

43.Feel Blue:


Rachel:WeU,I did my best to convince him that I'm not some crazy girl wh

o is dying to get married——I'm just going thought a hard time.



Phoebe:What did he say


Rachel:Well uh,his answering machine was very understanding.Ugh.I feel



Monica:Ohh,sweetie! Hey,I bet you anything that lie's gonna call you a





的要求,结果把约书亚口吓跑了。“Blue”在英语中的意思是“忧郁的”。“I feel blu


44.Skip it;


Danny: Oh,hey Rach! I thought we said seven

Chandler:I also want you to remember that I let you live here rent free!


Ross:All right.


Chandler:And,I want you to remember that I gave you twenty seven dollars

.No strings attached.Now,if you can't remember that,I think we should writ

e it down-let's write it down!








生气。“No Strings Attached”同另一个英文词“Unconditionally'’的意思是一样的,

都是“无条件地”,不过“No Strings Attached'’更为形象一点。

46.Burn the Midnight OU


Mr.Franklin:Wow Bing! Burning the midnight oil.


Chandler:You know me sir Oh ah,I do have a question for ya.Do you know how

I get around the office computer network so I can access the really good Inte

rnet porn


Mr.Franklin:You're a joker Bing.



钱德勒下班后还在办公室里呆着,他的老板觉得他正在加班加点地干活。“Burn the

midnight oil'’意思是“挑灯夜干”、“熬夜苦干”。例如,你可以说:Fm not so sm

art.You can imagine how much midnight oil I've burned. 我不是很聪明,你可以

想像,我有多用功。与它意思相近的另一个短语是“Stay up”,即“不睡觉”,但“Sta

y up”只是表明“没有睡觉”这个事实,


47.Out of One's League;


Chandler:So you don't think I have a,a quality

钱德勒: 你认为我不具备这方面的素质

LowelI:Speaking for my people,I'd have to say no.By the way,your frien

d Brian from Payroll,he is.



Chandler:He is


LowelI:Yup,and way out of your league.


Chandler:Out of my league.I could get a Brian.





。“Out of one’s league”是一种口语用法,意思是“与某人不同类”。与此相对应的

就是“In one's league”,“和某人是一类人”。例如,Hers not sophisticated.He

's really in her league.他不是个世故的人,和她属一类人。

48.Turn Somebody on:


Rachel:Oh God...well,it started about a half hour before tile wedding

.I was in the room where we were keeping all the presents,and I was looking

at this gravy boat.This really gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat.When all of a sud

den-I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry!






为什么会逃婚。瑞秋道出了自己的想法。“Turn on”原来的意思是“把开关打开”,例如

,你可以说:Turn the lights on.开灯。“Turn somebody on”是一种俚语说法,意思

是让人兴奋、让人激动、给人激情。例如,你可以说:Watching movies really turns m

e on。看**能让我兴奋。在男女关系叫,“Turn somebody on'’有使人产生感情、性欲

的含义。例如:与女友分手后,朋友问你是不是还想着她。这时,你可以说:Yes,she s

till turns me on.

49 Suck up to Somebody:


Monica:Oh! SO you think I'm a failure!


Ross:Nonono,thatthat's not what I was saying...


Monica:Y'know,all these years,I thought you were on my side.But maybe

what you were doing was sucking up to Mom and Dad so they'd keep liking you be




Ross:Hey,I married a lesbian to make you look good!







的阴影中这一罪过。罗斯反驳的话,激起莫尼卡很大的不满。“Suck up to somebody”是


50.Dip One's Pen in the Company Ink;


Chandler:It's not just that she's cute,okay.It's just that...she's r

eally really cute.


Ross:It doesn't matter.You don't dip your pen in the company ink.







“Dip one's pen in the company ink”按照字面意思就是,将笔放进公司的墨水里吸墨



51.Flush Oneself down the Toilet

Shelley:Do you want a date Saturday


Chandler:Yes please.


Shelley:Okay.He's cute,he's funny,he's-


Chandler:He's a he


Shelley:Well yeah! …Oh God.I—just-I thought-

Good,Shelley.I'm just gonna go flush myself down the

toilet now..Okay,goodbye...





