

## =======================================+SCRIPT BY Alexander Ezharjan+=======================================## ==========================================+date : 2020/12/12 +===============================================## ================================+contact : +=====================================## =============================================================================================================import sysimport osimport timeprint(    """XX   MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMss"""    """ssMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMMMMMMyy''                                    ''yyMMMMMMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMMyy''                                            ''yyMMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMy''                                                    ''yMMMMM   XXXX   MMMy'                                                          'yMMM   XXXX   Mh'                                                              'hM   XXXX   -                                                                  -   XXXX                                                                          XXXX   ::                                                                ::   XXXX   MMhh.        ..hhhhhh..                      ..hhhhhh..        .hhMM   XXXX   MMMMMh   ..hhMMMMMMMMMMhh.                .hhMMMMMMMMMMhh..   hMMMMM   XXXX   ---MMM .hMMMMdd:::dMMMMMMMhh..        ..hhMMMMMMMd:::ddMMMMh. MMM---   XXXX   MMMMMM MMmm''      'mmMMMMMMMMyy.  .yyMMMMMMMMmm'      ''mmMM MMMMMM   XXXX   ---mMM ''             'mmMMMMMMMM  MMMMMMMMmm'             '' MMm---   XXXX   yyyym'    .              'mMMMMm'  'mMMMMm'              .    'myyyy   XXXX   mm''    .y'     ..yyyyy..  """    "      "    """  ..yyyyy..     'y.    ''mm   XXXX           MN    .sMMMMMMMMMss.   .    .   .ssMMMMMMMMMs.    NM           XXXX           N`    MMMMMMMMMMMMMN   M    M   NMMMMMMMMMMMMM    `N           XXXX            +  .sMNNNNNMMMMMN+   `N    N`   +NMMMMMNNNNNMs.  +            XXXX              o+++     ++++Mo    M      M    oM++++     +++o              XXXX                                oo      oo                                XXXX           oM                 oo          oo                 Mo           XXXX         oMMo                M              M                oMMo         XXXX       +MMMM                 s              s                 MMMM+       XXXX      +MMMMM+            +++NNNN+        +NNNN+++            +MMMMM+      XXXX     +MMMMMMM+       ++NNMMMMMMMMN+    +NMMMMMMMMNN++       +MMMMMMM+     XXXX     MMMMMMMMMNN+++NNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN+++NNMMMMMMMMM     XXXX     yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy     XXXX   m  yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy  m   XXXX   MMm yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy mMM   XXXX   MMMm .yyMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM     MMMMMMMMMM     MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMyy. mMMM   XXXX   MMMMd   """    "hhhhh       odddo          obbbo        hhhh"    """   dMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMd             'hMMMMMMMMMMddddddMMMMMMMMMMh'             dMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMd              'hMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMh'              dMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMM-               ''ddMMMMMMMMMMMMMMdd''               -MMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMM                   '::dddddddd::'                   MMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMM-                                                  -MMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMMM                                                  MMMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMMMy                                                yMMMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMMMMy.                                            .yMMMMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMMMMMMy.                                        .yMMMMMMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMMMMMMMMy.                                    .yMMMMMMMMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMs.                                .sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMss.           ....           .ssMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM   XXXX   MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNo         oNNNNo         oNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM   XX""")def slowprint(s):    for c in s + "\n":        sys.stdout.write(c)        sys.stdout.flush()        time.sleep(10.0 / 100)slowprint("[!] Starting : ")time.sleep(5)os.system("clear")def slowprint(s):    for c in s + "\n":        sys.stdout.write(c)        sys.stdout.flush()        time.sleep(4.0 / 100)slowprint("    3[91mThe Easy")def slowprint(s):    for c in s + "\n":        sys.stdout.write(c)        sys.stdout.flush()        time.sleep(0.0 / 100)slowprint(    """3[1;31m 3[91m           __  ___                 ________                                     /  |/  /___ ______      / ____/ /_  ____ _____  ____ ____  _____     / /|_/ / __ `/ ___/_____/ /   / __ \/ __ `/ __ \/ __ `/ _ \/ ___/    / /  / / /_/ / /__/_____/ /___/ / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ /  __/ /       /_/  /_/\__,_/\___/      \____/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__, /\___/_/                                                        /____/3[97m             """)def slowprint(s):    for c in s + "\n":        sys.stdout.write(c)        sys.stdout.flush()        time.sleep(3.0 / 100)slowprint(    "\t\t                                         3[93mBy :Lamani Hani vegeta-LFH3[97m")print(" ")print("1- show the current MAC-ADDRESS")print("")print("2- change your MAC-ADDRESS Randomly")print("")print("3- change your MAC-ADDRESS Customly")print("")print("4- reset the original MAC-ADDRESS")print(" ")print("5- why change MAC-ADDRESS")print("")mohamed = input("3[92m[?] 