

概述只给两个课时的人工智能作业动物专家系统实验,局限性很多。设置规则时1-8时已经最大可能避免的规则冲突,所以基本没有规则冲突处理。对规则9-15采用FIRST法处理冲突。PS:前端界面如果有时间会做的,到时候更新贴出来。一 实验目的 熟悉掌握基于规则系统的表示与推理二实

一 实验目的 
二 实验内容
三 设计思路

features = ["有奶", "有毛发", "有羽毛", "会飞", "会下蛋",  \            "吃肉", "有犬齿", "有爪","眼盯前方", "有蹄", "嚼反刍",\            "黄褐色", "身上有暗斑点", "身上有黑色条纹", "有长脖子", \            "有长腿", "不会飞", "会游泳", "有黑白二色", "善飞",\            "哺乳动物", "鸟", "食肉动物", "蹄类动物", "金钱豹", "虎",\            "长颈鹿", "斑马", "鸵鸟", "企鹅", "信天翁"]


rule1 = [2]   # if 动物有毛发2  then  动物是哺乳动物21rule2 = [1]   # if 动物有奶1  then  动物是哺乳动物21rule3 = [3]   # if 动物有羽毛3  then  动物是鸟22rule4 = [4, 5]  # if 动物会飞4 and  会生蛋5 then  动物是鸟22rule5 = [6]  # if 动物吃肉6 then 动物是食肉动物23rule6 = [7, 8, 9]  # if 动物有犀利牙齿7 and 有爪8 and 眼向前方9 then 动物是食肉动物23rule7 = [21, 10]  # if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 有蹄10 then 动物是有蹄类动物24rule8 = [21, 11]  # if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 反刍11 then 动物是有蹄类动物24rule9 = [21, 23, 12, 13]  # if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是豹25rule10 = [21, 23, 12, 14]  # if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是虎26rule11 = [24, 15, 16, 13]  # if动物是有蹄类动物24  and 有长脖子15 and 有长腿16 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是长颈鹿27rule12 = [24, 14]  # if 动物是有蹄类动物24 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是斑马28rule13 = [22, 17, 16, 15, 19]  # if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 有长脖子16 and 有长腿15 and 有黑白二色15 then 动物是鸵鸟29rule14 = [22, 17, 18, 19]  # if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 会游泳18 and 有黑白二色19 then  动物是企鹅30rule15 = [22, 4, 5]  # if 动物是鸟22 and善飞4 and 会生蛋5 then 动物是信天翁31

如:选择特征中包含特征2则可根据rule1: if 动物有毛发2 then 动物是哺乳动物21,向事实数据库中加入特征21
如:经过上述规则1-8推导后的事实数据库为【4,5,21,22】,rule15 = [22, 4, 5]为其子集,则可判定动物为信天翁31

answer = input('\n请选择动物的特征编号,用空格隔开,回车结束输入:')    # 接收到的answer是一个字符串    answer = List(answer.split())    new_answer = [int(x) for x in answer]    print("事实库:",new_answer)    print("正向推理过程如下:")    if set(rule1)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule1:2->21\tif 动物有毛发2  then  动物是哺乳动物21')        new_answer.append(21)    if set(rule2)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule2:1->21\tif 动物有奶1  then  动物是哺乳动物21')        new_answer.append(21)    if set(rule3)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule3:3->22\tif 动物有羽毛3  then  动物是鸟22')        new_answer.append(22)    if set(rule4)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule4:4+5->22\tif 动物会飞4 and  会生蛋5 then  动物是鸟22')        new_answer.append(22)    if set(rule5)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule5:6->23\tif 动物吃肉6 then 动物是食肉动物23')        new_answer.append(23)    if set(rule6)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule6:7+8+9->23\tif 动物有犀利牙齿7 and 有爪8 and 眼向前方9 then 动物是食肉动物23')        new_answer.append(23)    if set(rule7)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule7:21+10->24\tif 动物是哺乳动物21 and 有蹄10 then 动物是有蹄类动物24')        new_answer.append(24)    if set(rule8)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule8:21+11->24\tif 动物是哺乳动物21 and 反刍11 then 动物是有蹄类动物24')        new_answer.append(24)    print("正向推理结果为:",new_answer)    if set(rule9)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是豹25")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[24])    elif set(rule10)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是虎26")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[25])    elif set(rule11)<=set(new_answer):        print("if动物是有蹄类动物24  and 有长脖子15 and 有长腿16 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是长颈鹿27")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[26])    elif set(rule12)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是有蹄类动物24 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是斑马28")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[27])    elif set(rule13)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 有长脖子16 and 有长腿15 and 有黑白二色15 then 动物是鸵鸟29")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[28])    elif set(rule14)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 会游泳18 and 有黑白二色19 then  动物是企鹅30")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[29])    elif set(rule15)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是鸟22 and善飞4 and 会生蛋5 then 动物是信天翁31")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[30])