说出来后才发现,原来钱德勒是个异性恋。这时,谢莉说:I'm just gonna go flush my

self down the toilet now.一般情况下,人们说“Flush water down the toilet”,用



52.Burn Somebody Up;


Rachel:It's my father.He wants give me a Mercedes convertible.


Ross:That guy,he burns me up.


Rachel:Yeah,well,it's a Mercedes if I move back home.Oh,it was horrib

le,He Called me young lady.





认为瑞秋不可能独立生活。于是打电话给她,让她赶快回家。“Burn somebody up'’是口

语用法,把人点着了,意思是让人发怒。例如,What he did burns me up.他所做的事让



53.Stand Somebody Up;




Joey:Your sister stood mo up the other night.


Phoebe:Oh,no.Don't you hate it when people aren't there for you


Ross:Well did you try,calling her


Joey:I've been trying for two days.When I called the restaurant,they sa

id she was too busy to talk.I can't believe she's blowin' me off.






乔伊分手。“Stand Somebody Up”按照字面届时,是让某人站着,以及把某人“晾”在一


54.Boss People Around;


Monica:Yeah..see,I was supposed to get married,but,um,I left the gu

y at the altar。




Monica:Yeah…Yeah,I know it's pretty selfish,but haha,hey,that's me.


Dr.Rosen:SO,Monica,what do you do


Rachel:Aahh,I'm a…chef at a restaurant uptown.


Dr.Rosen:Good for you.


Rachel:Yeah it is,mostly because I get to boss people

around,which I just love to do.






个劲儿地“贬低”自己,实际上是在“贬低”对方。“Boss people around”的意思是把




Leather is treated animal skin which is used for making shoes, clothes, bags, and furniture



He wore a leather jacket and dark trousers



An alcoholic is someone who cannot stop drinking large amounts of alcohol, even when this is making them ill



He showed great courage by admitting that he is an alcoholic



If you complain about a situation, you say that you are not satisfied with it



The American couple complained about the high cost of visiting Europe


For my own part, I have nothing to complain of


cushion the blow



To cushion the effect of something unpleasant means to reduce it



They said Western aid was needed to cushion the blows of vital reform


The subsidies are designed to cushion farmers against unpredictable weather


The price rises will be cushioned by welfare benefits


put to sleep

If a sick or injured animal is put to sleep, it is killed by a vet in a way that does not cause it pain



I’m going to take the dog down to the vet’s and have her put to sleep



If someone puffs at a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, they smoke it



He lit a cigar and puffed at it twice


He nodded and puffed on a stubby pipe as he listened


Puff is also a noun

She was taking quick puffs at her cigarette like a beginner



If you wince, the muscles of your face tighten suddenly because you have felt a pain or because you have just seen, heard or remembered something unpleasant



Every time he put any weight on his left leg he winced in pain


He winced at the thought of dining with Camilla



Cigarettes are small tubes of paper containing tobacco which people smoke



He went out to buy a packet of cigarette



A part in a play or film is one of the roles in it which an actor or actress can perform



Alf Sjoberg offered her a large part in the play he was directing

Alf Sjoberg让她在其导演的戏中扮演重要角色

open up

If you open something such as a bottle box, parcel, or envelope, you move, remove, or cut part of it so you can take out what is inside


Open up means the same as open


The Inspector opened the packet of cigarettes


Open is also an objective

an open bottle of milk


I tore the letter open



A printed document showing how much money has been paid into and taken out of a bank or building society account is called a statement



If you have an account with a bank or a similar organization, you have an arrangement to leave your money there and take some out when you need it



I had two accounts with Natwest, a savings account and a current account



When you change your clothes or change, you take some or all of your clothes off and put on different ones



They had allowed her to shower and change


I changed into a tracksuit


I’ve got to get changed first I’ve got to put my uniform on


get to

If you get to do something, you manage to do it or have the opportunity to do it



How do these people get to be the bosses of major companies


Do you get to see him often


They get to stay in the nice hotels


call attention to

to make someone notice and think about a person or a thing



When a sum of money is credited to an account, the bank adds that sum of money to the total in the account



She noticed that only $80,000 had been credited to her account


Interest is calculated daily and credited once a year, on 1 April



If someone or something causes inconvenience, they cause problems or difficulties



We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the repairs


The practical inconveniences of long hair are negligible







分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习


在第一部第三集中“Satan's minions at work again”这句话是什么意思?有什么典故吗?

