我生成的每个多个API请求,我只能在CompletionHandler中返回我自己的JsON数据的一部分 – 据我所知,这是在使用闭包发出API请求时返回数据的唯一方法.



我在下面发布了我的代码 – 我知道它很长,也许不那么干净.

func getoffersFromWishList(offerWishList: [String],latitude: Double,longitude: Double,radius: Int,completionHandler: ([NSDictionary] -> VoID)) {        var master: [NSDictionary] = []        var nearby_params: NSDictionary = ["r_lat": latitude,"r_lng": longitude,"r_radius": radius]        //println(nearby_params)        var store_ID_List: [String] = []        // Get all store_IDs for store which are nearby (Radius determines how nearby)        singleton_eta.API("/v2/stores",type: ETARequestTypeGET,parameters: nearby_params,useCache: true,completion: { (response,error,fromCache) -> VoID in            if error == nil {                let Json = JsON(response)                storeArray = Json.arrayValue                //println(storeArray)                for store in storeArray {                    var storeDict = [String: AnyObject]()                    var MetaData = [String: String]()                    var offers: [NSDictionary] = []                    let name = store["branding"]["name"].stringValue                    let store_ID = store["ID"].stringValue                    let street = store["street"].stringValue                    let city = store["city"].stringValue                    let zip_code = store["zip_code"].stringValue                    let dealer_ID = store["dealer_ID"].stringValue                    let logo = store["branding"]["logo"].stringValue                    MetaData = ["name": name,"store_ID": store_ID,"street": street,"city": city,"zip_code": zip_code,"dealer_ID": dealer_ID,"logo": logo]                    store_ID_List.append(store_ID)                    //println("Butiks ID: \(store_ID)")                    var offset = 0                    let limit = 100                    // Loop through the offers for the specific store ID - only possible to request 100 offers each time                    // A while loop would be more suitable,but I dont kNow when to stop,as the length of the offerArray can not be counted as it is cant be accessed outsIDe of the closure.                    for x in 1...2 {                        var store_params: NSDictionary = ["store_IDs:": store_ID,"limit": limit,"offset": offset]                        println(store_params)                        // Get offers for a specific store_ID                        singleton_eta.API("/v2/offers",parameters: store_params,fromCache) -> VoID in                            if error == nil {                                offerArray = JsON(response).arrayValue                                //println( "Typename0 = \(_stdlib_getTypename(offerArray))")                                //Loop through the recIEved offers                                for of in offerArray {                                    let name = of["branding"]["name"].stringValue                                    let dealer_ID = of["dealer_ID"].stringValue                                    let heading = of["heading"].stringValue                                    let description = of["description"].stringValue                                    let price = of["pricing"]["price"].stringValue                                    let image = of["images"]["vIEw"].stringValue                                    //println(heading)                                    // Loop through our offerWishList                                    for owl in offerWishList {                                        let headingContainsWish = (heading.lowercaseString as Nsstring).containsstring(owl.lowercaseString)                                        // Check if offer match with our wish List                                        if(headingContainsWish) {                                            // Save neccesary Meta data about each offer to a tuple array                                            var offer = Dictionary<String,String>()                                            offer = ["name": name,"heading": heading,"description": description,"price": price,"image": image,"offerWishItem": owl]                                            offers.append(offer)                                        }                                    }                                }                            }                        })                        //println(storeDict)                        offset = offset + limit + 1                    }                    storeDict.updateValue(MetaData,forKey: "Meta_data")                    storeDict.updateValue(offers,forKey: "offers")  // offers is empty due to its appending insIDe the closure                    master.append(storeDict)                }             completionHandler(master)            }            else {                println(error)            }        })    }


getoffersFromWishList(offerWishList,latitude,longitude,radius) { (master) -> VoID in       println(master)    }


{"Meta_data" =     {    city = "Kongens Lyngby";    "dealer_ID" = d8adog;    logo = "https://d3ikkoqs9ddhdl.cloudfront.net/img/logo/default/d8adog_3qvn3g8xp.png";    name = "d\U00f8gnNetto";    "store_ID" = d2283Zm;    street = "KollegIEbakken 7";    "zip_code" = 2800;};offers =     ();}{   ...}


解决方法 几点想法:




>你肯定可以通过一次回调继续前进.例如,您可以发出所有请求,在发出每个请求之前执行dispatch_group_enter,在每个请求完成时执行dispatch_group_leave,然后发出dispatch_group_notify,当每个输入调用被相应的偏移时,将调用dispatch_group_notify离开电话.因此,在每个请求完成时构建您的响应对象,并且只有在它们完成时,才调用完成闭包.>另一种方法是使一个闭包更像一个枚举闭包,一个在每个站点的交易进入时调用.这样,UI可以随着事物的进入而更新,而不是等待一切.如果您的网络速度很慢,那么在数据输入时更新UI可能会更容易接受. (例如,考虑10个请求,每个请求在慢速3G蜂窝连接上完成1秒钟:观看它们每秒一次d出比10秒钟看不到任何东西要容易得多).>话虽如此,你可能想完全放弃关闭.您可以考虑委托协议模式,在其中为请求指定委托,然后为从服务器获取的每个响应实现协议方法.这样你可以在新的响应进入时更新UI,而不是在最后一个响应进入之前保留所有内容.但我们认识到有非常不同类型的响应(一个是站点列表,另一个是列表处理给定的站点,第三个是“我已经完成”和/或“有错误”,所以当它开始变得复杂时,为这个接口定义一个协议可能会更好,并且这样处理它.


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的在swift中具有多个闭包/ API请求的函数中的异步完成处理全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决在swift中具有多个闭包/ API请求的函数中的异步完成处理所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://www.outofmemory.cn/web/1007193.html

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