如,选择动物金钱豹25,则所需事实为:[21, 23, 12, 13]
C.循环遍历需要的事实列表,如**[21, 23, 12, 13]**。判断每一个元素是否在事实数据库中存在,如果存在则继续遍历,不存在则判断事实库中中是否包含能够推出此事实的规则,如:21可根据规则1、2推导出如果有则继续遍历,没有,则推理失败。

    animal=int(input('\n请选择动物的种类编号,回车结束输入:'))    answer = input('\n请选择动物的特征编号,用空格隔开,回车结束输入:')    # 接收到ans的wer是一个字符串    answer = List(answer.split())    new_answer = [int(x) for x in answer]    print("事实库:", new_answer)    print("逆向推理过程如下:")    real=[]    if animal==25:        print(features[animal-1],'rule9:25->21,23,12,13  if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是豹25')        real=rule9    elif animal==26:        print(features[animal-1],'rule10:26->21,23,12,114  if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是虎26')        real=rule10    elif animal==27:        print(features[animal-1],'rule11:27->24, 15, 16, 13  if动物是有蹄类动物24  and 有长脖子15 and 有长腿16 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是长颈鹿27')        real=rule11    elif animal==28:        print(features[animal-1],'rule12:28->24, 14  if 动物是有蹄类动物24 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是斑马28')        real=rule12    elif animal==29:        print(features[animal-1],'rule13:29->22, 17, 16, 15, 19  if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 有长脖子16 and 有长腿15 and 有黑白二色15 then 动物是鸵鸟29')        real=rule13    elif animal==30:        print(features[animal-1],'rule14:30->22, 17, 18, 19  if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 会游泳18 and 有黑白二色19 then  动物是企鹅30')        real=rule14    elif animal==31:        print(features[animal-1],'rule15:31->22, 4, 5  if 动物是鸟22 and善飞4 and 会生蛋5 then 动物是信天翁31')        real=rule15    key=0    for i in real:            if i in new_answer:                print(i)                continue            elif i ==21:                if set(rule1)<=set(new_answer) :                    print("rule1:21->2  if 动物有毛发2  then  动物是哺乳动物21")                    continue                elif set(rule2)<=set(new_answer):                    print("rule2:21->1  if 动物有奶1  then  动物是哺乳动物21")                    continue            elif i==22:                if set(rule3) <= set(new_answer):                    print("rule3:22->3  if 动物有羽毛3  then  动物是鸟22")                    continue                elif set(rule4) <= set(new_answer):                    print("rule4:22->4,5  if 动物会飞4 and  会生蛋5 then  动物是鸟22")                    continue            elif i == 23:                if set(rule5) <= set(new_answer):                    print("rule5:23->6  if 动物吃肉6 then 动物是食肉动物23")                    continue                elif set(rule6) <= set(new_answer):                    print("rule6:23->7,8,9  if 动物有犀利牙齿7 and 有爪8 and 眼向前方9 then 动物是食肉动物23")                    continue            elif i == 24:                if set(rule7) <= set(new_answer) :                    print("rule7:24->21,10  if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 有蹄10 then 动物是有蹄类动物24")                    continue                elif set(rule8) <= set(new_answer):                    print("rule8:24->21,11  if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 反刍11 then 动物是有蹄类动物24")                    continue            else:                key=1    if key==0:            print("推导成功!")    elif key==1:            print("推导失败!")