第四集中“tell me all the dirt”字幕中dirt译为"八卦新闻"对吗?能帮我讲一下这个字还有些别的什么意思吗?

what if it doesn't e together中e together是什么意思

I think you have to draw him out字幕中译为“你必须去勾引他”字典里draw out 好像没这个意思,能帮我讲下吗?

第七集中 you've finally been able to crack your way into show business crack one's way to 是什么意思? 文中是用crack代替了别的一个什么字吗?

most women would kill for three guys like us是什么意思?

第八集中“you'll make a day of it ”中make a day of it 是什么意思?


1 Satan's minions at work again直译就是“撒旦的仆人又在工作了”,意思就是“XX又在为虎作伥了”,这个好像不是典故。

2 dirt的比喻义很多,就像汉语中的很多词一样,经常会根据其性质隐身出其他一些意思,这个在各种语言中都是很常见的现象。当然,自己造就不对了。建议查美国的一个在线字典:urbandictionary/,在上面的文本框输入"dirt"即可。

3e together:together就是一起的意思,跟e是分开的,并非词组。e在这里的意思应该是“发生”的意思,不过没有上下文可能不太准确。

4draw him out应该是美国粗俗俚语,是指将“他的老二”拔出,美国关于draw的粗俗俚语有好几个。美国年轻人开这样的玩笑是很常见的。

5crack one's way to的意思是“打开了一条路”,crack相当于break


7make a day of it: 把整天的时间用在某事上。



1Phoebe:I’m just such a  dummy



2Chandler:Phoebes,I don’t know if it it’s you kinda thing because it involves a lot being normal,for a large  portion  of the day



3Phoebe:Will he know what this is  in reference to


4Chandler:It pays to know who  wears my shoes



5Chandler:This has  noting to do with  him needing a note to get out of gym



6Rachel:He  stopped by



7Monica:Can we  drop  it now


8Monica:That was gonna be my  opener



9Monica:It’s  icky




1、I'll put a pillowcase over my head   Pillowcase:a cloth cover for a pillow,枕头套。

2、He could be alone This morning I heard him dopush-ups, and then talk to his triceps   tricep ,肱三头肌

3、Oh that tart floozy giant     tart,尖酸的/adj

floozy:a woman who has sexual relationships with a lot of

different men, in a way that you disapprove of ,妓女

giant , extremely big, and much bigger than other things of the

same type,巨大的/adj ; 伟人/n

4、How about the dinosaur twins in the other roomNo-one is manning that wall!   Dinosaur,恐龙,过时的人或物。

5、I think I hear curtains closing    curtain / 'kɜːtn , a piece of hanging cloth that can be pulled across to

cover a window, divide a room etc 窗帘,门帘,帘子

6、Not until you said it Somebody switch !  Switch, to replace one thing with another, or exchange things 交换,调换

7、Is it because of what might be on the bedspread ,because I saw that news report too, with the infra red and the I could just

Bedspread, an attractive cover for a bed that goes on top of all the

other covers 床罩

Infra/ ['ɪnfrə] ,以下,以后

8、He's probably in his room with his current girlfriend Charlie   current , /[kɝ​ənt], happening or existing now ,现在的,通用的,最近的

9、Oh, ju-ju-just stay calm Just be calm For all he knows we'rejust hanging out together Right Just be nonchalant

Calm/ [kɑm], relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset 镇静的,沉着的,心平气和的

Hang/[hæŋ] 悬挂,垂下,hang out ,挂出,闲逛;

Nonchalant/ [,nɑnʃə'lɑnt],behaving calmly and not seeming interested in anything or

worried about anything 如无其事的,毫不在乎的

10、don't you think he deserves the same from you  Deserve/ [dɪ'zɝv] to have earned something by good or bad actions or behavior应受,应得

11、Probably, yeah I mean, maybe we should hold off untilwe talk to Ross  hold off ,拖延 不接近