3[96mmake your choise ==>")if mohamed == ("1"):    print(" ")    print("3[94m1 3[97m- 3[91mwlan0 3[97m( WIFI connexion)")    print("3[94m2 3[97m- 3[91meth0 3[97m( CABLE connection)")    print(" ")    lawla = input("   3[95m[?] 3[97menter your 3[91mconnection type 3[97m:")    if lawla == ("1"):        slowprint("3[97m")        os.system("macchanger -s wlan0")        print(" ")        alla = input("press any key to cuntinue")        os.system("clear")        os.system("python3")    if lawla == ("2"):        slowprint("3[97m")        os.system("macchanger -s eth0")        print(" ")        allah = input("press any key to cuntinue")        os.system("clear")        os.system("python3")if mohamed == ("2"):    print(" ")    print("3[94m1 3[97m- 3[91mwlan0 3[97m( WIFI connexion)")    print("3[94m2 3[97m- 3[91meth0 3[97m( CABLE connection)")    print(" ")    deuxs = input("   3[95m[?] 3[97menter your 3[91mconnection type 3[97m:")    if deuxs == ("2"):        slowprint("")        os.system("ifconfig eth0 down")        os.system("macchanger -r eth0")        os.system("ifconfig eth0 up")        print(" ")        hoho = input("press any key to cuntinue")        os.system("clear")        os.system("python3")    if deuxs == ("1"):        slowprint("")        os.system("ifconfig wlan0 down")        os.system("macchanger -r wlan0")        os.system("ifconfig wlan0 up")        print(" ")        hoho = input("press any key to cuntinue")        os.system("clear")        os.system("python3")if mohamed == ("4"):    print(" ")    print("3[94m1 3[97m- 3[91mwlan0 3[97m( WIFI connexion)")    print("3[94m2 3[97m- 3[91meth0 3[97m( CABLE connection)")    print(" ")    talta = input("   3[95m[?] 3[97menter your 3[91mconnection type 3[97m:")    if talta == ("2"):        print(" ")        slowprint("3[97m")        os.system("macchanger -p eth0")        print(" ")        lopa = input("press any key to cuntinue ")        os.system("clear")        os.system("python3")    if talta == ("1"):        print(" ")        slowprint("3[97m")        os.system("ifconfig wlan0 down")        os.system("macchanger -p wlan0")        os.system("ifconfig wlan0 up")        print(" ")        lopa = input("press any key to cuntinue ")        os.system("clear")        os.system("python3")def slowprint(s):    for c in s + "\n":        sys.stdout.write(c)        sys.stdout.flush()        time.sleep(8.0 / 100)if mohamed == ("5"):    print("3[97m")    slowprint(        """        [*] Static IP Assignment: Routers allow you to assign static IP addresses to your computers. When a device connects, it always receives a specific IP address if it has a matching MAC address   [*] MAC Address Filtering: Networks can use MAC address filtering, only allowing devices with specific MAC addresses to connect to a network. This isn’t a great security tool because people can spoof their MAC addresses.      [*] MAC Authentication: Some Internet service provIDers may require authentication with a MAC address and only allow a device with that MAC address to connect to the Internet. You may need to change your router or computer’s MAC address to connect.    [*] Device IDentification: Many airport Wi-Fi networks and other public Wi-Fi networks use a device’s MAC address to IDentify it. For example, an airport Wi-Fi network might offer a free 30 minutes and then ban your MAC address from receiving more Wi-Fi. Change your MAC address and you Could get more Wi-Fi. (Free, limited Wi-Fi may also be tracked using browser cookies or an account system.)   [*] Device Tracking: Because they’re unique, MAC addresses can be used to track you. When you walk around, your smartphone scans for nearby Wi-Fi networks and broadcasts its MAC address. A company named Renew London used trash bins in the city of London to track people’s movements around the city based on their MAC addresses. Apple’s iOS 8 will use a random MAC address each time it scans for nearby Wi-Fi networks to prevent this sort of tracking.                                                                                      Lamani-Hani               """    )def slowprint(s):    for c in s + "\n":        sys.stdout.write(c)        sys.stdout.flush()        time.sleep(3.0 / 100)if mohamed == ("3"):    print(" ")    print("3[94m1 3[97m- 3[91mwlan0 3[97m( WIFI connexion)")    print("3[94m2 3[97m- 3[91meth0 3[97m( CABLE connection)")    print(" ")    rabaa = input("   3[95m[?] 3[97menter your 3[91mconnection type 3[97m:")    if rabaa == ("2"):        print(" ")        os.system("ifconfig eth0 down")        dire = input("3[95m[?] 3[97menter THE NEW 3[92mMAC-ADDRESS 3[97m: ")        os.system("ifconfig eth0 down")        os.system("macchanger -m" + (dire) + " eth0")        os.system("ifconfig eth0 up")        print("done")    if rabaa == ("1"):        os.system("ifconfig wlan0 down")        print(" ")        dire = input("3[95m[?] 3[97menter THE NEW 3[92mMAC-ADDRESS 3[97m: ")        os.system("ifconfig wlan0 down")        os.system("macchanger -m" + (dire) + " wlan0")        os.system("ifconfig wlan0 up")        print("done")





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