python – 使用meshgrid上两点之间的’n`节点计算最短路径

python – 使用meshgrid上两点之间的’n`节点计算最短路径,第1张

概述我在网格上定义了以下3D表面: %pylab inlinedef muller_potential(x, y, use_numpy=False): """Muller potential Parameters ---------- x : {float, np.ndarray, or theano symbolic variable} X coordina 我在网格上定义了以下3D表面:

%pylab inlinedef muller_potential(x,y,use_numpy=False):    """Muller potential    Parameters    ----------    x : {float,np.ndarray,or theano symbolic variable}    X coordinate. If you supply an array,x and y need to be the same shape,and the potential will be calculated at each (x,y pair)    y : {float,or theano symbolic variable}    Y coordinate. If you supply an array,y pair)    Returns    -------    potential : {float,or theano symbolic variable}    Potential energy. Will be the same shape as the inputs,x and y.    Reference    ---------    Code adapted from    """    aa = [-1,-1,-6.5,0.7]    bb = [0,11,0.6]    cc = [-10,-10,0.7]    AA = [-200,-100,-170,15]    XX = [1,-0.5,-1]    YY = [0,0.5,1.5,1]    # use symbolic algebra if you supply symbolic quantitIEs    exp = np.exp    value = 0    for j in range(0,4):        if use_numpy:            value += AA[j] * numpy.exp(aa[j] * (x - XX[j])**2 + bb[j] * (x - XX[j]) * (y - YY[j]) + cc[j] * (y - YY[j])**2)        else: # use sympy            value += AA[j] * sympy.exp(aa[j] * (x - XX[j])**2 + bb[j] * (x - XX[j]) * (y - YY[j]) + cc[j] * (y - YY[j])**2)    return value


minx=-1.5maxx=1.2miny=-0.2maxy=2ax=NonegrID_wIDth = max(maxx-minx,maxy-miny) / 50.0xx,yy = np.mgrID[minx : maxx : grID_wIDth,miny : maxy : grID_wIDth]V = muller_potential(xx,yy,use_numpy=True)V = ma.masked_array(V,V>200)contourf(V,40)colorbar();

我编写了以下代码来定义该网格上两点之间的最短路径.我在网格网格的两个相邻点之间使用的度量由(V [e] -V [cc])** 2给出,其中cc为当前单元,e为相邻单元之一.邻居定义为完全连接:包括对角线的所有直接邻居.

def dijkstra(V):    mask = V.mask    visit_mask = mask.copy() # mask visited cells    m = numpy.ones_like(V) * numpy.inf    connectivity = [(i,j) for i in [-1,1] for j in [-1,1] if (not (i == j == 0))]    cc = unravel_index(V.argmin(),m.shape) # current_cell    m[cc] = 0    P = {}  # dictionary of predecessors     #while (~visit_mask).sum() > 0:    for _ in range(V.size):        #print cc        neighbors = [tuple(e) for e in asarray(cc) - connectivity                      if e[0] > 0 and e[1] > 0 and e[0] < V.shape[0] and e[1] < V.shape[1]]        neighbors = [ e for e in neighbors if not visit_mask[e] ]        tentative_distance = [(V[e]-V[cc])**2 for e in neighbors]        for i,e in enumerate(neighbors):            d = tentative_distance[i] + m[cc]            if d < m[e]:                m[e] = d                P[e] = cc        visit_mask[cc] = True        m_mask = ma.masked_array(m,visit_mask)        cc = unravel_index(m_mask.argmin(),m.shape)    return m,Pdef shortestPath(start,end,P):    Path = []    step = end    while 1:        Path.append(step)        if step == start: break        step = P[step]    Path.reverse()    return asarray(Path)D,P = dijkstra(V)path = shortestPath(unravel_index(V.argmin(),V.shape),(40,4),P)




print path.shape[0]112


备注:如果我将使用的度量值从(V [e] -V [cc])** 2更改为V [e] -V [cc],这会增加负距离,我会获得看起来更好的图,因为它通过本地最低预期:

@H_502_48@解决方法 由于我想获得一个合理的路径,即潜在的样本盆,我写了下面的函数.为了完整性,我记得我写的dijkstra函数:

%pylabdef dijkstra(V,start):    mask = V.mask    visit_mask = mask.copy() # mask visited cells    m = numpy.ones_like(V) * numpy.inf    connectivity = [(i,1] if (not (i == j == 0))]    cc = start # current_cell    m[cc] = 0    P = {}  # dictionary of predecessors     #while (~visit_mask).sum() > 0:    for _ in range(V.size):        #print cc        neighbors = [tuple(e) for e in asarray(cc) - connectivity                      if e[0] > 0 and e[1] > 0 and e[0] < V.shape[0] and e[1] < V.shape[1]]        neighbors = [ e for e in neighbors if not visit_mask[e] ]        t.ntative_distance = asarray([V[e]-V[cc] for e in neighbors])        for i,Pstart,end = unravel_index(V.argmin(),4)D,P = dijkstra(V,start)def shortestPath(start,P):    Path = []    step = end    while 1:        Path.append(step)        if step == start: break        step = P[step]    Path.reverse()    return asarray(Path)path = shortestPath(start,P)




def get_neighbors(cc,V,visited_nodes):    connectivity = [(i,1] if (not (i == j == 0))]    neighbors = [tuple(e) for e in asarray(cc) - connectivity                  if e[0] > 0 and e[1] > 0 and e[0] < V.shape[0] and e[1] < V.shape[1]]    neighbors = [ e for e in neighbors if e not in visited_nodes ]    return neighborsdef extend_path(V,path,n):    """    Extend the given path with n steps    """    path = [tuple(e) for e in path]    visited_nodes = set()    for _ in range(n):        visited_nodes.update(path)        dist_min = numpy.inf        for i_cc,cc in enumerate(path[:-1]):            neighbors = get_neighbors(cc,visited_nodes)            next_step = path[i_cc+1]            next_neighbors = get_neighbors(next_step,visited_nodes)            join_neighbors = List(set(neighbors) & set(next_neighbors))            if len(join_neighbors) > 0:                tentative_distance = [ V[e] for e in join_neighbors ]                argmin_dist = argmin(tentative_distance)                if tentative_distance[argmin_dist] < dist_min:                    dist_min,new_step,new_step_index  = tentative_distance[argmin_dist],join_neighbors[argmin_dist],i_cc+1        path.insert(new_step_index,new_step)    return path


path_ext = extend_path(V,250)print len(path),len(path_ext)path_ext = numpy.asarray(path_ext)contourf(V,'w.-')plot(path_ext[:,path_ext[:,'r.-')colorbar()


rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 14,8for i_plot,n in enumerate(range(0,250,42)):    path_ext = numpy.asarray(extend_path(V,n))    subplot('23%d'%(i_plot+1))    contourf(V,40)    plot(path_ext[:,'r.-')    Title('%d path steps'%len(path_ext))


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