c – 对于给定的整数a,找到总和为a的所有唯一正整数组合

c – 对于给定的整数a,找到总和为a的所有唯一正整数组合,第1张

概述不是作业问题. 我正在阅读问题 here,我遇到了这个问题. 有人回答了.我已经尝试了很多来理解使用的递归,但我无法得到它.有人可以向我解释一下吗? Write a function, for a given number, print out all different ways to make this number, by using addition and any number equa 不是作业问题.
我正在阅读问题 here,我遇到了这个问题.

Write a function,for a given number,print out all different ways to make this number,by using addition and any number equal to or smaller than this number and greater than zero.

例如,给定a = 5,我们有以下七种方法来弥补5:

> 1,1,1
> 1,4
> 1,2
> 1,3
> 2,3
> 1,2,2
> 5


voID printSeq( int num,int a[],int len,int s ){    if( num <= 0 )    {        for( int j = 0 ; j < len ; j++ )            cout << a[ j ] << "," ;        cout << endl;        return;    }    for(int i = s ; i <= num ; i++)    {        a[ len ] = i;        printSeq( num - i,a,len + 1,i );    }}int main(){    int a[5];    printSeq(5,1);    cin.get();    return 0;}
解决方法 当遇到这样的问题时,通常从编辑器/ IDE退一步并通过在白板上绘制一个简单的案例来思考问题通常是个好主意.甚至不做伪代码,只是绘制一个流程图,说明这个问题的一个简单案例(例如a = 3)将如何一直向下.此外,首先不要担心重复组合.尝试找到一个解决方案,为您提供所有需要的组合,然后改进您的解决方案,不给您重复.在这种情况下,为什么不看一下a = 3的可管理案例呢?让我为你画一幅画.绿色复选标记表示我们已达到有效组合,红叉表示组合无效.



def getcombs(a,combo = None):    # initialize combo on first call of the function    if combo == None:        combo = []    combosum = sum(combo) # sum of numbers in the combo,note that sum([]) == 0    # simple case: we have a valID combination of numbers,i.e. combosum == a    if combosum == a:        yIEld combo # this simply gives us that combination,no recursion here!    # recursive case: the combination of numbers does not sum to a (yet)    else:        for number in range(1,a + 1): # try each number from 1 to a                           if combosum + number <= a:  # only proceed if we don't exceed a                extcombo = combo + [number] # append the number to the combo                # give me all valID combinations c that can be built from extcombo                for c in getcombs(a,extcombo):                    yIEld c


>>> combos = getcombs(3)>>> for combo in combos: print(combo)... [1,1][1,2][2,1][3]

这似乎工作正常,a = 5的另一个测试:

>>> combos = getcombs(5)>>> for combo in combos: print(combo)... [1,2][1,3][1,3,4][2,1][2,3][3,1][3,2][4,1][5]


def getcombs(a,combo = None):    # initialize combo on first call of the function    if combo == None:        combo = []    combosum = sum(combo) # sum of numbers in combo,no recursion here!    # recursive case: the combination of numbers does not sum to a (yet)    else:        lastnumber = combo[-1] if combo else 1 # last number appended        for number in range(lastnumber,a + 1): # try each number between lastnumber and a            if combosum + number <= a:                extcombo = combo + [number] # append the number to the combo                # give me all valID combinations that can be built from extcombo                for c in getcombs(a,extcombo):                    yIEld c


>>> combo = getcombs(5)>>> for combo in combos: print(combo)... [1,3][5]



以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c – 对于给定的整数a,找到总和为a的所有唯一正整数组合全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c – 对于给定的整数a,找到总和为a的所有唯一正整数组合所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://www.outofmemory.cn/langs/1234970.html

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