12、You're filthy   filthy/['fɪlθi]  肮脏的,污秽的,猥亵的

13、Oh, I uh, I mean, I dude, I spent the whole conference with Charlie   Conference/['kɑnfərəns]  会议,讨论,协商会议

14、Uhm You know, once we're in the air and the captainturns off the seatbelt sign you feel free to roam about my cabin

Roam/  [rom] to walk or travel, usually for a long time, with no clearpurpose or direction  漫游,漫步

Cabin/ ['kæbɪn] a small house, especially one built of wood in an area of

forest or mountains 小屋,客舱,船舱

15、And then when you get home, maybe there'll be aspecial delivery package waiting for you    Delivery/  [dɪ'lɪvəri] , the act ofbringing goods, letters etc to a particular person or place, or the things thatare brought递送,交付,递送的物品

16、Maybe I'll sign for it Tear it open Pull out the packing material    tear/ (for v) ˈter; (for n) ˈtir]  眼泪/n,撕扯/vt   

Pull out, 拔出,渡过难关,恢复健康

Material /[mə'tɪrɪəl] 重要的,实质的,肉体的/adj ,原料,材料/n

17、He's always in a good mood after the flight attendant says "duty free"    attendant/[ə'tɛndənt] , 伴随的,侍候的/adj;服务员,侍者/n

18、I mean, you're an incredible friend, you know that    Incredible/[ɪn'krɛdəbl]  难以置信的,不可思议的

19、You know, women appreciate honesty We also appreciate gentle spanking once in a while Just FYI

Appreciate/  [ə'priʃɪet] 欣赏,感激,领会

Spank/ [spæŋk],拍击使之前进,打……屁股

FYI=For Your Information

20、Her name is Precious Is she a purebred or did you pick her up atthe pound

Precious/ ['prɛʃəs],宝贵的,珍贵的/adj;人名,宝宝/n

Purebred/ ['pjʊr,brɛd,纯种的/adj;纯种的动物/n

Pound/ [paʊnd],英镑,兽栏,拘留所/n;敲打,拘留/v

21、if she gets upset , just scratch her tummy and give her a liver snout

Get upset,伤心,生气,感到不安;

Scratch/ [skrætʃ],抓,挠、轻抓

Tummy/ ['tʌmɪ],肚子,胃

Liver/ ['lɪvɚ] 肝脏,生活者,snout/ [snaʊt],

其中,“give her a liver snout”,就是“给她一块猪肝”,引用“加菲猫”里面的句子,就是“给一块猪肝逗逗那条狗”来引用到人身上

22、you're not having them taken out , say, at the break of dawn

At the break of dawn,在黎明时分,dawn/ [dɔn], 黎明/n,破晓/v

23、Here's the thing The cornrows were a solution to your frizzy hairproblem 

frizzy/ 'frɪzɪ] 卷曲的

24、 As I recall , Rachel said she had never noticed theshape of your skull before

As I recall,我记得……

Skull/ [skʌl] ,头盖骨 ,脑壳

25、Did she give you a bottle of antidepressants again to use as a rattle

Antidepressant/  [,æntɪdɪ'prɛsnt], 抗抑郁剂/n;抗抑郁的/adj

Rattle/ ['rætl] (婴儿玩的)拨浪鼓

26、Oh, major shampoo explosion  

Major/ ['medʒɚ], 主要的/adj  成年人/n  主修/v

Shampoo/ [ʃæm'pu] ,洗发精/n; 洗发/v

Explosion/ ɪk'sploʒən],爆炸、激增/n

27、Oh, my God Oh, and this is moisturizer ! It's even harder toclean!

Moisturizer/  ['mɔɪstʃəraɪzɛr],润肤膏

28、He's very sorry about that, and wishes you the best ofluck in all your endeavors

Endeavor/  [ɪn'dɛvɚ],努力,尽力/n/vt/vi

29、Mike's not worth this You're an attractive , intelligent woman


Intelligent/ [ɪn'tɛlɪdʒənt],聪明的,理解能力强的

30、I deserve to be treated with respect

Respect/  [rɪ'spɛkt],尊重,尊敬,方面/n,尊敬/vt

31、 Screw you , Mike You're a coward and a bastard , and I hope you rot inhell!

