VSLua:将Lua语言无缝结合到Visual Studio当中 调试lua ,高亮lua

VSLua:将Lua语言无缝结合到Visual Studio当中 调试lua ,高亮lua,第1张

概述可以在vs上调试lua的插件,就是vslua。vslua不只能调试独立的lua脚本,而且还能调试luabind,luaplus等在C++中调用的lua函数。只需将vslua的编译器设置成带有lua导出符号的dll,就可以用这个dll进行调试lua了,相当方便。这样就可以抛弃以前的到处打印信息的做法了。真是相见恨晚啊。不过有一点,目前vslua只支持英文版的vs。   使用VSLua可以将Lua语言



使用VSLua可以将Lua语言轻松地集成到Visual Studio开发环境当中,包括语法高亮显示,自动输入和强大的调试工具。


VSLua - Lua for Visual Studio http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=414823

VSLua - Lua for Visual Studio
Posted by: Rob Loach at September 15,2006 1:17:11 PM

Trango Interactive announces the release of VSLua,an integrated Microsoft Visual Studio editor and deBUGger for the Lua,the most popular scripting language for vIDeo games.

VSLua is the first and only product that seamlessly integrates Lua scripts into MS Visual Studio environment thus making powerful Visual Studio features available to game programmers using Lua. Currently,most Lua developers use print statements and guesswork to deBUG their scripts. VSLua changes all that by provIDing a modern and efficIEnt solution for deBUGging Lua scripts. Lua developers can Now use Visual Studio and its familiar commands to edit,deBUG and manage Lua script projects making VSLua the only practical Lua development solution in the market today.

Some of the salIEnt features of VSLua are:
Use of Visual Studio editor for Lua scripts with Syntax hi-lighting and intellisense Full Visual Studio native deBUGging support with commands such as run time breakpoints,step in,step out,including stepPing in and out of C/C++ game code Watch and Stack window support for Lua variables and scripts. Workspace,project and integrated Visual Source Safe support for Lua scripts.

VSLua provIDes a level of productivity that developers expect from modern programming languages but was not available for Lua,even though it is the most wIDely used scripting language in computer games”,saID Ovais Ashraf,CEO of Trango Interactive. "VSLua will not only simplify Lua development but also allow developers to produce more robust game code by giving them ability to deBUG and fix complex BUGs efficIEntly.

Beta releases of VSLua were enthusiastically received by the Lua community. According to Mark Manyen,co-author of "Game Development with Lua" and a beta user,"VSLua represents a breakthrough in the usability of Lua. Writing complex scripts in Lua without VSLua is Now unthinkable." VSLua under went three month of extensive beta test and is Now available as a commercial product.

VSLua supports all official versions of Lua and is available for Visual Studio 2002,2003 and 2005. Custom versions of Lua are also supported. More information about features of VSLua can be found at Trango Interactive's website.


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的VSLua:将Lua语言无缝结合到Visual Studio当中 调试lua ,高亮lua全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决VSLua:将Lua语言无缝结合到Visual Studio当中 调试lua ,高亮lua所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://www.outofmemory.cn/langs/1267585.html

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