四 完整代码

#特征,综合数据库features = ["有奶", "有毛发", "有羽毛", "会飞", "会下蛋",  \            "吃肉", "有犬齿", "有爪","眼盯前方", "有蹄", "嚼反刍",\            "黄褐色", "身上有暗斑点", "身上有黑色条纹", "有长脖子", \            "有长腿", "不会飞", "会游泳", "有黑白二色", "善飞",\            "哺乳动物", "鸟", "食肉动物", "蹄类动物", "金钱豹", "虎",\            "长颈鹿", "斑马", "鸵鸟", "企鹅", "信天翁"]#规则库rule1 = [2]   # if 动物有毛发2  then  动物是哺乳动物21rule2 = [1]   # if 动物有奶1  then  动物是哺乳动物21rule3 = [3]   # if 动物有羽毛3  then  动物是鸟22rule4 = [4, 5]  # if 动物会飞4 and  会生蛋5 then  动物是鸟22rule5 = [6]  # if 动物吃肉6 then 动物是食肉动物23rule6 = [7, 8, 9]  # if 动物有犀利牙齿7 and 有爪8 and 眼向前方9 then 动物是食肉动物23rule7 = [21, 10]  # if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 有蹄10 then 动物是有蹄类动物24rule8 = [21, 11]  # if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 反刍11 then 动物是有蹄类动物24rule9 = [21, 23, 12, 13]  # if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是豹25rule10 = [21, 23, 12, 14]  # if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是虎26rule11 = [24, 15, 16, 13]  # if动物是有蹄类动物24  and 有长脖子15 and 有长腿16 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是长颈鹿27rule12 = [24, 14]  # if 动物是有蹄类动物24 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是斑马28rule13 = [22, 17, 16, 15, 19]  # if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 有长脖子16 and 有长腿15 and 有黑白二色15 then 动物是鸵鸟29rule14 = [22, 17, 18, 19]  # if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 会游泳18 and 有黑白二色19 then  动物是企鹅30rule15 = [22, 4, 5]  # if 动物是鸟22 and善飞4 and 会生蛋5 then 动物是信天翁31print('以下是一些动物的特征:')i = 0while i < 24:    print('%d' %(i+1) +'.'+ features[i]+ '  ', end='')    i = i+1    if i % 8 == 0:        print('\n')print('以下是可识别的动物:')while i < 31:    print('%d' %(i+1) +'.'+ features[i]+ '  ', end='')    i = i+1flag= int(input('\n请选择\n1:正向推理\n2:反向推理\n'))if flag==1:    answer = input('\n请选择动物的特征编号,用空格隔开,回车结束输入:')    # 接收到的answer是一个字符串    answer = List(answer.split())    new_answer = [int(x) for x in answer]    print("事实库:",new_answer)    print("正向推理过程如下:")    if set(rule1)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule1:2->21\tif 动物有毛发2  then  动物是哺乳动物21')        new_answer.append(21)    if set(rule2)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule2:1->21\tif 动物有奶1  then  动物是哺乳动物21')        new_answer.append(21)    if set(rule3)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule3:3->22\tif 动物有羽毛3  then  动物是鸟22')        new_answer.append(22)    if set(rule4)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule4:4+5->22\tif 动物会飞4 and  会生蛋5 then  动物是鸟22')        new_answer.append(22)    if set(rule5)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule5:6->23\tif 动物吃肉6 then 动物是食肉动物23')        new_answer.append(23)    if set(rule6)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule6:7+8+9->23\tif 动物有犀利牙齿7 and 有爪8 and 眼向前方9 then 动物是食肉动物23')        new_answer.append(23)    if set(rule7)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule7:21+10->24\tif 动物是哺乳动物21 and 有蹄10 then 动物是有蹄类动物24')        new_answer.append(24)    if set(rule8)<=set(new_answer):        print('rule8:21+11->24\tif 动物是哺乳动物21 and 反刍11 then 动物是有蹄类动物24')        new_answer.append(24)    print("正向推理结果为:",new_answer)    if set(rule9)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是豹25")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[24])    elif set(rule10)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是虎26")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[25])    elif set(rule11)<=set(new_answer):        print("if动物是有蹄类动物24  and 有长脖子15 and 有长腿16 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是长颈鹿27")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[26])    elif set(rule12)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是有蹄类动物24 