Screw/ [skru],旋转,压迫/v,螺丝钉,吝啬鬼/n   screw you,去你的,给我滚蛋;

Coward/ ['kaʊɚd],懦夫,胆小鬼/n,胆小的/adj

Rot/ [rɑt],腐败,腐烂/n;腐败、腐烂、(使)坠落/v

32、and, um, I got stuck

Stuck/ [stʌk],stick的过去式,刺/v;被卡住的/adj

33、If I untangle you, will you please get rid of the cornrows

Untangle/ [ʌn'tæŋg(ə)l],清理、整顿,解开……纠结/vt


Get rid of,脱掉、去掉、免除、解除

34、Some of these look a little frayed

Yeah, I tried to gnaw myself free

Fray/  [fre],争论、打架、磨损处/使磨损,变的令人紧张/vt,被磨损/vi

Gnaw/ [nɔ],咬、折磨、侵蚀/vivt

35、She's an FBI agent posing as a beauty contestant !

Posing as,冒充……的样子;

Contestant/ [kən'tɛstənt],竞争者,争辩者

Beauty contestant,选美参赛选手



If a sitcom that lasts for 10 years is considered popular, then surely one that still stirs up emotions after 20 must be considered a classic Friends first aired in the US in 1994, featuring a cast of six young men and women in New York In the time since, it’s become one of the most famous titles in the sitcom genre, aired in over 100 countries and regions in the world

如果一部情景喜剧播出10年堪称流行,那么播出20年后依旧令无数人挂怀的电视剧则是经典。《老友记》1994年在美国首播,讲述了六个生活在纽约的青年男女的 故事 。现在,该剧已经是最著名的情景喜剧之一,在全球超过100多个国家和地区播出。

The show is iconic among those who grew up in the 1990s because it explores core themes like friendship, struggling to survive in a big city, and finding independence and identity, all of which are still relevant to young audiences today


This is a story about six friends with precarious love lives who spend their days sitting in a cafe sipping coffee from oversized mugs Who’d have thought this premise would go on to become one of the most influential sitcoms of all time


Twenty-something show


According to Brett Mills, senior lecturer in film and television studies at the University of East Anglia in the UK, Friends was the first sitcom that directly addressed the problems faced by twenty-somethings Watching the show feels like reading the story of a young person’s life


“The key thing about Friends is that it’s about people working out how they are going to live their lives — what kind of relationships are they going to have, what kind of job, and the difficulties of settling down,” says Mills to the Daily Mail “You’re engaged in all those questions about escaping from your family, becoming an adult and working out what you want to be”And that’s one of the key issues in the youth culture of the 1990s

米尔斯在接受《每日邮报》采访中说,“《老友记》的核心是关于人要如何生活,他们想要怎样的友谊,找一份怎样的工作,以及寻找安定的不易。这些问题都是你在离开家、成长为大人、实现梦想之时所面临的。”而这也是90年代青春 文化 的主要内容。

Friends count too


It is also argued that Friends came about as the family unity of small-town America was being replicated in major urban centers as young people migrated without the maturity or streetsmarts to live alone Before Friends, sitcoms tended to focus on family dynamics, with parents being the central characters But when young people strike out on their own in the big city, who do they have for support They must rely on each other to endure through the overwhelming confusion of youth


Still relevant


Most of Friends was shot before cellular phones and Google were ubiquitous The clothes and gadgets seem a bit outdated these days Despite this, the show’s key elements still hold up remarkably well in the eyes of young viewers


The issues addressed in friends — relationships, careers, and friendship — continue to be relevant to today’s youth


In 2011, some seven years after the last season of Friends, over 36 million tuned into Comedy Central, a US satellite TV channel, to watch the show The main demographic for this channel is 16 to 34 year olds, and viewing figures spiked during holidays, when extra episodes are also shown

2011年,在《老友记》最后一季播出7年之后,美国卫星电视频道Comedy Central再次播放该剧,观看人数超过了3600万,而观众的年龄主要分布在16岁至34岁之间。假期时,看剧人数更是由于播放集数增加而飙升。

