Two things need to note for unpack in Perl

Two things need to note for unpack in Perl,第1张

概述In item 116 of the book  "Effective Perl", author demonstrates how to use unpack to process fix-width columnar data. I tried to write a toy code for practice,  and found two things need to note. First

In item 116 of the book  "Effective Perl",author demonstrates how to use unpack to process fix-wIDth columnar data. I trIEd to write a toy code for practice, and found two things need to note.

First thing, MUST use  single quote '  before and after the format string, or you'll get unexpected result, because @xx can be parsed as an array in Perl if enclosed within double quote.

Second thing, format @xxx makes unpack move to specifIEd position,NOTICE here unpack will work from position xxx+1,not position xxx.

Code is as below.

      my     $format     =     'A2 @4 A10 @16 A6 @24 A*'    ;        
my $string = <<'ColUMMNAR'; ID First name MIDdle Last name 1 brian d foy 2 Joshua McAdams 3 Joseph N Hall ColUMMNAR
open my ( $fh ), '<' , \ $string ; my @headers = unpack $format , <$fh> ; my @names ; while ( <$fh> ) {      my %hash ;      @hash { @headers } = $_ ;      push @names ,128)">%hash ; }
use Data::Dumper:: names ; print Dumper ( \ @names );

Update:  I should say above format  of unpack in Perl is very similar with REXX.  Moreover,REXX is older than Perl,so MAYBE Perl community learned the pattern from REXX.


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