






update table_nameset column_name1 = value1,column_name2 = value2,.....,column_namen = valuenwhere (condition);


MysqL> update person    -> set age =15,name ='liMing'    -> where ID =11;query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0MysqL> select * from person where ID =11;+----+--------+------+---------+| ID | name   | age  | info    |+----+--------+------+---------+| 11 | liMing |   15 | student |+----+--------+------+---------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)


MysqL> select * from person where age between 19 and 22;+----+---------+------+------------+| ID | name    | age  | info       |+----+---------+------+------------+|  1 | Green   |   21 | Lawyer     ||  2 | Suse    |   22 | dancer     ||  4 | Willam  |   20 | sports man ||  7 | Dale    |   22 | cook       ||  9 | Harry   |   21 | magician   || 10 | HarrIEt |   19 | pianist    |+----+---------+------+------------+6 rows in set (0.00 sec)MysqL> update person set info='student' where age between 19 and 22;query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)Rows matched: 0  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0MysqL> select * from person where age between 19 and 22;+----+---------+------+---------+| ID | name    | age  | info    |+----+---------+------+---------+|  1 | Green   |   21 | student ||  2 | Suse    |   22 | student ||  4 | Willam  |   20 | student ||  7 | Dale    |   22 | student ||  9 | Harry   |   21 | student || 10 | HarrIEt |   19 | student |+----+---------+------+---------+6 rows in set (0.00 sec)



delete from table_name [where < condition>]
table_name指定要执行删除 *** 作的表。"where"为可选参数,指定删除条件,如果没有,delete语句将删除表中的所有记录。


MysqL> select *    -> from person    -> where ID =11;+----+--------+------+---------+| ID | name   | age  | info    |+----+--------+------+---------+| 11 | liMing |   15 | student |+----+--------+------+---------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)MysqL> delete from person    -> where ID = 11;query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)MysqL> select *    -> from person    -> where ID = 11;Empty set (0.00 sec)


MysqL> select * from person where age between 19 and 22;+----+---------+------+---------+| ID | name    | age  | info    |+----+---------+------+---------+|  1 | Green   |   21 | student ||  2 | Suse    |   22 | student ||  4 | Willam  |   20 | student ||  7 | Dale    |   22 | student ||  9 | Harry   |   21 | student || 10 | HarrIEt |   19 | student |+----+---------+------+---------+6 rows in set (0.00 sec)MysqL> delete from person where age between 19 and 22;query OK, 6 rows affected (0.05 sec)MysqL> select * from person where age between 19 and 22;Empty set (0.00 sec)


MysqL> select * from person;+----+---------+------+-----------+| ID | name    | age  | info      |+----+---------+------+-----------+|  3 | Mary    |   24 | Musician  ||  5 | Laura   |   25 | NulL      ||  6 | Evans   |   27 | secretary ||  8 | Edison  |   28 | singer    || 12 | Beckham |   31 | police    |+----+---------+------+-----------+5 rows in set (0.00 sec)MysqL> delete from person;query OK, 5 rows affected (0.05 sec)MysqL> select * from person;Empty set (0.00 sec)
如果想删除表中的所有记录,还可以使用truncate table语句,truncate将直接删除原来的表,并重新创建一个表,其语法格式为truncate table table_name。truncate直接删除表而不是删除记录,因此执行速度比delete快。






原文地址: http://www.outofmemory.cn/sjk/1150112.html

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