The show’s sense of humor remains keen without relying on nudity, swearing and sexting This gives the show a refreshing aura in an age where shows are constantly trying to push the envelope in terms of racy content


情景喜剧《老友记》英文 观后感

By the audience as a favorite sitcom, "Friends" wonderful life is not only from its original ecology of reproduction Although the "Friends" has all along strictly follow the US sitcom's basic rules: Each episode will be the climax of the story set off in a half-hour time limit attributed to calm From the production point of view, we not only can not find any particular place, but it will be able to behave with a lack of new ideas to describe it However, "Friends" is not your imagination as boring mediocrity Just watch an episode, no one can escape from good to be true to the story, the story of one climax after another, and all kinds of guest star of the "fatal temptation" Especially those who easily and people with humorous, contains a unique "American" humor, is lovely

"Friends" was a welcome one because it is fully equipped with consumption of Good quality, and more importantly, in constant laughter, it let us see another like us ordinary life, all kinds of Because of the emotions, principles, interests and status issues such as conflict, create a joke at the same time, family, friendship, love is here sublimation "Friends" has virtually become a mirror of everyday life, so that we can learn from life, to enjoy life and those of The Sound of Music

Almost all of popular television series like a little utopia, reflecting the reality, and drifted away from the reality in the "Friends", between six and their feelings of course also firmly attract the audience, the performance of the young people about the attitude of pure love For example, the past 10 years, play a pair of the most critical - Ross and Rachel, and their story touches the hearts of every audience, from Ross to come forward to the first 10 years of Secret Love Rachel tell the truth, then both love, breaking up , And then compound, and then breaking up repeatedly, noisy so that the young audience to understand a reason, perhaps, more often than not hate a person love a person even more difficult Chand and Monica and the combination is a lot closer to the lives of ordinary people, ordinary people of the two setbacks, and finally found each other like two children walking on the road, was wrestling, crying, and then finally Know how to pull each other's hands to comfort and support each other, go together


Last year, I was told that there was an American TV serial called “Friends” that enjoys an overwhelming popularity in America This semester I had an opportunity to watch it and from that moment on I learned that it had been filmed for ten years What a great accomplishment it is!

Indeed, The TV serial “Friends” has been a sensation throughout the world More and more Chinese audience are exposed to Friends and deeply impressed with the actors’ good performance and the funny stories I begin to think about the reason why it is so popular with people; what on earth motivated them to film the serial on end for more than ten yeas Before answering the questions, I give a briefing of the story and leading characters

It is a story in which six of typical young people live a common life They are Ross, Phoebe, Chandler, Monica, Joey, Rachel They have many conflicts in terms of emotion, principles, interest, and social status Meanwhile, the friendship and love are promoted to a new level This story actually mirrors our daily life and routines It also stimulates us to think about how to live a better life and appreciate the beauty of life

Some tips I gained from this story are as follow:

1 Pursuing love and it is difficult to love a person

Any popular TV serials are all like a small Utopia that not only reflects the reality but are faraway form reality In this story, the emotion between six people attracts much audience Their behavior demonstrate young people’s pure attitude towards love For instance, for ten years the story between the key couple Ross and Rachel moved the hearts of thousands of audience In the beginning Ross was too shy to express his love to Rachel and then fell in love with Rachel Later they broke up and then they reconciled in a short time Again and again, the love and experience between them bear a remarkable resemblance to common people’s life Two common persons fell in love after various kinds of arduous tests Like two children walking on the road, they once tumbled and cried and in the end hold his or her hand to stride forward in life

2 Cherishing affection among family members and respecting decisions made by parents

Every family has its own problems It is in the case of the family of six young people For instance the parents of Ross and Monica are very partial They take great pride in Ross and pay little attention to Monica When Phoebe is young, her father left home and her foster mother committed suicide What’s phoebe’s mother didn’t k know anything about her daughter’s situation After all, however, parents are parents One must have deep affection toward his or her parents Of course, six young people do love their parents