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是斑马28")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[27])    elif set(rule13)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 有长脖子16 and 有长腿15 and 有黑白二色15 then 动物是鸵鸟29")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[28])    elif set(rule14)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 会游泳18 and 有黑白二色19 then  动物是企鹅30")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[29])    elif set(rule15)<=set(new_answer):        print("if 动物是鸟22 and善飞4 and 会生蛋5 then 动物是信天翁31")        print("结果为:", end=" ")        print(features[30])    else:        print('识别失败!')elif flag==2:    animal=int(input('\n请选择动物的种类编号,回车结束输入:'))    answer = input('\n请选择动物的特征编号,用空格隔开,回车结束输入:')    # 接收到ans的wer是一个字符串    answer = List(answer.split())    new_answer = [int(x) for x in answer]    print("事实库:", new_answer)    print("逆向推理过程如下:")    real=[]    if animal==25:        print(features[animal-1],'rule9:25->21,23,12,13  if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是豹25')        real=rule9    elif animal==26:        print(features[animal-1],'rule10:26->21,23,12,114  if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 是食肉动物23 and 有黄褐色12 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是虎26')        real=rule10    elif animal==27:        print(features[animal-1],'rule11:27->24, 15, 16, 13  if动物是有蹄类动物24  and 有长脖子15 and 有长腿16 and 有暗斑点13 then 动物是长颈鹿27')        real=rule11    elif animal==28:        print(features[animal-1],'rule12:28->24, 14  if 动物是有蹄类动物24 and 有黑色条纹14 then 动物是斑马28')        real=rule12    elif animal==29:        print(features[animal-1],'rule13:29->22, 17, 16, 15, 19  if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 有长脖子16 and 有长腿15 and 有黑白二色15 then 动物是鸵鸟29')        real=rule13    elif animal==30:        print(features[animal-1],'rule14:30->22, 17, 18, 19  if 动物是鸟22 and 不会飞17 and 会游泳18 and 有黑白二色19 then  动物是企鹅30')        real=rule14    elif animal==31:        print(features[animal-1],'rule15:31->22, 4, 5  if 动物是鸟22 and善飞4 and 会生蛋5 then 动物是信天翁31')        real=rule15    key=0    for i in real:            if i in new_answer:                print(i)                continue            elif i ==21:                if set(rule1)<=set(new_answer) :                    print("rule1:21->2  if 动物有毛发2  then  动物是哺乳动物21")                    continue                elif set(rule2)<=set(new_answer):                    print("rule2:21->1  if 动物有奶1  then  动物是哺乳动物21")                    continue            elif i==22:                if set(rule3) <= set(new_answer):                    print("rule3:22->3  if 动物有羽毛3  then  动物是鸟22")                    continue                elif set(rule4) <= set(new_answer):                    print("rule4:22->4,5  if 动物会飞4 and  会生蛋5 then  动物是鸟22")                    continue            elif i == 23:                if set(rule5) <= set(new_answer):                    print("rule5:23->6  if 动物吃肉6 then 动物是食肉动物23")                    continue                elif set(rule6) <= set(new_answer):                    print("rule6:23->7,8,9  if 动物有犀利牙齿7 and 有爪8 and 眼向前方9 then 动物是食肉动物23")                    continue            elif i == 24:                if set(rule7) <= set(new_answer) :                    print("rule7:24->21,10  if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 有蹄10 then 动物是有蹄类动物24")                    continue                elif set(rule8) <= set(new_answer):                    print("rule8:24->21,11  if 动物是哺乳动物21 and 反刍11 then 动物是有蹄类动物24")                    continue            else:                key=1    if key==0:            print("推导成功!")    elif key==1:            print("推导失败!")




原文地址: http://www.outofmemory.cn/langs/1183665.html

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