This story also tells us what attitude towards parents we should have First of all, don’t expect your parents are saint Don’t point out directly the demerits of parents Take Monica for example, she told her mother not to be rigorous In addition, we should endeavor to avoid conflicts with parents For instance, on Rachel’s birthday six of them organized two parties in order to save Rachel from meeting her parents

Besides, we should respect our parents’ decisions Although Joey didn’t like parents and sister’s behavior, he could nothing about it Affection makes us have no choice You cannot choose your parents or sisters You must accept them and they are equal to you

3 Cherishing friendship and trusting friends

Friendship is difficult to establish and easy to destroy The phenomenon happened to the six friends Chandler once chased Joey’s girlfriend and had a romance with Joey’s sister

They all have various defects Ross sometimes declares a dissertation like a a sealed book Chandler is an expert in making jokes Monica’s cleanliness and emulation is unbearable Rachel doesn’t do anything and can do nothing but shopping She even doesn’t know how to dispose waste What’s more terrible is Phoebe’s voice She loves singing but no one can afford to listen to

Nevertheless, we can learn a lot from them The solid friendship among them doesn’t just result from the demand of plots The real reason is they know the greatest principles of friendship: trust, tolerance and support They trust each other and tolerant others’ shortcoming and mistakes, what’s more, they support each other to do what he or she likes to do

4 Positive attitude toward life and no abuse

The reason why Friends has become a hit among young people lies in their positive attitude toward life Many people think their way of thinking is very simple and don’t have any corrupt practice They have strong sense of humor and often make a mistake However none of them have conspired to harm others Most jokes in the serial are almost their innocence and exaggerated performance

Another point is that they don’t have any corrupt practice Sometimes they drink a little to make a special atmosphere Although they support each other, they may quarrel with others about trifling things At last, however, they embrace each other and reconcile, saying: “I love you” Sometime you may feel that they are the most qualified citizens

These tips above are adequate answers to the questions posed before Of course, a good serial is a product of culture We know that American is multicultural country that respects liberty and individualism and independence and so on This serial presents us a live textbook of contemporary American culture and American lifestyles

Let’s mine some cultural backgrounds behind the scene

1 Left Boob

Once, Monica must go to work with fake corsage and searched everywhere for left boob At that time, Joey said he liked the movie Obviously, Joey correlated left Boob with the famous movie “My Left Foot” featured by Louis of course, this was a joke

2 Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty is a very popular doll in America Ross wanted to see her sister with broken leg and asked Monica what present she should bring Monica told her to bring a Hello Kitty This is a satiric saying

There are a lot cultural backgrounds behind the scene You cannot understand the joke if you are not familiar to the American culture From this point we need strengthen our understanding of American culture Only adequate background knowledge does enable us to fully enjoy this serial It is no wonder that we heard many Chinese students don’t understand where the fun in the TV serial is

The most impressive things at the first sight at the serial may are their funny and wise dialogues You may perceive the free mind and unique way of thinking behind the American culture Enjoying the fun in the language, you are definitely moved by their friendship and love The long Ten years’ “Friends” is miracle in the history of American TV

I love Joey’s freedom and innocence Phoebe is charming and full of wisdom Ross have good education and grace Rachel’s loveliness and beauty is impressive Chandler is humorous and nice Monica is arbitrary but generous

I have got used to American way of humor Some scenes are impressive For instance, they always embrace others to console them I feel it is a great way to show affection whether it is love or friendship I bet that embrace gives you a sense of security In China, embrace is almost a symbol for love not for friendship I think Chinese people are shier than Americans These are different characteristics of different nations

I begin to love the serial because of in many areas it teaches us a lot, including American social society and lifestyles and even American values

In conclusion, this TV serial is a masterpiece that influences numerous people What experience can we Chinese, especially Chinese young students draw from it In my view, we can learn three important views

First, youth is invaluable As a college student, I see many college students idle away on campus all days and don’t cherish youth days We should always maintain a state of young mind We should make good use of youth time to develop our strengths and to make contribution to our country

Second, respect parents and cherish friendship Chinese parents are well known for their dedication for children However, we children need dedicate more time and effort to accompanying parents Friendship is also precious that can lead us to a meaningful life We should trust friends and cooperate with friends

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原文地址: http://www.outofmemory.cn/langs/8864624.html

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